
They call me crazy

Shiela finds herself locked up in a cottage house. She can't recall what happened nor can she make sense of her memories

Minette_Bosman · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A face half eaten

She falls back to the wall run her fingers over her face, she feels the holes that were left from ratchet teeth.

She looks at her hands now full of blood.

She thought she must have fought off a bear in the woods or something. She rushes back to the living area looking for clues or details of where she is.... what she is doing here....

She finds nothing but old furniture and a old book case.

A strike of lightning brings her to her knees covering her ears and head.

Yes, it's night time and it's cold.

She wonders around the house, yelling for anyone to come and help.

No answer.

Just the increasing sound of her heart beating in her ears.

She trips over a corner of a rug and bumps over a table of lit candles.

The furniture catches fire and suddenly the whole room is trying to eat her up in flames.

She struggles against the burns, trying to bring the burn away from her body. Rats swarm from her face as she cries out, the flames begin to fade. She starts to walk backwards. The flames keep burning down the wall.

Rats? That is what has been eating at my face?