
Thrilling life of an INSANE Man

Rohit, a man grappling with his own mental challenges, yearns for a life beyond the mundane, a life filled with the thrills he so often finds in the pages of novels and the animation of anime. Tired of merely being a spectator, he decides to turn fiction into reality, seeking the adrenaline and excitement he craves. In a daring move, Rohit successfully executes a thrilling money heist that not only replenishes his finances but also proves that the excitement he once only dreamed of can be a tangible part of his life. This realization sparks a newfound courage within him, and Rohit sets his sights on a grander ambition — world conquest. With meticulous planning and unyielding determination, Rohit dives headfirst into the audacious goal of global domination. However, just as his plans begin to take shape, fate throws a curveball that threatens to shatter his dreams: the sudden onset of an apocalypse. The world crumbles, civilizations collapse, and chaos reigns. Undeterred by the catastrophic turn of events, Rohit seizes the opportunity to transform his quest for thrill into a pulse-pounding odyssey in a world teetering on the brink of enchantment and destruction. "Thrilling life of an INSANE Man" is a gripping tale of courage, ambition, and the unyielding pursuit of excitement in the face of imminent doom. Rohit's journey becomes a testament to the extraordinary lengths one man will go to infuse his life with the thrill he craves, even when faced with the ultimate challenge — the apocalypse. ********** The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

ether7 · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs


Rohit watched as his hard-earned money burned in front of him. The figure, intrigued by Rohit's unexpected reaction, scrutinized his face for any signs of the expected rage or frustration. To their surprise, Rohit heaved a sigh, and his words cut through the crackling of the flames.

"I have to steal it again from someone."

The figure, unable to grasp the true meaning behind Rohit's statement, felt a surge of confusion. Rohit's actions seemed to be tethered to the pursuit of wealth. However, his confusion turned to bewilderment when Rohit continued, dispelling any misconceptions about his motivations.

"If you think I am greedy for money, then you couldn't be more wrong."

The figure, now genuinely perplexed, sought clarification.


Rohit, his gaze fixed on the diminishing embers of his ambitions, elaborated, "It's not about the money itself. It's about what it can do, the doors it can open. I need it not for greed, but for leverage, for a means to an end. There are greater games at play, and money is just a pawn in the larger chessboard of power."

Rohit moved away from the dwindling fire and settled down, leaning against the cold wall. The figure observed as Rohit took deep breaths, seeking solace in the aftermath of the night's tumult.

Once Rohit had found a semblance of repose, he turned his gaze toward the figure and spoke with sincerity.

"I can't say we are the same in regards to money, but I do agree with you."

The figure, drawn by the unexpected camaraderie, moved closer and sat down on the ground, facing Rohit. Up close, Rohit discerned a subtle shift in the figure's expression. The hardness that had defined their features earlier seemed to soften, revealing a vulnerability that had been concealed in the cloak of the night.

"I have much grander plans than you can imagine," Rohit spoke with a spark in his eyes.

The figure, intrigued by this revelation, leaned in and asked, "What is it?"

Rohit's mouth widened, and a broad smile appeared on his face. "I want to conquer the world."

The figure, dazed, stared at Rohit, grappling with the audacity of the declaration.

Understanding the gravity of Rohit's ambition but finding it hard to believe his ears, the figure asked incredulously, "You wish to conquer the world?"


Rohit replied enthusiastically, the passion in his voice cutting through the shadows. It was an ambition he had harbored in solitude, unspoken and concealed until now. Rohit, excited and passionate, hadn't told anyone about his big ambition before. Finally sharing his ambitions felt like a weight lifted off his chest, and he couldn't contain his enthusiasm.

The figure laughed out loud, finding it hard to believe that a back-alley thief harbored ambitions as grand as conquering the world. The audacity in Rohit's words struck him as humorous, and he couldn't help but laugh heartily. Unbeknownst to him, Rohit felt a twinge of irritation at the figure's reaction. This marked the first time he had shared his ambitious dream with someone, and the response he received was not what he expected – a loud and mocking laughter.

The figure's laughter echoed through the alley, drawing the attention of police officers who were diligently searching for the elusive thief.

"Who's there?" one of the officers called out.

Sensing trouble, the figure abruptly stopped laughing, swiftly lifting Rohit onto his back. Skillfully navigating through another alley, the figure climbed a wall, evading the pursuit with practiced ease.


The figure carrying Rohit finally ceased running as they neared a sleek black car. With a practiced ease, he gently placed Rohit in the front seat and assumed the position behind the steering wheel. Throughout the entire ordeal, Rohit hadn't refuted the figure nor complained. His mind, sharp and calculating, was occupied with analyzing the mysterious figure and contemplating the possibilities of another audacious heist. As they settled into the car, the figure broke the silence.

