
Then there was him

When walking into a job interview, things should usually go one of three ways. The first would be you get the job, congratulations, the second would be that you don't get the job and leave, and the third is you have a chance of getting a spot but you have to wait, so you get left with the number of someone most likely unreliable and give up then and there. At least that was what i was looking to expect but i never thought things would work out like this…

BEEP BEEP BEEP *click* "Ugggghhhh, I don't think i'll ever be able to get used to waking up at 5 every morning." After getting ready I start up my car and pull out of my crap parking lot. "I've gone over the possibilities of whatever he might ask me and I have my pepper spray in case things end up like the last interview. Dealing with that nasty warthog was a living hell, and I haven't even gotten a new laptop yet." (I keep spending it on manga T-T) As I pulled up to the parking lot I noticed that it was nearly full, and I almost couldn't find a parking spot. "No matter, I'm going to get this job, and I won't let anyone take my confidence away from me!" I walk into the building and check in at the desk. The lady working there then hands me a card and says to "follow the instructions written" but how the hell am I supposed to do that if I don't even know which side is upright!?!?!

I heard shrieking, and the next thing I knew a lady ran right by me. I looked around, and immediately collapsed as if on instinct like my legs had gone numb. Throughout the next few minutes I just heard gunfire. bullet after bullet. Shot after shot..the screaming stopped and everything went quiet. You could've heard a pin drop through this entire building. It was eerie and I had to do my best to hold back tears. My head layed on the ground, my arms covering my face. What if I died. Suicidal thoughts had almost always come to me in my shitty life, but now that I wanted to live I felt almost grateful as I waited in fear. I heard steps, and thumps that echoed through the room and my heart was beating out of my chest. I was afraid someone could've heard. It felt so loud. why did this have to happen to me..

i probably mispelled some stuff so forgive me but i hope you enkoyed it!!

squishybubblebeecreators' thoughts