

Southern New Hampshire University looks stunning, with the green lawns and the simple building. I stop the car by the side of the road near the university gate.

"Are you kidding me?" Chad asks

I look at him in shock


"Come on you can't pack your car here."

"I am new, I don't want to take someone else's parking spot. I had drama and beefing with people." I argue

Chad rolls his eyes

"It's a public park, no eggs laid there by anyone."

Where technically he is right, but when I think about it, I don't want to argue with some guy or girl over a parking spot which can be an advantage for them because I am new, not that I am agreeing to be bullied around or told what to do, I just dread conflict. And besides, people in schools have those spots they usually like to park their cars in.

"Okay, drive and you can take my parking spot." Chad says putting the word "Parking spot" In commas as he spoke.


I start the car once more and continue to drive in the pathway that shows a gorgeous building, my new university.

Chad directs me to a parking spot and I then take a deep breath and kill the engine.

"Don't think too much about it, just stick with me," Chad says as he grabs his back. I nodded and took my bag and stepped out of the car. The morning air is fresh. I see a few students walking around and try not to get anxious.

"This way to the Dean's office, he will be delighted to meet you, he's such a welcomer," Chad says and begins to walk. I shut the door to the car and lock it and charge after him.

"Do we have to go?"

"Either he meets you or he meets you with everyone else and makes it a grand gesture."

We begin to walk through a hallway, there are a few good-looking girls and guys who are conversing and taking out their books. This reminds me of high school. Mean girls, cool kids.

"Follow me," Chad calls as I try to keep up with his strides. We made it to an office that read dean and chad gestures for me to go in.

"Mrs. Miller." The man says and I walk in. He is bald with glasses, tall and chubby, and looks as if he is in his late forties.


"Call me Mr. Green. Please take a seat."

I take a deep breath and sit.

"I just wanted to welcome you, hope you enjoy your experience at our university."

"Thank you."

"Please, if you need anything you can come here or ask one of the students around, it's one of the virtues to be kind."

"I will reach out."

"And also I have this timetable and a map around the school to guide you, please take it." He hands the papers to me. How thoughtful, not that I did not have the timetable, I had had it printed, what am I stupid to walk into college without knowing what lectures I will be having?

We shake hands and I slowly make my way out of his office. When I stand by the door, I look to my left and then my right, and that Chad is nowhere to be seen.

Thanks, Dad, look who's here looking out for me on my first day of university and he's nowhere to be seen.


I see a male student sitting by one of the chairs outside Mr. Greens' office. He has his face buried in a book with what looks like a black leather jacket he is wearing, with some black jeans and black and white canvas. And when I tried to approach him to ask if he had seen chad. He quickly removes the book that was covering his face and our eyes.

Trust me, my heart almost skipped a beat, like caught in a slip hiccup and then gone back to normal.

I had never been so mortified in my entire life.

The most gorgeous man I had ever met was sitting across the table from me. This is no exaggeration. My ideal combination of manly perfection is tall, slender, and built, but not so built that his biceps would threaten to rip apart the sleeves of an expensive grey suit Incredible-Hulk-style. This man was comfortably well put together, very good looking indeed.

Oh, and did I forget to mention the ice-blue eyes, the brown hair, the boyish yet seductive smile, and a complexion that hints of ginger but doest quite make the leap. Suffice to say, my heart was beating its own special rhythm inside my rib cage.

I gawked. I know I did. I must have looked profoundly stupid. Mouth hanging open. Eyes wide. He then gave me this quickie-half smile that lifted one corner of his mouth, and his brows edged towards each other questioningly.

"Hey Carter, come in here!" Mr. Green calls. He is standing by the door of his office and I turn to look at him, he gestures for the "Carter" to follow him. I turn to look at Carter again.

Carter smiles at me again, his eyes looking into mine, burning banners in my brain. He grabs his black backpack and book and then stands up to his feet. And boy is he tall, almost as tall as Chad, or maybe they're the same height, I can't quite tell.

"Make it a quick fella, I don't have it all morning." Mr. Green calls and Carter walks past me leaving a trail of a masculine scent.

"Mrs. Miller, If you are having issues with the map and getting to your lecturer hall, I can call someone to aid you and.."

"No need, she's with me." Chad cuts Mr. Green short who throws him a little nod.

"Great, enjoy your first day." He gives a little wave at Chad I.


Breath Anate!

"You okay?" Chad asks looking into my face

Of course, it is that obvious when you see a dead-drop gorgeous guy for one of the very first times in your life. Not on TV. Not that I want to go into great detail about good-looking male actors and singers but yes I did have a few celebrity crushes, I had just never really met anyone who had that gorgeous look before.

I smile awkwardly


"Okay, let me show you where your first class is." I look down at my hands and try to make sense of the map but decide to let Chad walk me there anyway.

"Literature?"I ask sounding stupid as I read out my first lecture out loud, of course.

"Yeah, that's your first lecture," Chad smirks.