
This Crayfish is not edible

Xia Che was a crayfish monster that cultivated to become a human, but from then on he was the epitome of unlucky. But because he was friends with a Koi fish, he was able to escape his predicament. One fine day the Koi fish disappeared and our silly little crayfish lost his luck. He was all alone for many years until an ugly snake landed on his lap. The snake turned out to have exponential luck. Xia che: “Let me pet you today as well little worm. I want to trip on a pot of gold.” He rubbed the coarse scales of the snake. Long Aotian: ‘How dare you try to pet this majestic dragon,’ he bit his offending hands and squirmed. Xia che: “Stop squirming little worm, I might cook you for dinner instead. I heard humans say that snakes are good for your liver.” Long Aotian: “You....You” The little ugly snake changed into a majestic dragon and pushed the crayfish down. He ate till his heart’s content. P.S- Cover art inspired by LinDu

Lullabybao · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
275 Chs

Chapter 66 - Fujun


Fujun*- Husband

"What!! But I know him," Yukiya shouted. But her soft shouts were drowned by the loud crowd.

The Yamen runner snickered. "You perverted man. I've seen people like you, having the best looking face but resorting to perverse actions," he said.

"Wait, I'm not a pervert. I'm her fiance," Long Ki shouted.

"Lies and deceit tsk, tsk, tsk," The Yamen runners dragged him away as he shouted.

Yukiya watched this, stunned. "Wait!! Wait!! He really is my fiancé," she shouted. But her soft voice was drowned again by the crowd.

Long Ki complied with their requests and followed them obediently.

If he had wanted to, he could have beaten them to the ground in seconds. But they were in the human realm, so he had to conceal his identity.

He snickered, glancing at the woman being swept away by the crowd. 'This silly woman, because of her, this mighty dragon Long Ki, is convicted as a pervert,' He thought with a sigh.

He sniffed and wiped fake tears. 'Why has my life degraded to this level? Is it because of her?' he thought, glancing at her in the crowd.

"WAIT!!" Yukiya shouted and rushed over to him.

The yamen runners peered at her with curiosity. "Lady, what is it?"

"i know this guy," Yukiya said as she panted.

Everyone gave her a confused look. "But aren't you the one who complained," the yamen runner inquired.

"No, i was just... i was just..." she stuttered, trying to come up with a reason.

"We were having a lovers spat." Long Ki finished her statement.

The crowd started to murmur.

The stall owner came up to her and said, "lady, don't be scared. This guy he really was following you, eh?"

Yukiya peered at the stupid dragon with her eyes wide. 'What should i say? Should i lie and say that he is my lover? Is that even okay?' she thought, biting her lips.

Long Ki noticed her confusion. He pulled away from the yamen runners and hugged her slender waist.

"Darling, just because of a fight you can't give up on your Fujun*," he said with a fake smile.

"FUJUN? We are not married yet," she exclaimed with a red face.

"Yes, but these rings are the poof of our promise," Long Ki lifted their connected hands and showed it to the crowd.

The crowd murmured again. Vague conversations like "oh my god, they really are engaged. i didn't expect that," "why is the girl so cruel, complaining to the yamen just because of a love spat," were heard.

Yukiya ground her lips and glared at him. 'Ah this stupid dragon, I Am getting scolded by strangers because of him,' she thought.

"Darling, your beautiful eyes are shooting daggers through the veil, oh how beautiful," he said in a fake accent.

She pushed him away from her and stomped away.

Chuckling, Long Ki watched her swaying back. "Ah, teasing this woman is more fun than i expected," he whispered.

"Hey, wait for Fujun," he shouted and followed behind.

"Shut up, you are not my Fujun," she screamed with her back facing him.

"Aww, is my little wife angry with me again," he snickered and strode alongside her.

Yukiya humped and ignored him.

She pulled her sleeved down and glanced at the little lotus imprint. It was shimmering again. Closing her eyes in agony she prayed, 'god please... please let my little Xia be safe,'

"hey, why don't we start searching for my pup from the west, that's where we landed right," Long Ki said.

But the woman was distracted to listen to him.

After a while she replied, "No let's start searching east side,"

"Okay, let's do that," Long Ki said, folding his hands.

Yukiya gazed at him and thought, 'Sorry silly dragon, I have to search for my little Xia first.'

The stupid dragon scratched his head and whispered, "Where the hell are we by the way,"

Clearing her throat, she said, "This is the town of Guikal. If we walk a day to the east, we have higher chances of finding him," she said with confidence.

"Okay then, that's sounds like a great plan," the dragon cheerfully said.

Looking at his cheerful smile, she felt a pang in her chest. She felt like she was cheating him, because east to this village is her home town.

'Xia, I hope you are waiting for me,' she thought. Tears formed in her eyes, but she did not let them flow.

Because she knew that chances of finding Xia near the river was less. But she was willing to check it out for clues.

Clues on who kidnapped her son.

"RAIJIN.... RAIJIN..." long Ki shouted.

Yukiya gazed at him with a sorry smile.

"Oh, you told me to be quiet right. Raijin... Raijinn.." he whispered.

I'm wiped. Never felt this tired before. (*^*)

Lullabybaocreators' thoughts