"What's your name?" The figure inquired.

"Rohit. What's yours?" came Rohit's casual reply.


The engine roared to life, and the car smoothly glided onto the night road. Aryan remained tight-lipped, driving with a sense of purpose. Half an hour passed in silence before Rohit, unable to contain his curiosity, finally spoke.

"Where are you taking me?"

Aryan, still focused on the road, turned back and responded.

"A place where your dreams can come true."

Initially perplexed, Rohit quickly composed himself and retorted.

"It better be, or you won't be able to see another day."

Aryan, seemingly unbothered, replied with a hint of amusement.

"If you think that hidden gun under your shirt can save you, then you are more delusional than I thought."

Rohit, a bit surprised by Aryan's calm demeanor, affirmed with determination.

"We will see."

Aryan smirked, his eyes glinting with a mysterious confidence, and continued to drive the car into the night.

As the car sliced through the night, Rohit, seized by a sudden realization, reached into his pocket and retrieved his smartphone. With practiced efficiency, he switched it on and began recording an audio message, his voice a careful blend of reassurance and ambiguity.

"Hey, it's Rohit. Just wanted to let you all know that I'll be away for a while on a business trip. Don't worry; everything is fine. I'll stay in touch as much as I can. Take care, and I'll be back soon."

Aryan, driving with an inscrutable expression, silently observed Rohit's actions. A small, enigmatic smile played on his face as if he found amusement in the act of recording a message. The tension in the car seemed to momentarily dissipate, replaced by an unspoken understanding that this journey was shrouded in secrecy and unpredictability.

Rohit sent the message, his finger tapping the screen with a mix of urgency and purpose. The smartphone's glow briefly illuminated the interior of the car, casting shadows that danced in tandem with the mysterious journey they were undertaking. The road stretched out before them, a ribbon of asphalt leading to destinations unknown.

As the message was sent, Rohit locked his phone and turned to Aryan, the question lingering unspoken in his eyes. Aryan, still wearing that small smile, gave a nod of acknowledgment.

After another hour of relentless driving, the sleek car came to a halt, and both Rohit and Aryan stepped out onto the desolate landscape. Rohit surveyed his surroundings, noting a vast warehouse standing before him, an imposing structure against the barren land that stretched around it. Following Aryan in silence, Rohit's anticipation mingled with the night air.

Approaching the warehouse, Aryan raised his hand and knocked on the door. The heavy door creaked open, revealing a man in pajamas who eyed Aryan with caution. A subtle nod passed between them, and the man gestured for Aryan to enter. As Aryan stepped inside the warehouse, he turned back and signaled for Rohit to stay put.

As Aryan disappeared into the depths of the warehouse, Rohit found himself at a crossroads, caught between the conflicting voices within him. His human side, driven by instinct and self-preservation, whispered the allure of escape, urging him to seize this opportunity and vanish into the night. The thought of Aryan's potential capabilities lingered in his mind, prompting his calculative side to consider the safer path—evading any possible pursuit.

Yet, amidst these rational considerations, a third facet of Rohit's psyche emerged—the suicidal side. Contrary to conventional wisdom, this aspect of his consciousness didn't harbor a desire for self-harm. Instead, it thrived on the unconventional, the abnormal, and the unpredictability of life. This side of Rohit found a peculiar thrill in facing the unknown, craving experiences that deviated from the mundane routine of his existence.

The human side whispered caution, the calculative side contemplated the risks, but the suicidal side yearned for something different, something that would defy the monotony of Rohit's life. It was a moment of divergence where three distinct aspects of his consciousness vied for dominance.

Choosing to embrace the allure of the abnormal, Rohit retreated to the familiarity of the car. The rhythmic beats of music became a backdrop to the internal conflict, drowning out the cacophony of thoughts. As he settled into the driver's seat, Rohit gazed at the warehouse entrance, a mixture of curiosity and defiance etched on his face.


After an hour of discussion, Aryan came out of a warehouse and beckoned Rohit to come inside. Rohit got out of the car and entered the warehouse, a total darkness surrounded him and as Rohit's hand instinctively gravitated toward the concealed firearm, a voice disrupted the silence.

"Don't worry and just follow me. I promise not to harm you," Aryan reassured.

Rohit remained vigilant, in response, he retrieved a small red button, its presence in his hand signifying a readiness to act at a moment's notice. The assurance from Aryan did little to assuage Rohit's caution; the darkness concealed intentions, and in the absence of visibility, trust became a precarious concept.

Navigating the pitch-black environment, Rohit hesitated but eventually moved forward, guided by the sound of Aryan's footsteps. The cool, stagnant air enveloped them as they ventured deeper into the warehouse's obscurity, the subtle hum of hidden machinery and the distant creaks of unknown structures adding an eerie ambiance to the clandestine setting.

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