
Their Redemption

Yuriel Ezra died that night and it was their fault… they bullied him when they should have helped, they caused him pain when they should have noticed the lie, They were murderers and now they needed to atone for their sins.

sweetakane · LGBT+
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3 Chs


It's so cold..

Dark and cold and lonely,

Why? Why me? Why did I have to suffer like this?

It's lonely, I'm tired, I don't want to be here anymore.

Why it's nobody coming to help me? Oh, right, nobody wants or love me. I don't deserve it,I will always be alone.

I'm so so tired.


Please.... somebody..... save me ...


The man opened his golden eyes, his breathing erratic as he tried to catch his breath and slow down his heart. It's been two years since he started having this dream, it always starts with his old school hallway. The one that lead to the classroom of his last year of high school. In the dream it looks like he is walking down the hallway on his way to his classroom, his steps are slow and he keeps hearing that voice, pleading for help but every time he is about to open the classroom door he wakes up.

And every time there is a hollow feeling on his chest, like something it's missing.