
Chronicle's of the Nameless Shadow

Looks like Truck-kun has finally taken victim again. After being forcefully transferred into a novel he was reading, our main character, Noel, decided to just ignore everything in the main plot and focus on his way escaping that world. "I mean, think about it. The main character will handle everything anyway. I can just stay in the background without attracting any attention." Defeating an Ancient Order of Demon Worshippers? Hell nah, I don't wanna risk dying.

Anonymous01_ · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Fatebound (2)

By the time I was done with my grass-eating session, it was already sunset.

"Good Evening, Noel."

Isla, the innkeeper's daughter calls my name. We talked a few times yesterday.

"Evening, Isla."

She nods her head and gives me a slight smile before continuing on her job as the inn waitress.

My body was pouring with sweat due to all that painful grass-eating session. Last time I asked, there was a hot spring bath nearby, might as well visit that and buy some clothes.

Besides, word on the street said Arcane Academy exam would begin next month, which means the "Event" should happen around this time.


Where the Viscountess' only daughter was assassinated.

"I will need some time to think about it."

Whether I should save her and ruin the story plot... or let her die and follow the original line.

"...I can already feel the nausea coming back."


At night after I finished my errands, I decided to take a visit to the forest. There is something I want to try that I could not do indoors.


Yes, I want to try my sword!

I never had the chance to do this in my previous world even though swords look so cool, maybe this another-world thingies was not so bad, after all.


I give it another swing to truly grasp the feel.

It felt a little odd at first, but after half an hour of repeating the same motion, it started to feel natural.

"As expected, even though I never wielded a sword before."

It's similar to the time I was trying magic, like a muscle memory.

Whoever body I invaded must have its fair share of experience in battle.

Now then, time to do what I come here for.

I swing my sword as hard as I can, as blue light glows brightly around the blade.



The impact went beyond my expectations. The thick canopy tree I aimed at was cut clean like butter as it slowly fell to the ground.

"This is incredible."

I have seen a ton of magical power in movies before, but witnessing it firsthand truly feels different.

So my deduction was correct,

A swordsman who uses magic to buff themselves in combat.

Last night, I tried various common low-tiered spells and started to understand what this person's fighting style is.

He lacks invocation magic where you can deal damage directly to the enemy like Fireball or Lightning Bolt.

Instead, he's specialized in recovery and buffs magic to make him stronger.

"I prefer to just shoot spells from far away, but it can't be helped."

The entrance exam is in one month, there's no time to be picky. I have to use what I can use for the moment.

"There's still a few hours before midnight, might as well practice swinging more before returning."


Swift Finger Robin—earned his nickname by effortlessly stealing the most valuable items without anyone noticing until it was too late.

He had been staying at the inn for a few days now and had already figured out how the alarm devices worked.

Sneaking around the inn was easy, there was no security at all. After everyone fell asleep, he could simply take a stroll, pick the lock, and then slip away unnoticed.

Easiest money he ever made.

"The guards have been increasing their patrols lately. I should move on to another city after tonight." He whispers.


It had been a long night for Captain Gerrard.

A direct order from the Viscountess herself.

If he fails the task given just after his promotion, he will immediately be demoted or even fired.

Even now, he was patrolling the area until midnight, just in case he found something. Though he doesn't expect much.

"I suppose notorious thieves like him can't be caught by aimless patrolling alone."

He stared at the night sky with a heavy sigh. 

The mere thought of failing a task assigned by Viscountess Leticia made him want to retire in place.

Gerrard had witnessed the Viscountess's prowess before.

"She's one hell of a scary person."

The silent night continued, punctuated only by the sound of Gerrard's footsteps.

As he walked, something caught his eye.

"!? Fast."

What was that?

He had never seen anything move so fast before.

"Is it?"

It had to be him, the thief.

"Should I give chase? But with that speed..."

Chasing the thief would prove futile. In the darkness of night, if he were to be ambushed, it could cost him his life.

"...One thing's for sure, I need to come up with ideas to slow down that speed of his. But for now, I should report this to the night guards first."


"He saw me." Robin halted in his tracks.

"He must have already alerted the night watch to my last location. I need to leave this city swiftly."

Robin continued leaping from roof to roof. If there was one thing he could rely on to escape, it was his speed.

It's never failed him until now.

"Once the guards gather here, I'll already be at the city gate. From then on, it'll be an easy escape."

Soon enough, the gate was in sight.

"It's been a trip, but you guys were a day too late to catch me."

Now he just needed to deceive the guard and slip through.

Removing the hood, the face of a maiden with short silver hair and blue eyes emerged. Her snow-white skin gleamed in the darkness of the night as she adjusted her stance, subtly accentuating her curves.


Her specialty.

"I'm cute."

She's cute.

And she knew it.

After striking a triumphant pose and spending a few minutes adjusting her hair out of insecurity, she is now ready!

Casually strolling to the gate, she scanned the area for anything irregular.


She glanced at the guard standing by.

'He seems young, this one will be easy.'

Every type of person had their own approach, but the least experienced ones were always the easiest.

Especially if they were boys.

"Halt. What brings you out wandering around here at night?"

Readying his weapon, the young guard eyed Robin with caution.



She dashed towards him, letting out her most feminine voice, completely exaggerated.

This would confuse an inexperienced virgin like him.

Then, as she got close enough, she went for his chest, showing him tears that she completely faked while looking at him straight in the eyes!

"...!? H-huh?"

Good, he startled.

Now that the skinship and eye contact had been made, next!

"Someone was trying to assault me in that dark alley! Please, you must help me!"

Confuse him even more with fake information!

Human brains often can't make the correct decision in fast unexpected situations.

