

"Anate, get up and start getting ready, and don't miss your first time on campus!"

I groaned as I forced myself to sit up and push the blankets off me. Ever dreading the feeling of getting out of bed. But I have to, I had slept in my jeans and that was not comfortable. I ran my hands in my hair and let out a sigh, my eyes darted to my phone on the stand. I reach for it and check the time which reads 06"10 Am, class starts at 8 Am. I think of fixing my room or at least starting because it doesn't look so appealing, not to my taste. There are no family pictures with Mum, Dad, and I on the stands, no memories. No colorful posters of BTS and my clothes are still in the suitcases which were close to the door and the room just looks dull.

I get up and open one of my suitcases and start unpacking. I should have done this the day we got here, I probably need to find something to go to campus today for school. I pull out a pair of black jeans and a black hoodie with a pink top, who says I can't be in all black on my first day of university?

"Anate, are you up?" Dad calls again. I hear his footsteps approach my room and then a soft knock.

I sigh.

"You can come in."

He walks in and puts his hands to his hips then lets out a loud sigh as if in disbelief. Heyes me up and down and asks "Rough night huh?"

"Yeah, I did not have a chance to get my pajamas out," I reply by pulling out more clothes from the suitcase.

"I don't think you should start putting your clothes in the wardrobe now, you may not make it to class once you get caught up."

I pause and reply, "Yeah, you are right. let me get ready and be on campus early. I don't want to make a grand entry."

"Chad will be coming to pick you up, you can use the car together."

I stop and look at him

"Is he our driver?"

Dad chuckles "No, He goes to the same university as you, second year, Engineering student."

"Oh great, just what I need."

"Come on Anate, it will be good to have someone you have met before to be with you."

"What happened to starting all over? Me finding my own path, my own way?"

"Sweety listen.." My Dad walks towards me and holds me by the shoulders. He shakes his head as if struggling to find the words to say.

I move away from him "No Dad, let me go and make my own friends, I will be fine." I turn my back to him and begin to walk to the bathroom. I know I am not the best at making friends but I want to challenge myself to do something on my own, I know Dad cares, but he worries too much.

"I just want to make sure you have a good first time there and don't get mixed up with the wrong crowd and Chad has been around long enough to know some good students."

I turned to look at him, "We just met Chad a few days ago, what difference does it make?"

"Anate comes on, it will give me peace of mind." He says in a low, sad, almost begging voice.


"Okay, I will go with Chad until I find some people".

"The right crowd sweetheart." He says hugging me briefly and making his way to the door. I roll my eyes as he shuts the door behind him.

When I am done with the shower and getting dressed, I pull out my backpack and ensure I have my laptop as well as some notebooks. I hear a knock at the door and hear my Dad make his way there.

"Chad, welcome in," Dad says happily and I hear chuckles.

"Thank you, sir," Chad replies. I had not taken a good look at him last night but with all the natural lights from the morning, I took note of his well-formed athletic build from his blue jeans and grew T-shirt. Chad has striking blue-green eyes, full lips, and tanned skin. He doesn't really have the boyish but with the well-pitched noise, chew line, and cheeks, he is attractive. He smiles at my Dad and I notice his pearl white teeth. Perfect!

"Feel free, come in, please". My Dad coxs and Chad turns to me and his green eyes meet mine. Gosh! He saw me eyeing him.

He doesn't say anything to me, no greeting, no hi no hey. He puts his hands in front pockets and stands there, his expression plain straight, looking straight into my eyes.I start to feel awkward so I turn my eyes from him and look at my Dad.

"Are you ready to go?" My Dad asks and I give him a nod. "You don't have something to eat sweety, we have some cereal which I packed."

I walk to my Dad and give him a hug. "I will be fine, will have something maybe on-campus or later."

We walk out of the house with Dad and Chad in front of me who are busy discussing where he can find a nearby mechanic

"I will show you around myself or Brian can," Chad says and they shake hands.

"Thanks, Chad, good day kids." He says and waves at us we get into my car.


The first few minutes of the ride were quiet and I was beating myself up wondering how to break the silence and ask him to direct me to where we were going exactly the campus.

I could just pull out my phone and use my google map, that will look rude. Okay, ask him about how his morning is, or about his Dad who invited you for dinner or his pet.

"Food's pretty shitty on campus." Chad suddenly says.

Great, I almost kicked the bucket, I was startled.

I breathe in and out deeply and turn to face him for a few seconds. He is leaning back in his seat looking through the window, it is as if he is not even talking to me.

"Really? Tell me about it." I replied.

Chad doesn't reply instantly but takes a few seconds which felt like minutes. I felt as if I had asked the wrong question, maybe I should have just let it slide and continue with the silence until he says something when he realizes I am heading in the wrong direction.

"Turn to your left then go straight, you will see the campus in no time." He says as if reading my mind.

I am not sure what to say.

"They make sandwiches, pizza some days. I think frozen yogurt too. They also have omelets, pancakes, waffles, and lunch they have some potato chips with salads to the side."

"Sounds okay, which one would you recommend I try first."

"Try the Sandwiches." He replies and I drive into the main road. "I think those are not so bad and will be your new favorites."

I smile, "I think I will."