
Thrilling life of an INSANE Man

Rohit, a man grappling with his own mental challenges, yearns for a life beyond the mundane, a life filled with the thrills he so often finds in the pages of novels and the animation of anime. Tired of merely being a spectator, he decides to turn fiction into reality, seeking the adrenaline and excitement he craves. In a daring move, Rohit successfully executes a thrilling money heist that not only replenishes his finances but also proves that the excitement he once only dreamed of can be a tangible part of his life. This realization sparks a newfound courage within him, and Rohit sets his sights on a grander ambition — world conquest. With meticulous planning and unyielding determination, Rohit dives headfirst into the audacious goal of global domination. However, just as his plans begin to take shape, fate throws a curveball that threatens to shatter his dreams: the sudden onset of an apocalypse. The world crumbles, civilizations collapse, and chaos reigns. Undeterred by the catastrophic turn of events, Rohit seizes the opportunity to transform his quest for thrill into a pulse-pounding odyssey in a world teetering on the brink of enchantment and destruction. "Thrilling life of an INSANE Man" is a gripping tale of courage, ambition, and the unyielding pursuit of excitement in the face of imminent doom. Rohit's journey becomes a testament to the extraordinary lengths one man will go to infuse his life with the thrill he craves, even when faced with the ultimate challenge — the apocalypse. ********** The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

ether7 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Kshatriya Village

Shinggg..... shinnn.....

A strange sound echoed in the warehouse as an elevator brought Aryan and Rohit to another place. The metallic hum reverberated through the confined space, making Rohit's whole body vibrate as the elevator navigated its way through unseen passages. After a series of turns and twists, the vibrations ceased, and the elevator came to a halt. The doors slid open, revealing a world beyond the confines of the warehouse.

Stepping out, Rohit found himself in a place that left him amazed and in awe. Before him stood a marvelous structure made entirely of black rock. The imposing edifice rose majestically against the backdrop of the unknown, its intricate details and sheer scale captivating Rohit's senses. The air carried a peculiar energy, and the surroundings seemed to hum with an otherworldly ambiance.

Aryan, observing Rohit's wide-eyed wonder, couldn't help but smile. "Welcome to the Kshatriya village," he declared, gesturing towards the magnificent structure that lay ahead.

The stone structure resembled an old castle, its architecture invoking the ancient times and emanating a mysterious and powerful vibe. The weathered stones whispered tales of history as the structure stood there, bearing witness to times long past. Flanking the entrance were two statues of majestic tigers, their imposing presence adding an aura of strength and authority to the scene.

Aryan, familiar with the grandeur that lay beyond the entrance, nudged Rohit to follow him. As they approached the gate, Rohit's heart thumped with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. Each step felt laden with the weight of the unknown, and the imposing presence of the tiger statues seemed to intensify the gravity of the moment.

The gate creaked open, revealing a world transcending Rohit's wildest expectations.

The road leading to the gate extended forward, meandering through the awe-inspiring surroundings until it reached another Villa. Around it, four roads branched out in different directions, akin to the one Rohit had walked on, each hinting at the presence of another set of gates similar to the one he was just passing through.

Surrounding the streets were lively street shops, their wares neatly displayed on both sides of the thoroughfare. The items for sale seemed ordinary at first glance, but there was an indescribable quality about them, giving off a different feeling. Rohit observed the bustling activity, curious about the mysterious charm that seemed to envelop every corner of this place. The air carried the mingling scents of various goods, and the lively chatter of vendors and patrons created a vibrant ambiance that contrasted with the imposing stone structures.

"Don't get lost," Aryan spoke sarcastically, a hint of laughter in his voice.

"I am not a child," Rohit retorted immediately.

As they walked, all eyes in the street fixated on Rohit as he approached the Villa. Though a bit intimidated, he maintained a rhythmic stride, pretending to be unfazed by the attention. The closer they got to the villa, the more the people fell silent, their curious gazes following Rohit's every step. Unable to ignore the scrutiny any longer, Rohit finally asked Aryan about the unsettling attention.

"Why are they staring at me like that?" he inquired.

Aryan, seemingly unperturbed by the stares, explained, "Everyone in the village knows each other. Now, tell me, what will happen if someone new enters the village?"

"I understand."

"You are pretty quick. That's the least requirement one should have to enter this place."

Rohit brushed off Aryan's talk, keeping his focus on moving forward. He sensed that he was being led to meet someone important in the village, someone higher-ranked than Aryan. With that in mind, he decided to conserve his energy and engage in conversation with the more authoritative figure he expected to encounter at the castle.

