

There is magic in everyone's life, it's just that in some people's life the magic is small, and in others it is big. ""Titan, a planet of Brahman in which amazing creatures live, who have amazing powers. "But he also has a shortcoming. He has powers, but he cannot use them alone. They need a Ghost (companion) to use their powers. Because of living in Titan, everyone started calling those creatures Titan. And after the name of the planet it is also named Titan. And the name of one of these Titans is NV, who is a prince, but he can choose his guest (companion) only 9 times in the life of this Titan. “But NV you have already lost 8 guests. Now he has only one chance left. And on the same earth, there is an 18 year old boy Vikram who is much weaker and helpless than children of his age. Vikram is neither good in studies nor in anything else. "But one day in an accident at school, NV and Vikram meet. NV wanted to choose some other guest but by mistake he chooses Vikram. " Now NV is going to face a lot of difficulty in becoming strong with Vikram's weak body. “Not much time has passed since NV came to Vikram when he comes to know that his family members are after Vikram's life. And the surprising thing is that it is connected to the planet Titan. "So will NV and Vikram together make you strong enough to save your life? Stay with me to know what is going to happen in the story. ((This is my first story, so I don't know anything. I don't know how to write the gist of the story. That's why I have written it as I felt. You guys should read the story so that you guys can understand everything from the story.) Know what I mean. Enjoy the story. Thank you))

MRK_story_Time · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Ep 29// Mars Company

"NV is sitting alone in the room.

Vikram has gone out for some work.

"That Sakura said, she has 20 more pieces of her soul.

I am not saying that this cannot happen, it has reached that level where anything can happen.

"But where is his Titan? When he gets killed there, his Titan will also get killed along with him.

Or his Titan himself has betrayed him.

"But how can a Titan do such a thing?

Why can't he do it? It is possible that he might have found someone more powerful than this Sakura. Of zero rank.

"Rank Zero, after all, what new Titan would want to have a powerful ally?"

"Oh my god! This means, how many blood lines will that Titan come from?

Who knows how much more powerful than our dynasty.

"We have a limit that we cannot overcome. And they have no limits.


" While NV is still thinking about this, suddenly the sound of the door of the room opening comes. And hearing that sound, NV quickly hides under the bed.

"Maybe his mother has come. But she had gone there so early and how did she come so early?

Then Vikram's voice comes.

"Where are you?"?

I brought the map like you said.

And hearing Vikram's voice, NV comes out from under the bed.

"What happened NV why were you hiding under the bed"?

//" Oh nothing, I thought mother had come and that's why I hid downstairs.

" But mother has just gone to work. And there is still a lot of time for her to return. "

Ha! NV says looking at the map in Vikram's hands.

"Here, I have brought the map of this city that you had asked for. There was a little difficulty in finding it but I found it.

//_ " Still in NV's mind, there was still a desire to know about that Titan of Sakura.

"/" So Waha asks, looking at Vikram with the desire to know about his Titan. ,

"Is there Sakura resting right now?

, And seeing NV asking about Sakura, Vikram doesn't understand why he is asking about her. After all, what does NV have to do with Sakura?

"No! He is not resting there. In fact, he helped me find the map, he told me that I should go to the laboratory, where the map can be found very easily.

"Just then comes Sakura's voice." __";;What happened why are you looking for me?

Hearing Sakura's voice, NV asks the question running in your mind. _/ "You didn't tell me what happened to your Titan?"

"And when asked about Titan, he becomes sad.

"I don't remember what happened at that time.

All I remember is that my soul was broken into 21 pieces. And all of them were being thrown at different, different places. So that we can never meet each other again.

"" Maybe this might not have happened with my Titan, he might have escaped there. Had it not been so, my soul, which had my Titan, would definitely have discovered all our parts in these 1100 hundred years with its help.

"Now I don't know where my friend my Titan is, who knows he may have chosen a new guest companion for you.

And increasing your strength.

" And at Sakura's request, NV pours out his heart. _ Could it be that your friend, that Titan, has killed you so that he…

And before she could say anything else, her body was gripped by Vikram's hands.

