
The Wrong Vassal

William Leech lives in a modern fantasy world and is the single father of Blair and Caleb, two small kids that gained the ability of transforming into gigantic monsters that usually become out of control until they pass out. Because of the obvious danger that his children cause and live, he tries his best trying to be as discreet as possible and hide them all from society, monster hunters and the people from his past, trying to build a new life in a different country with two kids to raise and traumas to ignore (or maybe overcome) and trying to discover how can Blair and Caleb become monsters. (contains body horror, canibalism, violence and abuse)

EmoPidgeon · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Aren't you hungry?

Blair runs around the room and finds the closet. Inside the closet she grabs the lowest coat she finds, goes back running and throws it on William's back and continues running in circles around the bed. That was something she used to do in some mornings. William put on the coat while Caleb decided to run with Blair. A maid entered the room and seeing that William was in fact standing up she asked them to come. They went to the dining room and it was huge. William wonders if Gregory's family is that big or if that was a room used only when he had visits. William, Blair and Caleb sit down in one side of the table while Gregory is on the other. Another almost identical maid gives each one of them a menu. William thinks that's way too much for someone's home and Caleb thinks they are probably going to swim in coins later.

- Where's the price? -

Blair asked.

- Anyone of you will pay anything. -

Gregory answered.

- Really? -

Blair asked with a large smile on her face. Gregory nods with his head, clearly bothered with something. Blair searches for the maid that gave them the menu and full of excitement she says:

- I want everything! -

- Blair, you can't do that. -

William said.

- But why? It's free! -

Blair questioned with deception.

- We don't know if it's actually free. It's not because he said that no one will pay, it means it's for free! He is an unknown and very likely a dangerous man and he can charge any one of us later. Maybe not with money but a high price is a high price and I don't have the conditions to pay even what this… Man… Could possibly consider a low price! -

William answered in sedento and clearly nervous, which made Gregory angry.

- Are you incapable of speaking like a decent person? Your children are going to grow up speaking like that! -

- That is the exact reason why I speak with them in my native language. -

William answers Gregory in rhyolitan.

- … Now you fight? -

Caleb looks at William, then at Gregory and at William again and asks in sedento, with sparkles in his eyes.

- I can't. -

William answered. 

Some nearly identical maids enter the room with the lunch. They give one plate for Gregory, Caleb and William and seven different plates for Blair. Blair tries to eat from two plates at the same time, but William stops her.

- Once at the time, ok? You might choke. -

Blair stops and starts eating every plate one by one.

William stops looking at Blair and look at Caleb eating peacefully. Then he stops and look at his own plate, full of food. His hands are on his knees, the food smells good, really good. He doesn't remember when was the last time he had an actual meal, something that wasn't a living sapient person. That steak looked so nice and that puree looked so fine. The steam coming out of his plate and going softly directly at his face. It was begging to be eaten. But William knew if he even started to eat, he wouldn't stop. He had avoided eating actual food for so long he would cross the thin line between his needs and wants very easily.

Noticing Blair was already finishing her fifth plate, William takes his hand out, shaking, and slowly gives his plate to Blair, but Gregory comes from behind, grabs his forearm and tries to bring the plate back to William. He grabs William's fork, stabs the steak and brings it closer to his face. William's mouth is watering. The purest a vampire is, the least they need physical food, needing a mostly liquid diet. But William doesn't even drink water because he's afraid of losing control. But that steak was really juicy, warm, and smelled delicious.

- Are you not even a little bit hungry? -

Gregory whispered in William's ear. Luckily for William, Blair finished all her plates, jumped on the table and ate the steak in one big bite like she was fished. William was relieved while Blair was eating from his plate making a mess.

- Did you forget to give your daughter a proper and decent education? -

Gregory stands up, pissed off. Caleb hides his plate under the table to actually finish without risking his poor pasta being swallowed out of existence by the girl.

Earlier, Dustine called Sarah.

- Hi Sarah. I'm sorry for what Willy did. -

- It's ok, got just a scratch. And you technically have nothing to do with that. -

- Of course I do! If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't be here and none of it would have happened! You have the slightest idea of how many people died last night? -

- Last night? You mean the attack in the academy? That happened three days ago. -

- … What? -

- Yeah! That happened three days ago! Also, Sera retired and Joshua asked for your number. -

- …Do you know what could have happened to William? -

- Maybe he's contained. Why? -

- If there was more people out of control with him, would they also get contained? -

- I think so, but why? -