
The World Created by One Person

A man whose name and origin is unkown woke up in the City of Oblivius. He must find a way to survive the new world full of mysteries.

h_Hirto · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Chapter 5 A Monster

The sun's shining light piercing the ground. The atmosphere was gloomy as if the corpses existed to contrast the bright and warm sunlight. Corpses laying on the groud while few people are cleaning the mess up. There were not many people, if you tried to count it will only add up to about 3 people. The atmosphere can be summarised as gloomy.

"This is my group, my team." Ritso said so with a face dyed with sadness.

Naiba calmly observed the area. One by one the 3 people started looking at him.

"What happened here?"

One of the 3 people answered.

"The Mini Event killed most of us but luckily we 4 survived."

Naiba realised why Ritso agreed to make an alliance.

"Is your leader alive?"

A few seconds of silence was broken by Ritso's voice answering in a pained yet calm manner.

"No he didn't survive. Im the new leader."

Naiba sign as he walks around trying to familiarise the area. Finzen suddenly said "Mini Event I'm assuming thats similar to task and the Main Event. What got them killed?"

Yet again one of the 3 people answered.

"The Mini Event had... a... a.... mo-nster..."

Naiba's voice suddenly entered the conversation once more.

"What kind of monster?" Naiba was geneuntly curious and his still looking for clues.

When one of the 3 people was about to open her mouth Ritso stoped her and answered on her stead.

"It was a seemingly ordinary cat but when touch it breaks the mind of whoever touched it. From what info I gathered the amount of time corresponds to how bad the effects. For example if someone let's say pat it for about 10 seconds that person would experience severe mental break down. The best way to not get affected is by not touching it at all. The cat had another seemingly abnormal thing to it. When people gets close enough to the cat they would have the near unbeatable desire to touch the cat even if they have a cat realted allergies."

Naiba listened carefully trying his best not to overlook the info.

"This is just my assumption, since you got more info than I thought you would. Did you get the Mini Event yesterday?"

Ritso's face was astonished and gladly answered. "Yes, but how did you came to that assumption?"

After a few seconds of silence Naiba replied.

"It doesn't really matter if you know how I figured it out. What matters is the clues that you can give me. Then I'll ask this was there another monster other than the cat? I won't answer if you throw another question at me." Calm and observative thats how Naiba operates.

"No there wasn't, the people who lost their mind started to attack using their abilities. That is how the corpses were..."

Naiba calmly replied while looking at the corpses. "What ability did cause most of the damage?"

Ritso looking down on the corpses replied with her voice shaking with anxiety.

"I-Its the Leader's ability..."

As Naiba is listening his also thinking of ways to use his ability, but at last he just waited for Ritso to finish her sentence.

"The name of the ability is..."

Just when Ritso was about to say the ability's name a burts of sparks out of no where decended into her. Luckily Finzen was able to pull Ritso and save her from harm. Finzen then said "Thats just like when a person tries to say their name but is unable to."

Ritso's face was covered with supriced, her breathing started to slow down as if the sparks had some sort of effect on the person trying to say something.

Ritso greeted her teeth then said "I don't know why but it seems like saying the ability of a dead person is not allowed."

Naiba tooked note of such info and looked at the 3 survivors of the Group. They all wore a t-shirt with different color and some bluish pants.

The 1st guy had dark shades under his seemingly void filled eyes. He also had black hair but most of it was covered by his fedora. Strangely enough his has the cleanest face thats not covered in blood.

The 2nd guy had blue eyes but unlike the 1st guy he does't have a dark shade under his eyes. He seems more muscular than the 1st guy but his clothes were a bit bigger than that of the 1st guy. His hair was that of a darkish brown. His face is also covered with the blood of the corpses but just a tiny bit more than the 1st guy.

Lastly the 3rd person which is actually a female from the based on the small and slender body. She has a blood red eyes, and her hair being long enough to be touching her waist with the color of pure silver white as if shes a princess. Her face, no her whole body was covered with the most blood out of all the 3 people.

Naiba's calm and collected mind suddenly realised something strange. Why was he observing how they look?

If my theory is correct then there should be an ability that stops people from questioning something, and thinking of something. Though it might only be closed to the truth, but going with the theory yesterday I didn't pay attention to the looks of other, and thats how I normaly was even before waking up in the Central Park. If I started to have this thought then is it possible that someone might have an ability to inject a thought into a target and extract a thought from a target. Since I didn't have that thought yesterday does that mean that thoughts can be recovered through abilities. I used my ability to remove damage yesterday does a injection and extraction of a thought count as one? So many questions but if I really started to observe how other people looked then the 1st person I observed is Finzen.

