
A turn of events. Again.

I was bragging about my high physica and maigical resistance a monemt ago, but look at me now - I'm being cooked alive. The first thing I tried was pushing the entrance of the den open, but I had no succsess, probably because the wyvern put something really heavy on it.

"Scroll, would you like to save me today?" And the one time I really needed the scroll, it was still on cooldown. So, what options do I have?

I would prefer to just fight the wyvern, but I'm locked inside the den, so that option falls out as well. Damn, I should have just gone along with my first plan. Why do I always find the worst way to do everything, and always get myself into trouble? I bet my lack stat is super low, haa.

I've spent a while trying getting my thoughts together, and figured out something pretty interesting. When I teleported to the dungeon, which was far, but no too far away from me, the amount of light that excaped the scroll was smaller than when I teleported to the den. The den was a lot further away, and the scroll glow almost completely disappeared.

So, my theory is this: the shorter the distance, the less light is required, therefore you have to wait a less for the light to recover if the distance you teleported is mall.

But, how does that help me now? Well, It's pretty simple actually. Since the amount of light that is needed to teleport a small distance is not high, I just need to wait for a few minutes and the light would be enough to teleport me right outiside the den.

A fight with the wyvern will be unaviodable, since I would die from overheating before there is enough light in the scroll to take me far away from here.


I got myself mentally prepared, and took out my dagger. The fight won't be easy, but I only have to fight a single wyvern, so I have a chance.

"Do your thing, scroll. Take me right outside the den." This time, the light that usually blinded me only made my eyes slighty uncomfortable, and I watched my surrounding change before me.

"Whoa!" I bowed down my head just in time as a huge claw flew over my head. If I were late by a single second, that'd be my end.

The wyvern roared, but the other wyverns didn't move over, because normal wyverns don't support their kind unless it's their own family.

I felt a weird tingle in my nose, and before I realized what it was, I got struck with lightning.

"Agh! So you're a lightning type." One attack and my health is already more than half-way depleted.

If things go on like this, the next attack will kill me for sure. I charged at the wyvern and dived between his legs - a movement I learned while finishing off a "leader" type a month ago. This forced him to retreat, to prevent his stomach, the weak spot, from being cut. I used this opportunity to jump up a rock, and while the wyvern was preparing to take off into the air, I finally escaped the ravine.

I leaded him to a flat area, because there I won't have to worry about falling off into the ravine or being pressed up againts a wall.

With a loud bang, another stike of lighting was launched at me, but this time I was ready for it and avoided it just fine.

After seeing this, the wyvern started going back down onto the ground, because he couldn't land an attack from this far away.

Now that he is on the ground, I'm also able to attack him, so that's why he was avoiding that at first.

He attemted to bite me, but instead of rying to avoid this attack, I kept going straight towards him, and since he wasn't expecting that, he couldn't move his head back in time.

I jumped on top of his head and ran straight towards his right wing - I have to cut his wings in order to prevent him from taking off into the air again.

"Take that!" I said and stabbed my dagger into his wing. He started wildly flapping it, so I just held on to my dagger and slid down all the way to the bottom of the wing, leaving a long cut behind.

He charged another lightning attack and shot himself with it, to electricute his body, forcing me to retreat. He took no damage from that, but I had to let go of my dagger, which was made of conductive metal.

"How the hell am I supposed to beat you without a weapon?!" He once again has the upper hand on me.

I kept avoiding his lightning attacks, but my stamina can't last forever.

Then, it's time to pull out the big guns.

[Chilling touch]

I activated the ability.

I need to land as many hits as I can, and they don't have to be strong. As long as I can hit him ten times, all the next attacks will deal pure damage, so no matter how strong his protection is, he will still get hurt.

I ran up close to him, and after rolling backwards from a claw attack, I charged at his leg hand and puched him two times. I retreated, but this time his next attack was a little slower than before. I once again charged at him, retreating after two punches. I repeated the same thing 3 times in a row, and each time he got a little slower than before.

This time, I attacked again but slower, to conserve energy. His movements were a lot more restricted than before, so I had no trouble avoiding his sluggish attacks.

With a manapool of over 700, I hit him around 30 times and still has some mana leftover. The pure damage came into play, as I could see the immense pain he felt with every punch.

"I wish I could use this ability on the giant worm I fought with." The fight ended with succsess thanks to [chilling touch] this time, but during the fight with the worm I didn't have enough of a manapool to use it this much.

"Oh well. Anyways, thanks for becoming my experience, wyvern." One final stab in the throat was enough to finish him off.