"How dare you say that about my friend.

And seeing NV tied up, Vikram says this while shouting. "I haven't caught you. And Sakura, release him! He'll kill you."

And on Vikram's insistence he leaves NV.

And when released, NV starts taking deep breaths.

"I just asked like that.

No, my friend will not do this to me.

We had reached that point. From there our strength had reached a different level. In such a situation, why would he betray me? Our enemies must be behind this.

" And at Sakura's insistence, NV does not say anything further to her. He was not supposed to spell his death by speaking to her.

" " And Sakura, feeling sad, calms down again in Vikram's body.

But because of NV he was forced to think about Titan.

Vikram asks to calm down the atmosphere there. "Look, I have brought the map!" Now tell me what are you going to find out in it? ,

" And on Vikram's request, NV comes to that map. And correcting myself, I have not been here before. So I don't know where the company is. That can send us to the card, that's it. I am trying to find out about that.

"As soon as NV told this, Vikram goes to Chowk. Is that company in our city?

"Yes, what did you think that you were the only one on this earth who has a Titan.

"No, I had not thought of this, but I thought that this company would not exist in our world.

"I said that now it has spread everywhere. In every world!

And anyway, people everywhere have the right to become powerful.

"That's why powerful people are present everywhere.

"According to my data base, 50% of the people on this earth are connected to the planet Titan.

And Vikram is very surprised to know this.

What 50% people!

And seeing Vikram surprised, NV says I will surprise him more. "And it is number one on our Titan's weakest and best planet because only 50% of its people are connected to Titan.

Of the remaining planets, 100% out of 100 are connected to the planet Titan.

"Nor has the science here been capable enough to connect with the planet Titan.

"But with some Titan everything always turns out alright.

"If it is so, then why did I not know till date, Vikram says thinking.

" Then NV starts looking at that map very carefully and searching for something in that big map.

" By the way NV why did you refuse to search the map in the internet.

Don't you find that place in it?

" And on saying that, NV says smilingly. " Look here, as far as I have known, people here keep their power a secret, it is all a secret here till now and even this place has not been put on the internet. Must have gone. But it must have definitely been included in such papers.

That's why I am searching for such a place on this map.

And anyway, nowadays everyone searches for places with the help of the Internet. In such a situation, this map is made only for us.

"And by keeping our finger on a place, we found where we wanted to go.

" And after listening to NV, Vikram also starts looking at the place where NV had placed his finger.

"And after looking there, he reads the name written there.

""Mars Hotel".

" NV Hey what kind of name is that?

This is a very big company. It has a good reach on Mars.

The cards of his company are now played on the maximum share of Mars. Therefore, we should also take a card from this company.

" And Vikram has also agreed with him.

"So when are we going to go get the card?

*"What does it mean when, we are about to leave now.

But before you go, know something.

See, as I said, the previous master has divided our tables into different levels.

"The power of people on any other planet is much greater than here. That's why they start directly from level one there.

But here on this earth, the powers of the people are very weak, hence here they are also reduced to three levels.

"Low level, middle level and high level and then level one.

"These low, middle and high levels have been kept so that all the people here become equal to the people of other planets.

"This is only the initial level. Which every normal person has.

I said normal. This does not mean that weak people will come in it.

For example, those people who have the strength to lift 30 to 50 kg are called normal.

And the middle level one has the strength to lift up to 100 kg.

  "And a high level person has 3 to 4 times more strength. That means he can lift 300 to 400 kg of weight.

And this is the only limit of the humans here.

But as soon as one reaches level 1. So they have more strength than all these, the strength ranges from 800 kg to 1 ton.

  "It means that you can understand how much more powerful a creature from another planet would be than yours.

  + And Vikram is very surprised to hear this. And he starts wishing to meet them.

  (After all, who wouldn't want to meet such powerful creatures from another planet?)

, , But he had come to know one thing that there is a race for the powerful here. And this race was going to be very difficult.