
This Option Is also Possible?!

Choices had to make, it's what the earthling need to pick to continue their path. Out of the three difficulties they had to make in that room, only 1 is the right one. while the other 2? it's like a joke created to the weak and courageous one. having lived his life off, from the correct path might not be something helpful to Lucas, though. After his death, he once again needs to choose the option. But, what's the right choice out of the 3? "Can I pick all three of them? " **** Thanks for reading my story here, and please share your thought! Every critic is helpful, but please don't be too harsh on me. I'm learning English since it's not my mother tongues, using Grammarly but human and program is the same, they'd filled with mistakes and fault, that's why if you found any error don't shy to tell me. @Picture from halcyon 450 DeviantArt with slight tweaking from me!

FortuneEternal · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 3, Wait, what’s happened exactly?




"Alright guys, go sit on your seat now, or I'll lower your score." Said the man in the mask, his eye-catching white skin hid between the robe makes woman envy him, and man grossed.

"Teach! Isn't today supposed to be an outdoor class?"

"who said that? Oh, it's the class rep, not really… I don't want to go out after all, so it's a no"

Aw, so the students said disappointedly.

"Damn you, teacher… it's the long-awaited bloomer, after all."

"Agreed, sniff."

The horny student making commotion.

"Hear that girls, the class rep, and his accomplices all want to see you all in bloomer after all, so I can't say no to it… Let's go out!"

"Euuh, No way…"


Stepping outside, while the boy dejected, the girls pump up their fist and grab the wand under their robe.

"Hey, don't be so sad… not's like it's the end of the world only because the girls aren't wearing bloomers."

"But teach… you're the traitor!"

"No way, horny brats. I already accept your plea to study outside, so the girls choose our material. And it's not PE, but magic combat!"


"pst, can't we just destroy the robe using a 'slightly stronger spell which unknowingly destroys their robe'?"

"Besides, we can also unknowingly uses a spell that makes them wet so they'd change to their PE uniform?"

The light in the male student shines, while the girls shivering without know the reason why.

After some discussion, the gathered male then whispering to each other and pump their hands while shouting, "For our youth!".


Then waiting for their turn to battle.

"Alright, it's a tourney! The winner will get an additional grade in my class, so boy on the left, girl on the right! We'd battle against the same gender tourney, and the winner between the gender will battle on another!"

"Damn it, you traitorous teacher!"

"Eh, eh, What's now?"

The teacher confused with the sudden horny male students' outburst.

The battle goes smoothly, while the boy used some hardboiled spell, the girls use menacing one.

"Flame fist!"

"Bursting punch!"

Male Student A throws a punch towards male Student B, the spell used by male Student A is magic where the fist blanketed by fire. Using Close quarter combat technique, he threw the punch towards Male Student B which using the Bursting punch magic that threw a hot wind while punching towards the air, targeting Male Student A, and hindering Male Student A punch.

Dodging the hot air shot is harder than you think since the air shot continuously. While so, Student A needs to maintain the spell blanketing his fist with flames.

"Fiery step."

Using fiery step, Male Student A jump higher than an average adult can. It's so high, you can measure it by eyes that it's over 3 meters.

"Take my flaming meteor punch!"

Eh, it's just Male Student A move his way to falling with his flaming fist towards male student B with his fist pointing towards B.

Well, it's not a spell nor magic, but a combination moves.


Sadly, Male student A can't move in the air anymore, so when he realizes he's under misdirection spell of Male student B, he already loses his consciousness with the last finishing Bursting punch to Male Student A's head.

"Okay! It's male Student B's win, with this male student B is the male winner of the tourney!"

"He hem! Eh, wait… I'm not male Student B, my name is…"

"Okay then, seeing the horrendous zone of Female student tourney, which being filled with blazing fires and magma, while the scorching Female Student A dropped there, I bet the winner is Female student B! so, after 5 minutes break, and some fixing to the arena we can continue the final match!"

Female student B also grumbling, saying her name isn't B but something else. While the other student giggling towards their name change.

"What are you giggling about? Go and fix the arena already, kid!"

"Eeh, you should be the one to do it, Teacher A!"

"Hey, I don't care if it A, B, C or D… just go and fix the arena alphabet student!"

"Damn it teach, can you at least call our name!"

"No can do, Male student D. As a teacher, I must be impartial."

"Yesterday I was B, today I am D… tomorrow what would I become… geez…"

"Where's the class rep anyway?"

"I am the class rep!"

"O… oh…"

So the Student D is Class rep, huh… that's surprising.

Anyway, it's not taking that long to repair the Arena, since the student took too long to fix it, Teacher A continued the work quicker than the student combined.

"Oh, well, Male Student B VS Female Student B will commence soon, take you seats Male and Female Students!"

Although they don't like the way their teacher calls them, they also can't hate him since they know that their teacher is blind-deaf.

The fact that a blind-deaf person can converse with them, and teaching someone in class is because of his specialty in mana sense.

Using mana, he moves the particle to detect and recreate what the brain waves send. Unexpectedly, it's not only working towards human, but it also worked to plants and animal.

