

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 268 The person in the coffin, please give me some advice

The crimson coffin left mottled traces of time on the surface.

A dull and depressing breath permeated from the inside of the coffin.

The void around has become distorted, and there seems to be a chaotic law entangled, which is extremely abnormal.

"What is this?"

A pair of eyes fell on the coffin, very frightened and scared.


A group of strong people at the peak of Mahayana also showed surprise and uneasy expressions like ordinary people.


The senior management of the Seven Tripod Holy Land recognized the coffin and hurried forward to bow and salute, with his eyes full of respect.

Seeing this, the doubts in everyone's hearts suddenly subsided by more than half. It turned out that the existence in the coffin was the ancestor of the Seven Tripod Holy Land.

Such a character should be at risk of sitting at any time. This appearance must be for the fragments of the imperial soldiers and the affairs of Qingzong.


The coffin kept floating and stopped not far from Dugu Changkong.

"After hiding for so many years, why do you have to expose your true identity?"

A hoarse voice came out of the coffin.

"There are some things that have to be done."

Du Gu Changkong put his hands on his back, looked directly at the coffin in front of him, and said slowly.

"We are all responsible for the suffering of Qingzong. However, after all, that was what our ancestors did. Is there no room for mitigation?

The person in the coffin doesn't want to use force. Let's see if the two sides can sit down and talk about it and discuss a good solution.

"If it were in the past, have you ever thought about solving this problem?"

Dugu Changkong shook his head gently, which seemed to be a plain sentence, but it contained a little murderous intention.

Today, the living fossils in the coffin want to alleviate this cause and effect. Why didn't they do this before?

Because the former Qingzong has fallen, it doesn't matter at all in the eyes of the big people in Dizhou. There is no need to care about it.

Nowadays, Dugu's combat power in the long air is amazing, and he obviously has the ability to lift the table.

Therefore, the old guys in Dizhou were afraid of making the situation serious, so they wanted to solve it peacefully.

It's late!

Dugu has been in Linghemen for many years, and has never heard of any sect in Dizhou that has felt guilty about Qingzong. He devoted himself to practice and learned most of the inheritance of Qingzong's ancestors, hoping to change the plight of Qingzong and make up for his mistake of not going to the death of the devil's abyss.

"You are not enough to see alone."

Dugu Changkong is not looking down on the person in the coffin, but explaining a fact.

"The divine bridge has been broken. Even if the Taoist friends are talented and inherit the original skills of Qingzong, they are not much better than me."

The man in the coffin muttered.

Obviously, the people in the ancient coffin should also touch the realm of the divine bridge, otherwise they could not say such words.

It is not uncommon for the thirty-six top sects in Dizhou to be able to get out of the existence of one or two that touch the realm of the divine bridge. If there is no such town, how can it be passed down for hundreds of thousands of years without decay?

"The divine bridge has been broken. What does this sentence mean?"

A group of great people looked at each other and had never heard similar words. They were confused and puzzled.

"Shenqiao, is that the picture I saw at the beginning?"

The pride of the young generation can't help but think of their experience in the ancient world. At that time, the great figure of the ancient emperor appeared in the core area of the ancient world, and the scene of the broken bridge was engraved in the hearts of those proud people and would never be forgotten.

"Why haven't you mentioned it before?"

The strong men in the Seven Tripod Holy Land were full of doubts.

If you are qualified to touch the divine bridge, you can walk there without saying. Without this ability, it is useless to know. Therefore, few living fossils tell the descendants about the divine bridge, so as not to affect the Taoist heart of the descendants.

If you don't have enough ability, and you have to forcibly touch the divine bridge, you will inevitably trigger heart demons, or even death. This kind of thing has happened many times before.

"Do you want to have a try?"

Dugu Changkong's face was indifferent, and his words were full of self-confidence.

If there is no strength to lift the table, how can Dugu Changkong expose the origin?

This group of guys in Dizhou always pretend to be superior. It's time for them to recognize the reality.

"Then...try it."

The people in the coffin do not believe that Dugu Changkong has the power to crush everything, and naturally they have to pass the trick.

"You will regret it."

Dugu Changkong is indifferent.

The man in the coffin stopped talking and was ready to take action.

Those ancient beings hiding in the dark corners use their magical to stare at the hundred star realms.

The person in the coffin did not show up, and a vortex like a black hole appeared below it, about ten thousand feet in diameter.

"The road is simple, please teach me."

In order to show respect for Dugu Changkong, the people in the coffin did not intend to test, so they directly used the unique learning of Zhenzong in the Qiding Holy Land.

A wisp of silk-like law came out of the crack in the mouth of the coffin, stained with the power of some black hole vortex, turned into a sharp blade, and pierced the lonely sky.

There is no terrible pressure of turbulent waves, and there is no storm that overturns this starry sea.

Ordinary and dull.

Ordinary people look at the depths of the starry sky and don't feel anything.

The Mahayana monks were different. They just took a look, and their whole bodies were numb and their souls were suffocated. The irresistible feeling is particularly strong, as if life will be taken away at any time.

"If you don't reach the truth, you can break it with a finger."

When the words fell, Du Gu Changkong raised his left hand and pointed his index finger.


The finger crossed and instantly smashed the wisp of law in front of him.

"It's not easy to get back to the truth." The man in the coffin attacked again, and the black hole vortex below gathered together and condensed into a fist-sized black ball: "Taoist friends have not really reached this level!"

The return to the true realm of the road of Shenqiao is equivalent to stepping into the position of the broken bridge with one foot. The strength is probably almost the same, not to mention pushing the world.


The big black ball with a fist disappeared from the place and appeared in front of Dugu Changkong the next moment.

Without any hesitation, the black ball burst.


The huge explosion storm swallowed up the void where Dugu Changkong was located, forming countless pieces of space fragments, and there was no intact place in a million miles.

Many people in Linghemen clenched their fists and didn't want to see the scene of Dugu Changkong's accident. Anyway, Dugu Changkong is still the ancestor of Taishang in the eyes of the people of Linghemen, and his awe is not diminished.


After counting the breaths, Dugu Changkong brushed his sleeves and scattered the broken law around him and came out unscathed.

Looking at the lonely sky without even the corners of his clothes cracked, the people in the ancient coffin must be false if they are not surprised. He tried his best to let Dugu Changkong know the difficulties, and the two sides could sit down and talk about it.

Unexpectedly, Dugu Changkong was easily cracked, which made people in the coffin afraid.

Is it a battle out of the coffin?

The person in the coffin didn't want to consume the few remaining life, so he hesitated.

"This ability is far from enough."

Now, it's time for Dugu to attack in the sky. Take a step forward, and the law of the star domain is turbulent, and the old guys sleeping in the dark wake up one after another.