
Time-Leap with Certain Possibilities.

"What is fate? Are the choices we make considered fate? What determines someone or something's fate? These are the questions our protagonist/MC will ponder throughout his mystical journey. These peculiar events will shape the fate and destiny of both the protagonist and his world, challenging him to protect those he hold dear. His adventures begin with the discovery of the possibility of time travel." *** In the shroud of midnight's deepest darkness, atop the loftiest peak, a spark ignited with sudden brilliance. As the spark intensified, it drew the attention of onlookers. Some were gripped by despair at this unexpected anomaly, while others erupted in joyous celebration. With each crescendo of despair and cheer, the spark burned brighter. Flash, Rumble, and Boom—intense light illuminated the heavens, accompanied by the cacophonous symphony of thunder and lightning. It felt as though doomsday itself was on the doorstep. As the initial shock wore off, people snapped into action, desperately seeking refuge to safeguard their fragile lives. Meanwhile, those who reveled in the chaos reveled even more, finding perverse joy in the despair of others. *** Amidst this unfolding spectacle, the initial spark transformed into a radiant, swiftly rotating circular object, periodically emitting sparks of electricity. As the circular object's rotation gradually decelerated, three silhouettes came into view. The boy, around 17 years old, possessed a sharp visage, handsome features, vantablack hair, and gray eyes that fluctuated in color with his emotions. He tightly held a beautiful girl with soft skin, alluring blood-red eyes, silver-blonde hair, and an hourglass figure. Together, they gazed to their left, where a gorgeous young woman of their age captured the boy's attention. What fascinated him the most were her brown wolf-like ears and a constantly wagging tail, accompanied by a joyful smile on her face. As the radiance of the circular rotating object dimmed, they all found themselves in a heartfelt group hug, reunited in this mystical moment. *** After some time, the three of them resolved to investigate the peculiar situation they found themselves in. While the girls marveled at their surroundings in awe, the boy's attention was drawn to a letter displayed on the control panel of his "Time Machine."

DemoloRD · Khoa huyễn
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22 Chs

22 - "Echoes of the Past: Unraveling the Enigmatic Presence"

With their mission clear, Vale and Windy embarked on a journey to meet the leaders of the vampire and werewolf races. Their heartfelt pleas swayed the leaders, who, upon seeing the determination in the eyes of these two time travelers, agreed to prevent the impending clash.

In response, the leaders of both the vampires and werewolves issued orders to their respective followers, instructing them to cease hostilities. However, fate had one more twist in store.

As Vale and Windy set out to relay the message to the opposing army's leaders, they could not have foreseen the danger lurking in the shadows. Both found themselves unexpectedly captured by the very armies they had hoped to persuade, plunging their mission into perilous uncertainty.

While Vale and Windy grappled with their captivity, Seigi took on the role of an investigator, delving into the origins of the conflict. To his astonishment, he unearthed a startling revelation—the true orchestrators of this supernatural war were none other than humans themselves.

Driven by a deep-seated vendetta, these humans sought retribution for their loved ones who had been cruelly enslaved as "Blood Bags for Vampires" and "Meat Sources for Werewolves." The layers of deception and vengeance in this intricate narrative continued to unravel, revealing a complex web of motivations behind the turmoil.

The depth of human manipulation in this supernatural conflict was beyond anyone's expectations. They had employed a cunning tactic, driving a wedge between the vampires and werewolves, making them believe they should fight each other instead of seeking retribution against the humans.

Initially, when members of their respective species made appeals for peace, the vampires and werewolves listened. However, the situation took a dire turn when 'Vale and Windy' switched places to continue their mission. The 'human informers' cunningly provided incorrect information, leading to 'Vale's capture by the werewolves' and 'Windy's capture by the vampires.' The intricate web of deceit threatened to undo all their efforts to prevent the impending war.

Upon receiving the distressing news of Vale and Windy's capture, Swayam knew he had to act swiftly. Disguised as a fellow human, he ventured to meet with the very humans responsible for orchestrating this conflict. His ability to walk in sunlight lent him the appearance of an ordinary human, granting him a slim chance to negotiate.

However, his pleas for reason fell upon deaf ears. The humans were obstinate, seeing him as a traitor siding with the vampires and werewolves. Unbeknownst to them, they were provoking a force beyond their comprehension.