Although Plants and animals have a simple way of thinking, unlike a human, the fact that all person is the same definitely better than nothing since male and female had a different way of thinking. At the same time, processing each student though, is already hard enough, not to mention remembering their way thinking and the other.

It's too hard after all, not something a human can touch upon.

"Okay, Female Student B, Male Student A! be ready anytime, on 1, we'll start the battle."


"" Eh?!"""Inferno!" "Air wall."

Startled by the sudden countdown, both of them reacting instinctively.

"Damn it, you should start with 3! Teach! Ah!"

While dodging the spear of flame Female Student B shot towards him, Male Student B uses his mana radar, looking for the gap he can use to make a counter-attack.

After several minutes of Dodging and evading, Female Student B starts to breathe hard. Sensing the chance, his eyes shine delightfully, and chant "Wind slash, barrage!".


Thus, Female Student B's robe goes in tatter and showing most of her skin.

Seeing the beautiful body, and the bountiful mountain in her chest, most of the Male Student cheered.

"Wooh! Good job, comrade!"

"Hahaha! Praise me more, praise me more!"

Astonished by the sudden counter-attack, Female Student B's stunned. While hearing the Male Students' Cheers, her face reddens and shout.

"You bastards! Hear my call, and erupt in from the center of life, O great magma! Explosion!"

"What, eh?! Female B, don't do that! Transport!"

While astonished at the sudden mass destruction spell, that not only destroy the enemy but all the academy, Teacher A then use a spell that Transporting the magic Female B create, it's lucky that at most the spell can do is creating a destruction as significant as 100 kg TNT otherwise Teacher A can't transport it.

After transporting the Explosion Magic towards 2 km in the sky, the shockwave still creating an earthquake in the surrounding arena, since the source is from the field, and the Academy shaking makes the teacher coming out of the class to see what happened.

"It's you. A class again…"

"Geh, it's the principal…"

While the principal sighing while shaking his head left and right, the other student and teacher making a commotion.

"it's the A class again, I know that they're strong, but they shouldn't disturb the other students."

"Indeed… but why the sudden earthquake, what kind of magic did they cast?"

"They really the same age as us? Seriously?"

"It must be the teacher, I don't believe someone at the same age as we can use that kind of magic…"

While all of the A-class students fell into a panic, the other focus on gossiping, Teacher A said: "Okay, that's all for today, let's meet next week!"

Teacher A said while turning his body away while running as fast as he can as if he was running away from his death. He dashes out of the field, while a flying old man…

No, it's the flying Chairman, waving his cane and shouting.

"Don't you dare run again, Lucas Luniere Sinaga!"

"I'm not the culprit! So, spare me, chairman!" Said teacher Lucas.

The best academy for a magician, and ones that hailed as the best place under the best Wizard in Saber. The chairman of the Magic Academy isn't someone who can be belittled, the only person half step into becoming a powerhouse in the whole Saber.

The Wizard Emperor, Chasing after him.



Meanwhile, the room of beginning.

Lucas Luniere Lodback, no, his real name is Lucas Sinaga. Coming from many of his past in Zhield, he picks many middle and last name as he can while disguising himself in battle.

At some time, he's the great magician, Luniere Sinaga.

While at some point in time, as a spear master, those last years as cannon fodder, he stood with the name Edwin.

Even though he can play all along with another name, the fact he's just above average in those years bear no brunt to it.

After 90 years, although he's still better than the worst noble. He's still nothing to a powerhouse, which has a title of Saint behind their profession.

Grade 4, Professional.

Grade 5, Specialist.

Grade 6, Master.

Grade 7, King.

Grade 8, Emperor.

And the last, but not least. The starting point of all the powerhouse, Grade 9 Saint.

While it might be rare for a Specialist to come and be in an army before the earthling came, and even in the early year of the earthling's transmigration. It's not really that rare for a Grade 5 even 6 to be a footsoldier after the mana apocalypse.

Moreover, the day the 3 worlds waging war. Grade 7 king was only a squad leader, well, a special squad leader that is.

Which means, the Earthling make the world better, and easier to the Native. They might be in a warring state more often, but without a doubt, the earthling brings development to the world residence.

Meanwhile, the real Lucas still asleep in the room of beginning.

He's already sleeping for more or less 5 years, but the incarnation he has in Saber and Anvil already have a better standard than an average earthling do.

He's spent more than 6 years in the room of beginning already, but only 10 months passed in the 3 worlds.

Which means, the room of beginning and the 3 Worlds have a different time-scape.

But, then again, what kind of concept the room of beginning had?

What kind of concept it had, to divide a human being into 3 people.

Albeit, He's being divided into 3, they already realize about the fact. However, the hub between his 3 divided body is the person unconscious inside the room of beginning.

Lucas luniere and Lucas sinaga, know that the other personality he missed. Lucas realizes that the other personality of his was brought to a different world, but his main body still unconscious in the white room.

That's why he trains his Spearmanship inside a safe cave he found. Although it's boring, he can eat the monster outside, and gather herb or plants in the surrounding.

Until the day he met the other, that is…

Thank you for reading, and please do rate this story!

Throw me the power stone!

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