
Chapter 455. Fortress of Trees

"Yep--that's a whole horde, alright."

The advance troop of the Anzus squad looked down from the cliff they came from. Below them, there was a basin filled to the brim with miasmic beasts. Hundreds of them. From small scythe-armed flying squirrels, to ones that were as big as moose. They looked chaotic, but also somewhat orderly. At least, they didn't fight among themselves and instead, faced a huge wall in front of them--which was on the squad's left side.

"Kinda looks like undead from up here."

"Ugh--is it bad that I think it's disgusting?"


Dheera shuddered at the cocktail of miasmic beasts below. It wasn't just the visual--the sounds they made together were grating; growling, snarling, hissing, screeching, and thumping sounds that were mixed with something otherwordly.