

There is magic in everyone's life, it's just that in some people's life the magic is small, and in others it is big. ""Titan, a planet of Brahman in which amazing creatures live, who have amazing powers. "But he also has a shortcoming. He has powers, but he cannot use them alone. They need a Ghost (companion) to use their powers. Because of living in Titan, everyone started calling those creatures Titan. And after the name of the planet it is also named Titan. And the name of one of these Titans is NV, who is a prince, but he can choose his guest (companion) only 9 times in the life of this Titan. “But NV you have already lost 8 guests. Now he has only one chance left. And on the same earth, there is an 18 year old boy Vikram who is much weaker and helpless than children of his age. Vikram is neither good in studies nor in anything else. "But one day in an accident at school, NV and Vikram meet. NV wanted to choose some other guest but by mistake he chooses Vikram. " Now NV is going to face a lot of difficulty in becoming strong with Vikram's weak body. “Not much time has passed since NV came to Vikram when he comes to know that his family members are after Vikram's life. And the surprising thing is that it is connected to the planet Titan. "So will NV and Vikram together make you strong enough to save your life? Stay with me to know what is going to happen in the story. ((This is my first story, so I don't know anything. I don't know how to write the gist of the story. That's why I have written it as I felt. You guys should read the story so that you guys can understand everything from the story.) Know what I mean. Enjoy the story. Thank you))

MRK_story_Time · Kỳ huyễn
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Ep 28 // mars card

"Hey, I forgot to tell you one important thing.

"Important thing, which important thing?" NV asks him.

And when NV asks, Sakura says smilingly.

"Just as I am in your body and am talking to you, similarly the remaining 20 pieces of me can also be in someone else's body.

And one more thing, they all have their own consciousness.

Like I'm talking to you. That we have to get the rest. Similarly, all of them would be eager to reveal every part of you.

"Does everyone have consciousness? If so, what will we do?

"Yes, you all have your own consciousness in them." The soul that merges the rest of the souls in itself will have the same consciousness as itself.

Now each piece of me has a separate consciousness. , and all my parts are stronger than me.

"And I don't know what level they have reached now.

"So I can't say that getting them will be that easy.

But if you want freedom from me, you will have to help me.

" And Vikram doesn't understand what to say at all.

But NV quickly says yes.

_Look, now we don't have any other option. So we will help you.

And in return you help us become stronger.

""" The deal is done.

Sakura says smiling. ,

But I have one more small condition. I will accept 10% of the power you have gathered.

"And the rest will remain with you.

what is that . Because I don't find any strong body here, all my strength is on the verge of being exhausted. So I have to do this to stay alive.

"But as soon as I get the rest of me, I will take over your power.

And one more thing, I can't help you all the time. That's why I will come to your help when you need it most. Don't bother me till then.

, "Even if the enemy turns out to be stronger than I expected, I can still save your life.

"" And NV understands what he says.

.And seeing Vikram's body there.

"I have opened all the points of his body. Now he can receive my power here."

"And knowing this, NV becomes very happy.

And Vikram is about to ask something…

Nv says while thinking. … Can I know this? How did you come here?

"And when he asks. Sakura refuses him and says. _ No! I will tell you everything only when the time comes. Right now you think about increasing your strength.

"Think about getting a card, think about how to get to Mars.

Stop thinking about me now!

And on Sakura's request, NV does not say anything further to her.

Okay, I am leaving now. I have to rest . I don't know how many years I have not rested.

And after saying this it becomes quiet there.

" As soon as Sakura leaves, NV imitates Sakura making a face and says - I will tell you when the time comes.

And hearing this a voice comes from inside Vikram. _  I haven't gone anywhere! This is all I can hear.

And after hearing that NV says apologetic.

Sorry .

"I had forgotten. Now how long will this disease stick to us?" NV thinks in his mind.

Then Vikram asks NV. _What did he just say?

And on his request NV says this while being happy with Vikram. _ Now we can move towards increasing our power.

"" How ! Vikram asks excitedly.

Look, I will tell you everything "_First of all you sit here and meditate with me.

"I'll tell you everything.

And NV sticks back to Vikram's body.