Naiba looked at the standing Finzen and to add more clues he also looked to observe Ritso. Wait isn't this a stalker like behavior or maybe but isn't that how people usually do everyday. Setting that aside I just need to observe for now.

Finzen was still wearing his white colored suit. His dark hair not being too long, and not being too short either just the average hair cut, that for some reason fits him very well. His pants and shoes being the same color which is black, both looking pretty expensive.

Ritso's hair was long long enough yo touch her waist. Her eyes being blue with the slight tint of red and green. Ritso has a respectable slender figure able to attract the gaze of many men. She was wearing a sweater with the color of blue perfecly matching her eyes. Her hair being the color black makes a perfect figure to look at. Her pants being long and formal contrasting her casual looking attire. Her shoes being good quality despite the dirt and small drops blood.

This is so tiring. Trying to figure out this new world, and such and the weird Mission, Events and tasks. Sigh... This is so annoying, this does't fit me, but survival is what matters the most.

Wait didn't I said that I don't normaly observe how other people looked. Did the thought of observing how other people looked came as a side effect of my damage removal? If thats true then a new thought might be injected to me everytime I do that. Maybe its gonna inject a thought thats opposite of some thoughts that it got from me, I mean its hard to believe if my damage removal actually fully recovered my thoughts, well that is if my damage removal actually did that. Sign...

As Naiba was thinking the sound of a cat meowing was heard.


Everyone was alerted, and at that moment the cat was in front of Naiba. Naiba instinctively kick the cat. The cat was sent flying away by a few meters. The cat suddenly started to change its form to that of a monster.

It was twice the size of an average human. It had humungus fangs and claws, its body was covered like a armor by its fur. It had a big green eyes thats shows killing intent.

Then the TB appeared with a new task, no a Mini Event.

[A new TB format has been given]

[Mini Event]

Hunt the Ranging Bear

Reward: ???

Time Limit: ???

A new format? What the hell is this? I'll set that aside for now a Raging Bear? That thing is a bear?

Then at that moment the voice of the Host was heard.

[This is my compensation for not giving you a Mini Event. Don't worry the Mission you have is different. Oh right! If your scared of death its fine it will kill you so fast that you won't feel pain.]

The voice was heard but it only was heard for a few seconds before dissapearing.

Naiba thought "Compensation? I'd rather not have to fight, but either way I'll just run and may be come up with a plan. The Host said so fast that I won't feel pain does that mean that its fast despite being so large?"

While Naiba was thinking Ritso and her Group was shaking their breathing was heavy, it got to the point of their feet being numb by intece fear.

"Finzen carry 2 of them we can't let this opportunity to waste!"

"Fine by me."

Finzen grab hold of Ritso and one of the 3 people, and Naiba did the same they were running away from the bear that was chasing them. Fortunately the bear was quite slow.

Naiba got the thought of "Its slow does that mean that the attacking speed is the scary part of it?"

Finzen shouted to Naiba "Hey where are we going? We can't be going to the appartment now can we?"

"You'll just see when we get there. That aside are you using your ability?"

Finzen was confused by the question.

"What do you mean?"

"Your ability is passive, so did you change what passive it is like for example speed, stamina, strenght or emdurance."

"No I didn't but I can try now."

"Oh right how do you use it again?"

"Just whisper your ability then change your passive."

Finzen whispered "Ruler".

The TB appeared in front of him and he said "Speed" and the TB disapeared. Finzen got a massive speed boost allowing him to run faster than Naiba. Because of that Naiba shouted to Finzen the location that there going to so that Finzen can get the idea of what to do when he gets there.

Naiba shouts at the running Finzen that is also ahead of him.

"Finzen run to the Central Park and when you get there–"


Finzen reached the Central Park. There at the middle was the Giant Tree with its glowing branches illuminating the whole of the Central Park. Finzen slowly and carefully let go of Ritso and the other guy. He laid rhem down on the grass. Both of them were unconcious.

Finzen slowly catches his breath. After a while he saw the figure of Naiba running towards the Central Park.

Naiba was about to be sliced open by the claws of the Raging Bear, but luckily he reached the Central Park before the Raging Bear hit him.

Naiba was catching his breath just like Finzen. His body was barely able to run towards the Central Park while carrying 2 people. He laid the both of them on the grass, and he laid down too.

The Raging Bear was unable to enter the Central Park because of the barrier protecting the Central Park. Naiba wondored what part of the Oblivius City is the safest, and he came to the conclusion that its the Central Park. After all if a monster can enter it freely there may be a time when people won't even listen to the Host because a monster is rampaging around. Naiba concluded that the Host wants people to listen to her.