
Things get (Wild)er

When things go so wrong that it makes Asher a crying mess, how much drama can she take before she is pushed to her limits? She is not ready for the drama, but the better question, are you?

Bro_the_turtle_jr · Thanh xuân
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
19 Chs


I unlock my door and walk into the bathroom. I began to undo my braids. My hair was a mess. I am going to take a shower after school. My hair had both sweat and tears in it.

After I finish brushing my hair out, I take down my clips. My uneven hair falls in my face. I could feel my eyes tear up. I shake it away. I sigh as I pull my hair into ponytail. I put in pale yellow clips. I brush my teeth and walk out. I grab a backpack and inside were folders and binders. The folders were for helping the teachers and the binders were for my class with them.

I walk out of my room and walk out of the building. I cross the large yard. The dew leaving faint water on my shoes. I make it to the school building. I enter the open doors. I make it to my first class. I am suppose to be early. He looks up from his book and said, "Hello."

I said back, "Hello. How are you today sir?"

He raised an eyebrow and said, "Sir? Are you in my class?"

I nodded and said, " Yes sir. I have never actually been in a class with a teacher who does not drill anything into your head with physical labor."

He looked at me bewildered. He said, "And why did they do that exactly?"

I said, "That is how my guardians wanted it. I had no control over it to be honest."

He nodded slowly and said, "You must be Asher then."

I nodded and said, "That obvious?"

He laughed and said, "Yeah. Most students do not have teachers that act like that. But you are suppose to be smarter than most."

I blush faintly and said, "I guess you could say that. Just was forced to learn to keep out of business."

He said, "Do you have any vision problems?"

I shake my head no. I said, "I got good vision."

He nodded and said, "The dean said to keep you close. More to the front. So I can sit you in the front middle."

He pointed at a chair. It was in the front row and in the middle of two chairs. I nodded and sit down. He said, "How have you adjusted to this place?"

I said, "I always memorize the layout of a place I am visiting or staying at."

He looks at me and said, "Force of habit?"

I nodded and said, "Yeah. Could have gotten me killed if I did not know the layouts. And I do deep research."

He nods and said, "Probably why you found this class with ease."

I nodded and said, "Yeah. This place must be harder to find if you do not memorize the layout."

He gave a small chuckle and said, "Yeah. Mind opening the door?"

I nodded and stood up. I was not paying attention and slammed the door into someone. A grunt and a small plop as someone fell to the floor. I look at Mr. Woods. He looked concerned and motioned me to look. He said, "You know what to do. Probably better than me."

I slip out the door and look at who I hit a girl. Her black hair ,that was flecked with white, fall over her face. Not letting me see her face. I reach my hand out and said, "Sorry about that. Here."

She slapped my hand away and got up. Her hair moved away from her face. She had these amber eyes that were cold and harsh. She was holding her nose. She growled out, "You are going to regret doing that."

I narrow my eyes and said, "I do not like being threatened. Beware who you are talking to."

She scoffs and said, "You should do the same. My father is rich with very good lawyers. I could ring you dry and put you six feet under."

I said, "You can try. Most people fail. You are not the only one with good lawyers."

She gives me a ugly look. She said, "Rot in hell bitch."

She tried to use her shoulder to shove me away. I did not budge. I said, "If you wanna say something, try and say it. Or are you to scared on ruining your reputation?"

She looks at me and said, "I am going to beat the every loving shit out of you."

I smirk and said, "Sure you are. Time and place."

She smirked and said, "After school in the yard."

I nod and said, "I will be there."

I open the door and close it right in front of her. Mr. Woods looked at me and said, "So, I am guessing it went well?"

I nodded and said, "Oh yeah. Now I get to beat a bitch up."

He raised an eyebrow and said, "Is it during school hours?"

I shake my head no and said, "After school. And since it is after school, it will not penalize me."

He laughs as the girl came in. She shoots me a death glare and put on the damsel in distress face. She walked up to Mr. Woods and said, "She hit me with the door Mr. Woods."

Mr. Woods said, "I am aware of that."

I chimed in, "She refused my help. I did my part."

He gave me a small smirk and said, "And what would you like me to do about it?"

She gave a face and said, "I want her to get into trouble."

He said, "But you refused her help. She said sorry. She did the best she could. Could have done more if you had not refused her help."