And as soon as NV starts clinging, Vikram sits meditating on that stone.

"" NV's voice starts echoing in Vikram's ears, "First of all, leave the body completely. And take deep breaths."

And as NV said, Vikram leaves your body completely relaxed and starts taking deep breaths.

"" Only then the surrounding energy starts accumulating inside his body.

"It keeps happening like this for a long time.

Then he asks Vikram to show him something.

Make a circle, which is completely covered with what.

And Vikram goes near her, seeing her Vikram tries to touch her.

But he cannot touch her. It seemed as if his hands were frozen there. He is unable to take it forward.

Then Vikram hears NV's voice.

"This is what you see. This is the center of your power.

This is where all your powers gather.

"Your center of power has not yet been activated. To activate it, you must first go beyond the limits of your mortal body.

"Once you go beyond the limits of the power of your human body, the centers of your powers will be activated. And you would not have even imagined how much power is waiting for you ahead."

And understanding NV's words, Vikram asks him - So how can I activate the center of my power.

"As we said, we need energy. And for that we have to go to Mars.

Yes, come on, what is there to think about? Vikram says coming out of meditation.

This is not going to be that easy. "Look, no one can go to Mars just like that. There are some rules for that. And the most important thing is that we will need a card to go to Mars.

"And with that card we are going to get entry into Mars.

" Yes, so " how to get that card "?

"Look, it is not so easy to go to another planet like this.

But today the science of our Titan has developed so much that it can send anyone anywhere.

  "When people started becoming hungry for power and they all started going to other planets to increase their power and started killing such beasts. And because of this, those who were weak also started going to planets like Mars along with them. They started trying to hunt those beasts and died at the hands of those creatures.

And when this became very big, then the powerful masters of our planet decided that from now on, whoever has to go to planets like Mars, must take some rules and a card. Without him no one can go to any other planet.

  "" If they have to go somewhere, it will be necessary to take the card.

  And Vikram understands NV's words.

And Vikram remembers NV's Teleprot watch. Because of which, NV takes him here and there.

  ""/ " So can't we go there with the help of your teleprot device.

  "No, we cannot go. In such a situation, any powerful family would have sent all of you there in such a way that it would not face any problem.

That's why that master made a rule that whoever wants to become powerful should depend on his own ability.

And whoever violates their rules will receive such a severe punishment that no one can even imagine.

For them everyone is equal, so no one even thinks of violating them.

  " Due to NV's words, Vikram gets thinking. _ It means how powerful he must be that everyone is agreeing to his words so easily.


"I also want to become as strong as him." "Vikram decides in his mind".


  "Now we must run home.

And remembering Bunty. And if Bunty asks about all this, what will I say? He saw that Sakura beating all those boys. And there he is thinking that I have beaten him.

  "Now how will I understand him?

And seeing Vikram getting upset, NV tells him. _" You tell him that you have started learning martial arts just a few days ago. This is his miracle.

And as far as I know every world has its own way of fighting. And it is there in your world too.

  "I have read this, just tell him this and he will believe it. Yes, I know it will take some time for him to believe this, but he will definitely believe this."

  Vikram likes the idea of NV very much.

  " He thinks about saying the same thing.

  Just then Vikram says to NV, pointing towards his stomach,_ Now that he will live in my body, will he now see me doing my romantic activities also?

  And on his words, NV laughs _ "Yes! Now that both of you have joined, this is bound to happen. And Vikram feels a bit strange after knowing this.

And strange thoughts start coming to Vikram's mind.

When he was taking bath there. And how will he feel when someone sees him? And that too a ghost!

  And thinking this makes Vikram feel strange.

If there had been a girl in its place then things would have been different! Vikram says in his mind.

  "And then Sakura's voice comes.

I understand what you are thinking, not that there should have been a girl in his place.

, And seeing that you have caught what was in your mind, Vikram says forbidding her. No ! No !

I was not thinking anything like that.

  (Now a flood of problems and troubles will begin in Vikram's life!

Will Vikram be able to handle all this? How will NV help Sakura find all her parts, is there any trouble waiting for them,

After all, what is this card, beast? Everyone will know in the next chapter.

Stay connected with us in the next chapter, only on web novel)