
Chapter IV

September 29, 1467 CT

9:57 am. Another calm and uneventful day for the residents of Sormest. The birds gliding through the sky. Dogs playing with cheerful children. Cobblers at work. Laborers set to do their jobs. Timetable Knights on patrol. The smell of bread flowing from the bakery. And yet, to Milo Carter, the only sound that brings him to ease is the tik-tok of a pocket watch. Despite the growing number of knights, life for all is perfect. Well...today might take a different turn.

As Milo goes through town, collecting his pay from those that sought out his skills in watches and Temporal technology, there was some unrest at the center of Sormest. Many had gathered: knights, children, laborers and travelers. A decrepit, old man catches the attention of many by speaking his mind. At least, that's what some of the townsfolk believed. Others thought he can be crazy. No one knew who he was. Many believed him to be a traveler. And yet, his words brought in those willing to listen.

"People! Time! It is such...a cruel ploy! We are destined to fall prey to such an unseen force! Here we are! Living! Prospering! Walking not knowing when the clock finally runs out! It is impossible to control! At least...that is what we believed. That's right. I speak...of the Time Keepers! Two worthy of controlling time within the palm of their hands! However, that power is meant to be shared! No two alone should bear that power! Father Time made that choice, but it's one that limits the people's destiny to truly live! The Time Keepers are chosen by Father Time because they reject that philosophy! And I say...they are foolish! We do not know where they are now! We know not who are the next chosen! But I do say...that we deserve to prosper! FOR ETERNITY!!!!"

The townsfolk looked at this man in disbelief and annoyance. They are not to blame. The Time Keepers were rendered a folktale. No one knows the abilities that they are rumored to wield. And yet, Milo felt cautious. An unnerving feeling that told every bone in his body to run. Every fiber of his being...sensed that death awaits.

"Well, peaceful townspeople of Sormest, I believe that it's time that you experience the upcoming prosperity of infinity! Behold, the power of TIME!!!"

The old man pulled out a knife and stabbed himself in his left hand. The people jerked back as the Timetable Knights readied themselves. Milo saw that the knife he used had odd symbols engraved on a Temporal mechanism. The unnerving feeling seemed to have been a warning. As the ground started to shake and the people panicked, gears and metal had started to form a towering beast. And with this next line by the old man, everything fell into disarray.

"Rejoice and be enslaved by time! Become one with time itself! Be glad to be chosen alongside the Chronological Puppets!"