

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 269 Serious Battle, Secretly emon

Dugu Changkong is in the starry sky, with a single face and a group of heroes, and his face does not change color.

The old man in the coffin was very afraid and gave birth to a trace of retreat. If you want to fight again, you will probably be forced out of the ancient coffin, thus exposing to heaven and earth and consuming life.

When you reach such a height, the older you are, the more afraid of death you are, and you don't want to let the achievements of your life's struggle turn into smoke.

In the dark, Yu Chenran still did not intend to show his face, and the corners of his mouth lost the original smile, and he frowned.

The news of the road to Shenqiao has been revealed. I'm afraid the future world will be more chaotic and impossible to be peaceful.

In the world, there are indeed many monks at the peak of Mahayana, and there are at least a few, or even a dozen, of the top sects. However, when it touches the existence of the divine bridge, it is very rare.

According to the information known to Yu Chenran so far, less than a hundred people have touched the divine bridge. However, there are only a few people who can really stand on the divine bridge.

"Dugu is empty. I'm afraid he took a few steps forward."

As the vice president of the Daoyi Academy, Yu Chenran of course touched the divine bridge, and he just touched it.

The people in the coffin and even the top strong people in the major holy places are roughly the same as Yu Chenran. With their ability, they want to shake the lonely sky and talk about their dreams.

The authorities are confused, and the onlookers are clear.

Yu Chenran can see through this. I don't think so. They think that Dugu Changkong is not so abnormal, and they still want to try to suppress it.

"If things are so big, will the dean also be watching somewhere?"

Thinking of this, Yu Chenran turned his head and glanced around, hoping to capture a trace of the dean's breath. Unfortunately, even if the dean is nearby, he can't find it.

The dean of the Daoyi Academy, the dragon is very mysterious.

At the boundary of Buddha beads, Chen Qingyuan and others looked at the back of Dugu Changkong, which made their mood stable, and their eyes flashed strangely.

"Lao Wu, this is over. You have to buy me a drink."

Chen Qingyuan glanced at Wu Junyan on his side, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said softly.

Wu Junyan may have been shocked, maybe he was silent, nodded slightly, and didn't say anything.

I guess I don't want to waste time. Dugu Changkong intends to solve this matter as soon as possible.

Therefore, layers of law ripple appeared on the surface of Dugu's body, like stones falling into the water, rippling and spreading in all directions.

"What's the point of hiding? Come out and fight!"

Dugu's eyes are turbid, hiding the meaning of endless vicissitudes. At this time, he pointed to the ancient coffin, and hundreds of millions of rays of light gushed out of his fingertips, instantly smashing the endless space in front of him to the top of the ancient coffin.

The old man in the ancient coffin immediately used the protective sens, but it had no effect.


The starry sky burst, with a loud noise.

Dozens of cracks appeared in the ancient coffin, and they continued to spread to various locations.

After just a few breaths, the ancient coffin collapsed.

"Cough..." An old man six feet tall, wearing a dark black dress, with sunken eyes, spiritless face and bloodless.

The candle in front of the wind will be killed soon.

"You destroyed my protection."

The old man's face is very ugly. The ancient coffin is like his tortoise shell. Hiding in it can slow down the speed of erosion by the years. Nowadays, the ancient coffin is broken, which means that the old man is at risk of sitting at any time.

"Since you're here, don't think about going back safely."

Dugu Changkong said as he took action.

At the same time, a secret voice reached the ears of Wu Junyan and Chen Qingyuan.

"Look, these are the eight dragon palms."

Secret transmission, outsiders can't hear it, and they don't have the ability to cut it off.

Wu Junyan and Chen Qingyuan's bodies were slightly shocked, and they had their own thoughts.

Wu Junyan's reaction is not very strong. After all, Dugu Changkong is his master. Moreover, when he was a child, Wu Junyan learned some of the eight dragon palm moves, and he could not feel the true meaning because of his lack of cultivation.

"Did I hear it wrong?"

Chen Qingyuan was very confused. He looked left and right, his eyes were blank and surprised, and he said secretly in his heart.

Chen Qingyuan knows nothing about his identity.

Dugu Changkong naturally knows it, so when fighting with this group of tigers, leopards and jackals, he can teach the descendants by the way, which can save a lot of hard work in the future.


The next moment, a faint light flashed in the eyebrows of Chen Qingyuan and Wu Junyan, and even the Taoist Buddha nearby did not find it.

The Taoist light in the middle of the eyebrows is done by Dugu Changkong in a special way, so that Chen Qingyuan and Wu Junyan can enter the state of enlightenment. You can see the true meaning of Qingzong Taoism without external interference.

"Eight dragons, strong and strong, to the sun, can break ten thousand laws. If you practice as a child, you can achieve great success. If Yuanyang is lost, it can get its shape, and it is difficult to cultivate its meaning. This skill, the old man only practices it once. How much you can understand depends on your own creation. This is the first palm of the wonderful spiritual platform, gathered in the sun..."

Dugu's mouth was closed, but his voice could fall strangely into the ears of Chen Qingyuan and Wu Junyan.

Chen Qingyuan's thoughts seemed to be pulled by some strange force. Instead of thinking about the reason, his head was empty and concentrated.


A terrible pressure came out of the body of Dugu Changkong, and his pale hair flew wildly. A pair of deep eyes seemed to penetrate everything in the world and saw through the strength of the old man in the ancient coffin.


Dugu Changkong raised his right hand and pushed it with his palm.

The Star Sea Storm rose in an instant, and the laws of thousands were wrapped in the palm of his hand, and then ran forward, as if he had turned into a nine-clawed dragon.

The power of the sun dispelled the coldness of the starry sky.

The palm was fierce, and it smashed all the defensive skills condensed by the old man in the ancient coffin.

"I have touched the divine bridge, and the golden body is not broken!"

The old man in the ancient coffin was forced to do this. He could only mobilize the qi and blood hidden in the depths of his body to stimulate the ultimate Taoism. With a long roar, his body emitted a golden light, and his eyes were like copper bells, and he punched out.


The palm fell on the old man in the ancient coffin, as if hit a piece of hard iron, and a sound like an iron sound spread to all sides.

The old man in the ancient coffin was shaken back for thousands of miles, and the void around him collapsed directly. An inch of space was shaking violently. Countless cracks immediately appeared immediately, and the power of the law of chaos was permeated, containing endless murderous.

"The second type, the heart has heaven and earth, and the universe in the palm of the hand."

Dugu Changkong is serious and will not be merciless.

With a palm, it seemed that the world was shrouded by the giant palm, and the endless power of the universe spread in every corner.

In just a few breaths, the power of the law converged into a point, hitting the old man in the ancient coffin at a speed that was not visible to the naked eye.

Even if the old man in the ancient coffin no longer hides his clumsiness and devotes all his strength, it is difficult to withstand the attack of Dugu Changkong.


In an swing, a touch of blood splashed out.

The golden body of the old man in the ancient coffin bridge has cracked, and the dark brown blood does not contain much vitality, which means that his life is coming to an end.