In a moment of dire necessity, Swayam unleashed his abilities, eliminating the human. He had known deep down that they would not heed his words, as a cryptic letter from his past self had foretold – "You have to stop being a human and start thinking of everyone." Despite this ominous message, he had still attempted to sway them toward a path of peace.

With everyone except the human leader at his mercy, Swayam seized the opportunity to confront this orchestrator of chaos. He held the captured leader captive and presented him before the vampire leader, Jason, after eliminating the remaining human informers who had infiltrated the vampire army.

With determination in his eyes, Swayam made a fervent request to Jason, pleading for Windy's release.

After Swayam's impassioned plea, the vampire leader, Jason, and his cohorts decided to release Windy, their trust in Swayam's sincerity evident. They even extended an offer, asking if there was anything Swayam desired in return.

Following careful consideration, Swayam made a solemn request to their leader. He implored Jason not to utter a word about him, Vale, or Windy to anyone.


Having successfully persuaded the vampires to abstain from attacking the werewolves, Swayam and Windy embarked on a precarious mission. They took the former human leader, whom they had captured earlier as a "hostage," and confronted the werewolf leader.

Their goal was to extend the olive branch to the werewolves, urging them to cease hostilities against the vampires as well.

As the leader of the werewolves listened to Swayam's plea, a chilling laughter erupted from his lips. He mockingly admitted, "I didn't think there would be someone like you trying to stop the war. That's what happens when you lack sufficient information about your enemy. But now, since you've convinced the vampires not to attack us, it's the perfect opportunity for us to strike back."

Swayam's expression darkened with realization. "So, the humans weren't behind this war, but you were."

The werewolf leader, unapologetic and defiant, admitted, "Yes, I am the mastermind. I am the one behind everything. So, what?"

With a resolute determination, Swayam responded, "Nothing, but just know that I am going to put an end to all of this now." The stage was set for a final confrontation that would determine the fate of the supernatural realm.

In the climactic showdown that followed, Swayam nearly eradicated the entire werewolf faction. However, as they faced inevitable defeat, the werewolves surrendered, their pride and power shattered.

The events of this critical juncture in time seemed eerily familiar to Swayam. Windy's account of her meeting with a future version of him, remembrance of the events in which the werewolves were enslaved by vampires, echoed in his mind. It became apparent that they were caught in a closed loop of events, and Swayam felt the weight of destiny's hand.

In a conscious effort to not alter the course of the future, Swayam decided to spare the lives of the werewolves. Instead, he took them as captives and presented them before the vampire leader. This twist of fate turned the once-mighty werewolves into servants, forever bound to the very beings they had once sought to vanquish. The fabric of time and destiny continued to weave its intricate patterns, and the supernatural realm stood on the precipice of an uncertain future.

With the war halted and Vale and Windy safe, Swayam's journey through time had brought him full circle. As he unraveled the mysteries of the past, one revelation left him astounded – the person who had inscribed the intricate 'Chemical formula' on the Monolith was none other than himself.

The intricate tapestry of their temporal adventure had unveiled not only the complexities of their world but also the enigmatic nature of Swayam's own actions. The echoes of time had guided them through perilous terrain, leaving them with profound revelations about their own roles in shaping destiny.

As Swayam connected the dots of his own actions and the unfolding events, a clarity washed over him, dispelling the shroud of mystery that had enveloped their journey:

First, he understood the purpose behind his arrival in Transylvania, the driving force that had led him to embark on this journey through time.

Second, he comprehended the vampires' desire to walk under sunlight, a seemingly contradictory aspiration that now made sense in the context of their mission.

And third, the revelation that he was the author of the Chemical formula etched on the Monolith, which held the key to restoring humanity to vampires and werewolves, came into sharp focus.

In this newfound clarity, Swayam saw how each piece of the puzzle fit snugly within the framework of the 'Great War,' an intricate tapestry of events that held the fate of their supernatural realm in its grasp.

Yet, amid the newfound clarity, one lingering mystery continued to perplex Swayam: the identity and significance of the girls who had appeared alongside him in Windy's narrative. Their presence remained a puzzle, an enigma that begged further exploration and understanding in the midst of the revelations that had unfurled.


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