
A healthy diet.

Oh, what's this? A scroll of some sort? I thought artifaccts were meant to represent equipment, just like the necklace I had a while ago.

"Unless it's not an artifact, of course." Right, well I want to see what this scroll does so I may as well use it.

Do I just pour some mana into it and hope something happens? It's not like I have too many choices, so I'll try that.

It's glowing, okay, and what happens next?

After waiting around for a few minutes, I put it away into my inventory. I'll check it in a few hours to see if anything happens, because I don't feel like staring at a glowing piece of paper for hours straight.

There were also some ingots made of metal, but I'm not very good at distinguishing metals, so I'll show them to the blacksmith when I meet him next time.

Oh, and there's also a dragon egg I found after exploring the area where the the dragon used to live. This egg won't hatch, because I can't feel any mana in it, in other words I just have an egg that won't do anything.

"I think it would make a pretty good lamp because of the shape of the egg. If only it could glow." Enough joking about, I have a slightly more important thing to think about.

I felt like I became really strong, but after a bit of though I realized that my level is just a little higher than an average royal knight.

Just for reference, the princess has around 400 of them, and some kingdoms have even more.

"I have a long way to go.. and the fastest way to progress is by killing things." I'd need to kill a lot of monsters to level up, so the fastest way would be to use a reliable weapon.

Hmm, on that note, I think it's about time I come back to the mansion where I sent some spies. It's already been, what, three weeks? I think I can just come back, and if they're not ready I'll just wait there.


My luck is pretty bad apparently, because today is the one day when there are no carts around the entire village.

"Looks like I'll have to go by foot then. Of course, I could just leave tomorrow, but that would mean that I have to spend a whole day doing nothing." On second though, that might not be a bad idea.

There is still one more thing I have to check before heading out.

"I totally forgot about my "team". Damn." I just hope that they're alive, they were nice people after all.

Well, the first place I would go to if I'm searching for them is to the dungeon. There is a chance that they were unaware about me clearing the dungeon, and if that's the case, then they're still down there looking for the boss.

"First destination - the dungeon. And hopefully the last one, because I really can't be bothered to look around the village in search of a single raid group."

There is also a change that they're not from this village in the first place, and then I'd be wasting my time for nothing

Hmm, it's gonna take me a while to reach the dungeon, I wonder if there is any other way to get there faster.

"Oh, well I'm dumb, aren't I?" I just understood something that I should have the moment I saw it.

I think that scroll I got from the chest is a portal scroll. I remember seeing those in a bunch of different game, so there is a good chance that I'm right.

"Well, I won't find out till I try, right?" I said and pulled out the scroll from my inventory.

"How do I use it though? Yo scroll, teleport me to the dungeon entrance." I started talking to it as a joke, but that actually worked and the light, which it was already emitting, started glowing brighter.

The light became so bright that I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, I was already at the entrance.

The scroll didn't disappear, but the light became very faint. I would assume that this scroll has a cool down, and when the light becomes brighter I can use it again.

"That's overpowered! Now I can teleport to anywhere just like that." There must be some limitations, but even then, this is still an unfair item.


I was wandering around the dungeon, amazed at how many corpses there were on the ground. I was the one who did this, and it's pretty unsettling to think about. Uh, if this happens again, I might just end up getting into some deep shit.

"Huh? No, don't tell me." I said in a voice, which had a hint disbelief.

"That's not the state I expected to see my mates in." I looked over at four corpses, covered in human bites, some parts completely eaten.

I ate a human. No. I ate four of them.

Well, it wasn't really the normal "me" doing it, but rather it was "me" in a state of a mental breakdown, but the fact remains unchanged.

"I don't remember lot, but for once I'm glad about losing a little bit of my memory. I bet humans taste disgusting." And then, I remembered an article I read back on earth.

It was about a cannibalistic tribe, and they said something about the taste of human meat.

"Apparently, it tastes like pork. Well, at least I had a good snack." And with that, I hope this never happens again.

Hmm, I think I'm supposed to be more creeped out my this whole thing than I currently am. I'm a freak, aren't I?

Hey, sorry for not releasing chapters for so long.. My dog god bitten by a viper (a kind of poisonous snake) and my dog was on the verge of death, so I wasn’t really in the mood for writing.

But I’m happy to announce that my dog got better, and I’m back to writing this story!

Hope you enjoyed.

Yahazekcreators' thoughts