
The Young Heroes from Herculean

Vin Alamba was born with telekinesis. One day his younger sister, Vera Alamba, is attacked by a paid criminal. Vin must use his powers to help Vera but instead gets the criminal killed.

ikunaku · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

9 Leaves the castle  

TYH2 009

-playlist chapter: Leaving So Soon by Robert Castilone


Hojo wakes up because he smells a bad smell from the direction of the kitchen.

Instinctively, Hojo walked towards the kitchen room not far from his room. It's been more than three days that Hojo didn't use the kitchen except to grab drinking water or make instant coffee or instant noodles.

Although Hojo could guess who was busy in the kitchen. However, Hojo still felt curious about them. How can these two children use their kitchen without asking permission first?

"You've woken up apparently. Even though I intend to wake you up," said Vin kindly. Not forgetting there was a smile on Vin's tired face that was pale white.

Vin used a brown apron that Hojo bought at the night market a few months ago. Hojo bought the apron just before he set off on the mission. Apron of flannel combined with cotton fabric with an oriental impression, very suitable to be worn by Vin.

"You're perfect for wearing that apron. Do you want to change professions as a cook only?" said Hojo sneering at Vin sarcastically.

Hojo immediately sat in his chair. It's the only big chair in the kitchen. Hojo took a spoon to taste the vegetable soup Vin made. Hojo looked at his eyes as if he couldn't believe what had just gone into his mouth.

"If you don't like Big Brother Vin's cooking, don't eat it. As long as you know, that the cuisine is the best I've ever eaten. Stop lying, and you'd better sit quietly while eating." advises Vera.

Hojo snorted in annoyance. One corner of Hojo's lips pulled upwards, forming a straight line.

Vin laughed, then ruffled Vera's shoulder-length hair with echoes. Vin didn't think that Vera would be presumptuous to Hojo. However, Vin couldn't do anything about it when he saw Hojo eating well.

In his heart Vin was happy. At least Hojo received his homemade cooking.

Hojo didn't care about Vera's babbling, it was as if the sound was just a wind past that blew and had now disappeared. Hojo is too hungry, and without realizing it has finished a bowl of warm soup made by Vin.

"Hojo, when are we going to go to the academy you mean?" asked Vin, trying to distract Vera, who inexplicably continued to dislike Hojo.

"Oh that, we'll go tomorrow," said Hojo briefly. Hojo was still busy finishing the contents of his plate, ignoring Vera's piercing gaze and Vin's impatient face.

"What academy is that, Big Brother Vin?" cried Vera, walking quickly towards Vin to ask for more explanation.

"I don't know for sure either. Hojo just said we'd be safe there. We don't have to think about that. And more importantly, you can go to medical school like your ideals all along." replied Vin, occasionally glancing towards Hojo. Vin hopes Hojo can help him explain to Vera.

"And big brother doesn't mind?" urged Vera with a fierce look.

"What else can you do? Getting out of prison after making Bono die is terrible and I don't have the face to continue to accept the old man's mercy. It's not easy, Vera.

But I'm more worried about your future. You shouldn't have a useless brother like me. Just keep hiding and can't give you the education you deserve. How can I face my father and mother in the hereafter?" replied Vin.

Vin's throat was stuck when he mentioned his father and mother. Her parents died when Vera was very young. Even Vin doesn't clearly remember how their parents used to be. Vin's memory was too vague for that sensitive matter.

"Brother should have asked for my opinion first." snapped Vera not accepting.

"If I were in jail, what would you do, Vera?" replied Vin in a high tone.

Vera was silent.

"I will..." Vera couldn't continue her sentence.

Vera was confused. Vera didn't know if Vin wasn't with her either. What if Vin was actually in prison for life? How will Vera continue her life?

Living alone wasn't the idea Vera had ever thought of all along!

"Look, you can't answer it. I'll make sure nothing happens to you or me. Although Hojo's appearance is inconclusive, I can tell that Hojo has no bad intentions for us."

All Vin always did was gently rub the tip of Vera's head. It would be helpful to calm Vera down.


"It looks like your question has been answered by your brother. As a good sister, I'll only give you one piece of advice. Study hard at the academy later. Make your brother proud. Make your late parents proud in the afterlife," Hojo said before leaving the kitchen and returning to his room again.


In the morning, Hojo wakes Vin and Vera is still sleeping soundly in the room near the kitchen with a splash of cold water. Vin and Vera immediately woke up with crumpled faces.

"What's wrong, Hojo?" asked Vin in a hoarse voice.

"Get ready. We're leaving now," Hojo replied briefly. Leaving Vin and Vera still half sleepy.


"Vera, let's wake up. Get your books done," commanded Vin, who was already busy folding his clothes and Vera's.

Vera was still sitting on the bed. Vera's hair looked disheveled, as well as one of her hands holding a textbook. Vera couldn't sleep if she didn't read one of the textbooks.

"You strange child. Can't you get rid of your bad habit of reading textbooks?" complained Vin, still busy cleaning up their little stuff.

"What's wrong with reading? It was my brother, who didn't want to go to school. It's Brother Vin, who's the fool here." grumbled Vera, standing up and clearing herself.


The morning air when the sun has not risen is below zero degrees Celsius. Vin and Vera shivered at not having warm clothes. Hojo forbids them to bring anything in the castle except their belongings.

"Wait here a minute, I'll guide the jet to land on the fairly airy ground."

In front of them lay a field filled with edelweiss flowers. The sea of white flowers moved around as the wind blew it violently. Hojo stood in the middle.

Until it comes.

Suddenly a rumbling sound appeared above the three of them. A strange triangular-shaped jetliner. Jet planes that Vin or Vera haven't seen in their entire lives.

"Is that the plane that's going to take us to the academy?" whispered Vera, asking Vin in a timid voice.


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