
They call me crazy

Shiela finds herself locked up in a cottage house. She can't recall what happened nor can she make sense of her memories

Minette_Bosman · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Locked up

Sheila starts waking up. Her head feels heavy and swollen. She can feel every heart beat pulsing in her head.

Where is she?

What is she doing here?

She jumps off the couch. She looks around. This place has not been cleaned for a while.

She looks at her hands. She has scratches all over.

She feels dizzy and plumped herself back on the couch.

Thirsty. So thirsty. She needs water.

She struggles to stand up and staggers on her feet. Somehow she found a basin. She opens the tap. Loud noises started coming from the pipes. Water came rushing out in a mucky brown and green color.

She stares at it for a while and decides to just rinse her face.

She looked up and yelled.

The reflection in the broken mirror showed a face half eaten...

She looked at the house, realizing it was haunted. She was half blind from the shards of glass everywhere. She shouts more. The house did not seem real at all.

There was a shadow on her face. The blurry lights were flickering randomly. She runs away from the room and the door of the room. She tried to open it. Nothing was there.

(yelling) Sheila.

(whispering)Where are you? Come on, come on, come on, come on.

(whispering)Oh God. Help me. Sheila please help me.