"Please! Help me! He's right there!"

Then the rest was just directing!

"O-oh? I-I mean, right! Please wait here where it's safe, miss!"

How easy.

"Oh, I will be safe, Mr. Guard~"

Looking at Mr. Guard right there, she does feel a twinge of guilt.

He ran towards the alley with all his heart.

"Oh, well, not my fault he's an idiot. Now it's my chance."

Before she could make her move, she heard shouts in the distance growing louder as they approached her.

"Check the area thoroughly, ensure no one is hiding!"

"The thief was sprinting away at full speed, he's intent on escaping the city. Search the entire vicinity around the gates!"

How annoying, the guards were not as dumb as she thought they were.

Being here will only cause further problems, farewell Rosemount.


She had already sprinted quite a distance, surely she was safe now. Utilizing the cover of the woods, she should be able to slip away easily.

Though something feels off...

"It's too silent."

Not even the sound of an owl, insects, or snakes scurrying around.

Was she just being paranoid?

"Now I'm fearing something that doesn't even exist. This is dumb."

She said it out loud as if trying to convince herself, giving a little chuckle to calm her nerves.



In an instant, she lunged, moving so swiftly that to untrained eyes, it would seem as though she had vanished.

'Footsteps, they're doing well trying to hide it.'

She needs to get out of there. she doesn't know who's following her, but it can't be good.

The silence in the forest was most probably their doing. Something had scared away the wild animals.

'Tch, I have to speed up. They could strike from any direction!'

Robin froze, her eyes wide open,

'The footsteps stopped.' They're preparing to attack.

Considering they waited for her to enter the forest on her own, the pursuer was definitely not part of the city guard.

They come to kill.

Right now, her position was exposed while her enemy remained hidden.

Shrouded in darkness and concealed by the trees, it was the worst possible scenario.

Robin stood still, focusing intently on catching any sound she could.

'They're too silent, it's impossible, next.'

She'll just have to bet for it.






A man dressed in black from head to toe had his sword parried instantly by Robin's dagger.

She swiftly pulled another dagger from her sleeve, aiming a strike straight at the assassin's throat.


He barely evaded death, quickly jumping back into the shadows.


Now that she had located her pursuer, she couldn't afford to lose sight of him.

'Who knows when he'll attack again. I don't like pushing my luck too far by taking another chance like that.'

The man's speed was quickly outmatched by Robin, as he desperately raised his blade to deflect her multiple strikes.


He countered her attack as fast as he could, but Robin quickly stepped back and circled around him.

Using every tree and branch, she maneuvered to prevent his escape and end the fight quickly.

Her circling speed intensified until—

"I see you!"

The assassin pulled out multiple poisonous knives and hurled them at Robin.

But she seemed to vanish, as if she had never been there.

'He's easy to fool,' she thought, 'I was slowing down on purpose.'

Right at his nape, one decent stab would end him instantly. She lunged closer with her top speed.



A powerful slash countered her incoming attack, its strength almost impossible for a human.


She was sent flying back a few meters until her back collided with a large tree, her hand still trembling from the impact.

"Huft... Huft...-!?"

Before she could regain her focus, the assassin, now with eyes glowing an unnatural crimson, surged towards her with a speed even greater than before, like a predator closing in on its prey.

"DIE!!! WOMAN!!!"

'Wait, will I die here? Of all places? N-no!'

Fleeting memories.

"If only you were never born."

"How about we just sell her to a slave trader?"

Robin's past flashed through her mind. People say that you'll remember what is precious to you in your last thoughts before dying, but that's wrong.

What you remember are your core memories.

Whether they're good or bad.

Happy or traumatizing.

This was Robin's last thought.


At the very last second of the assassin's strike, it was as if time itself slowed down.

As her blue iris glowed in the darkness with a silver light, in this singular moment, everything seemed to move at a glacial pace.

Robin stepped to the side, dodging the killing blow with ease.

In that moment, she felt... invincible.

However, that feeling didn't last long.


As if waking up from a trance, she felt her consciousness returning.

'It happened again... these occurrences have been becoming more frequent lately.'

What's actually happening to her?

Robin takes a glance at the assassin, who stares at her dumbfounded.

"... You dodged that?" he asks.

"I don't believe the Viscountess sent you, and I rarely pick fights with criminal organizations. How about you let me go, and I'll give you every single gem and magic item I stole?"

The assassin remains silent, his eyes fixated on Robin.

"Now, old man, no need to stare at me like that; it's kind of gross."

"That eye."


"I was wondering why the lord wanted you so badly. So, that's how it is. For its wielder to even avoid my strike when they're still a kid like you."

'What's this old man grumbling about? Creep.'

"But it doesn't matter. I can tell you don't have full control over when it'll activate. Next time, it won't save you."

Charging up his next attack, his eyes began to glow even brighter.

'So there's no other choice...'

With her heart pounding, Robin poses a defensive stance. She honed her sense to the very limit to track every single movement in front of her.

'I hold two daggers against his single sword, If I time my parry just right, I can counter with my second blade, leaving him defenseless.'

The tip of a blade was right in front of her eyes the very next second.

"Don't you underestimate me girl."

It's over just in a moment.

Robin doesn't even have the chance to scream.

Sent hurtling through the air, Robin crashed through the forest, her body slamming into trees with bone-jarring force until the momentum ceased.

"Such a pity, to meet your end in this insignificant place." he remarked.

With a few more years of honing her skills, he was certain the outcome of their encounter would be drastically different.

Despite that, tonight's victory belonged to him.

"Now let's take you to meet the Lord."

I say that the latter chapter will be longer, I was not lying.

Anonymous01_creators' thoughts