
Their Redemption

Yuriel Ezra died that night and it was their fault… they bullied him when they should have helped, they caused him pain when they should have noticed the lie, They were murderers and now they needed to atone for their sins.

sweetakane · LGBT+
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning

Everything started when she saw him..

Maya could never forget the first time she caught a glance of Abel at the school entrance ceremony, it was love at first sight.

And for the next two years she did everything she could to gain his attention, she improved her appearance, her grades and even her popularity among her peers. She became the gentle school Belle just as he was the school's prince. Did everything to have the perfect reputation and be surrounded with people that were at his level just so he would look at her.

Unfortunately her luck when it came to classroom placement wasn't the best and they were never on the same class...

Until their last year of high school.

Finally she could worm herself into his group of friends. She became the best friend of his cousin Luna, and good friends with those around him, now she only has one problem, How to make this perfect man fall in love with her? .

It was four months before their graduation that she got an idea, if a strong and capable her couldn't get his attention perhaps a weak and vulnerable one could, after all it was a man's dream to become a knight and save a beautiful princess to marry home. Now she only needed one thing, a victim, a scapegoat.

And then she noticed Him - the person who changed her life forever:

Yuriel was a gloomy boy, he was always alone, sitting by the window in a corner of the classroom. He was quiet and keep to himself so obviously he didn't have any friends.

He was a depressing sight...

So she decided to use him, she spend a month gaining his trust,She became his first friend ever. Then she started spreading rumors, how he forced her to be his friend, how he bullied her and then she tripped one day in front of him scraping her knees and hands. Luckily her friends were just in time to see her.

"M-maya! Are you alright?! Omg you're bleeding! We need to get you to the infirmary!"

"You!! Did you do this?! Just because she is kind to you, you think you can bully her?!"

"Perhaps we should give you a lesson",

"I will teach you not to bully anyone else for the rest of your life"

And so Yuriel's second Hell started.

This group of friends took it upon themselves to teach the boy a lesson, and he who was weak, unloved and alone was forced to learn it.

"Nobody will save you", " You are all alone", "Nobody will ever love you"," You deserve it", "Its better to just DIE".

And he learned every single one of them.

The high school graduation was getting near and Yuriel started seing hope again. He has a scholarship to his dream college already and once he graduated he would never see his classmates again. Once he started college he would move into their dormitory and never see his parents again. He would finally be free.

But that hope was lost too, along with his life.

One week before graduation his father came home drunk and in a bad mood, he had lost a lot of money gambling and was extremely angry. Yuriel's mother got angry at her husband's uselessness and they started arguing. The argument went from verbal to physical and this led to the end his mother's life.

Seing that his wife stopped moving the man's rage turned to his son, and so he was beaten within an inch of his life.

When the man finished venting, he took any valuables that he was able to find at home and left, and so Yuriel was left alone, in pain , with a corpse and what little food was left at home. He was left knowing that his father would return and perhaps the next corpse would be his.

And he spend the next three days in the same situation, starving going to school to be bullied and returning home to be beaten by his father and repeating it over and over again. By the third day his body was barely holding on, so when school ended and he found himself with no strength to get up from his desk, he knew His time has come.

"What do we have here?~"

Yuriel smiled.

Abel didn't consider himself a good guy, he knew what he was doing was wrong, bur what that guy did was as well, Abel hated bullies the most, and he became one himself. But he couldn't stop now, his pride wouldn't allow him, he needed to hear it from that guy, to see him stand up and say it himself, 'I'm sorry for bullying her' that was all he wanted to hear, an apology. But this stubborn bastard wouldn't even talk to them.

So he keep going. Even if he felt guilty, even if he knew he was doing what he professed he hated the most, he keep going because he didn't know how to stop anymore. It was only fair the victim stopped it himself.

It was just another day of the same routine, this day Abel and his best friends- Klaus and Lucian- committed the worst mistake of their whole life. One that would haunt them for the next ten years of their life.

Classes finished as usual and everybody excitedly left the classroom, in four days they would graduating and leaving high school behind, they had already finished their finals and were just waiting for their college admission letters. They were happy.

Abel and his friends were preparing to leave as well when they noticed the boy laying at his table with no intention to go home. And they thought why not give one last lesson. They shouldn't have....

As they came near and smiled maliciously at the boy, for the first time he smiled back. It was a resigned smile, a peaceful one, he has already given up and was just waiting for sweet release.

This got them angry and the planned mild pushing and taunting turned into a rarely given beating by the time they finished the boy was left there laying on the floor with blood coming out of his mouth. And they left the school as if it was a normal day.

They were supposed to have a four days rest and come back on Monday for the graduation ceremony. But the next day everyone received a notice that the graduation ceremony was pushed back due to a police investigation, the body of a student was found lifeless at school and every one who came in contact with him that day was throughly investigated.

They were the first suspects.

this is my first time writing angths, hope it goes well~~

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