"You're being pretty chill about this whole kidnapping," Aryan remarked, a hint of curiosity in his tone. Throughout the journey, Rohit hadn't resisted or complained, only posing a couple of questions.

"...," Rohit remained silent this time, absorbed in taking in the view of the castle. His curiosity seemed to outweigh any fear for his life. After all, this unusual experience marked the first time something extraordinary had happened to him.


The main gate of the villa opened slowly, revealing a luxurious interior adorned with opulent furnishings. A long red carpet extended through the grand entrance, creating a path that seemed to lead to unseen wonders within the villa. The air carried an air of sophistication, and Rohit couldn't help but marvel at the lavish surroundings that awaited him.

As the grand entrance revealed the opulent interior of the villa, Rohit and Aryan stepped inside. The atmosphere within was both captivating and surreal, with the scent of polished wood and the soft glow of intricately designed lamps creating an ambiance of luxury.

The red carpet guided them through a series of ornate hallways adorned with elegant paintings and sculptures. Rohit couldn't help but be amazed by the artistic beauty that surrounded him. It was a stark contrast to the humble world he had known, and the realization that he had stepped into something far beyond his imagination sank in.

Aryan, navigating confidently through the labyrinthine corridors, finally led Rohit into a spacious chamber. The room was bathed in a warm golden light, emanating from a chandelier that hung like a centerpiece. At the far end of the room, a figure awaited, seated on a lavish chair.

"Welcome Aryan, I have been expecting you both," the figure spoke, revealing himself to be a middle-aged man, his presence exuding authority and wisdom. His gaze bore into Rohit as if assessing the newcomer's worth.

Rohit remained silent, his eyes still assessing the middle-aged man in front of him. As he observed, he concluded that the man was likely the village chief. The authoritative presence was undeniable, but there was also something different and yet strangely familiar about him. Rohit couldn't quite put a finger on it, but the air seemed to carry a sense of ancient wisdom and knowledge.

Aryan, sensing the unspoken tension, broke the silence with a smile and spoke, "I am back Chief."

The middle-aged man, intrigued, inquired, "This is the first time you have brought someone into the village. You know it is not allowed as per the rules."

"I am sorry, Chief," Aryan bowed his head respectfully.

The chief responded calmly, "Don't apologize before you explain yourself. I will decide later whether to forgive you or not."

Aryan stood up and continued, "I believe this person, Rohit, is worthy to join our village."

The chief continued to scrutinize Rohit with an unwavering gaze, his eyes betraying a depth of perception beyond the ordinary. Despite the weight of the chief's scrutiny, Rohit maintained his composure, his eyes meeting the older man's with a quiet determination, ready to face whatever judgment awaited him.

"Tell me the whole story," the chief commanded, his voice carrying an air of authority that demanded truth.

Aryan, standing beside Rohit, complied without hesitation. He began to narrate the sequence of events, detailing how he met Rohit, the conversations they had, and everything else that transpired during their journey. As Aryan spoke, the chief's expression remained inscrutable, his keen eyes absorbing every nuance of the tale.

As the whole story concluded, the chief nodded thoughtfully.

"I see. I will ask some questions to Rohit and judge if he is worthy to join our village."

Gesturing for Aryan to leave, the chief shifted his attention to Rohit.


Before Rohit could respond, the chief abruptly got up and threw him to the floor.

"Is this the reason for your confidence?" the chief asked, holding up a red button he had taken from Rohit's pocket.

Rohit, unable to speak as the chief held him down firmly, attempted to move towards his belly, prompting the chief to pull out a strange object tied around Rohit's body.

"Hahaha... were you planning to blow yourself up?" the chief mused, swiftly disassembling the bomb and tossing it away.

Rohit left breathless and stunned on the floor, trying to make sense of the unexpected turn of events. The chief's actions revealed a keen perceptiveness that had detected the hidden danger, and Rohit now found himself at the mercy of a leader whose scrutiny went beyond the surface.

The chief loosened his grip on Rohit, allowing him to speak.

"Get off of me, you—" Rohit began, but the chief swiftly tightened his grip once again.

"Do not curse in front of me if you don't want to die, that is," the chief warned.

Complying, Rohit remained silent, understanding that any further outburst could have dire consequences.

Finally releasing his grip, the chief let Rohit go. Resuming his seat, the chief leaned back and asked,

"You could have used that bomb earlier. With a bit of disassembling, you could have thrown that bomb at Aryan and run away. That would have solved your problems, and you wouldn't be in this situation at my mercy."

Rohit dusted off his clothes and flashed a broad smile.

"Where's the fun in that?"

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