
Then there was him chapter 2

The steps only got closer and I felt death was only around the corner. Someone grabbed my arm. I could tell it was a man and his hand could have covered my whole face. It was so big. He gripped my forearm and pulled me up. I had a flash of hope that everything was okay. But this man wasn't here to save me. He tapped at my arm with the barrel of the hand held gun. I winced at the pain from the heat of the recently shot weapon. One minute you going for a job interview, and the next YOUR GETTING DRAGGED AROUND BY A F@$^(*G PSYCHOPATH!


When they scream I smile and when they drop I laugh but my fun is over for now. I gotta get out of here. One after another I reached the separate floors and as I walked by this small fragile looking girl, with hair red as blood, she was adorable, and I wanted to hear her scream in terror as I threatened her life but I had to get moving. Welp she's gonna be my ride out of here. I had to kneel down to reach her because she was so damn small. Watching her quiver in fear as she laid there trapped in a ball i almost wondered why she was quivering, and then i remembered oh yeah i kind killed almost everyone in this building, all for her to hear. I almost looked over her, she was so small and quiet. I walked her out of the building as fast as i could, but this stupid pomeranian was so damn small she couldnt keep up.


In the blink of an eye he picked me up off my feet and ran faster, what the hell! He looked at me and yelled "where the hell is your car!?!" His voice was deep and booming, it scared the living hell out of me!! The gaul of this guy..

Hey sorry for the spelling mistakes if there are any. I doing my best to get better at writing, so I hope you all keep reading, and stay up to date with it!!

squishybubblebeecreators' thoughts