
The World Created by One Person

A man whose name and origin is unkown woke up in the City of Oblivius. He must find a way to survive the new world full of mysteries.

h_Hirto · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 4 Alliance?

As confusion appeared in Naiba's mind he look at the TB to see what the ruckus is about.

[Task Bar]

A Mini Event has been completed.

Your participation has ended the Mini Event.

Reward will be granted to you.

After reading it a suprised face appeared on Ritso's face. I remained calm and ask.

"Why do you look so surpriced?"

As she stares at me her head looked down at my hand holding her wrist. I let go of her wrist and apologised. Her eyes looking back at me she replied.

"Its fine you help me complete the Mini Event after all."

"Can I ask what the clear conditions are."

"Yes you can, it was actually unknown and the Host only gave me a hint to go to the Central Park because there was a giant tree."

Because there was a giant tree? Could it be that you have to be close enough to the tree to complete it? No that make sense since the TB appeared. Is it possible that another person was needed to complete the Mini Event. Either way it doesn't concern me, after all I did nothing but hold her wrist. Its strange that I instinctively held her wrist but its doesn't matter.

[Task Bar]

Your Reward will now be given.

[1,000 Points has been added to your TB]

[Extra reward will be given to the Subject that completes the Mini Event]

[An ability slot has been added to your TB]

"An ability slot! That's a really good reward!"

"Why is it?"

"It means you can get more abilities than you already have, and that's useful."

"I see but that would mean that you have to get used to using more than one ability."

[Hmm...Its not even that hard to get used to abilities.]

As the voice of the Host was heard, Naiba and Ritso both was astonished. As they looked behind them to see the Host with a cheerful grin.

"Why are you here?"

[I'm here to congratulate everyone who completed their own Mini Event.]

"Their Mini Event?"

[Oh right you weren't given a Mini Event.]

[To put it simply every official Group has been given their own Mini Event with different rewards and task for each.]

With the given info Naiba quickly analyze the situation. That would mean that having an official Group was the right choice but since the tasks for Ritso's is unknown I could assume that every given Mini Event was also unknown. It could very well be the possibility, no that doesn't mean that its the answer its only just a possibility.

"What are the clear conditions?"

With a disapointed face, as the Host look at the both of them replied with.

[Every given Mini Event has similar clear conditions, this one just happened to be the most useful one for you.]

"Wait useful? Why?"

As Ritso said why is it useful? The Host was looking at the both of us, so who is she giving that info to? Maybe the both of us? Its possible that she's trying to confuse us.

[Its useful because you get an ability slot.]

Thats it? Is it really just the ability slot. For some reason I almost don't believe it, but at the same time I still use the info that she gives.

[You look so unimpressed. Hmm...want to know tha conditions for the other Mini Event?]

I just stared at her. Her face was showing the feeling of being bored.

[If you won't say anything I'll just let lady Luck to decide by tossing a coin. If heads I'll tell you both, if tails then you both.....looses 500 Points.]

With a voice that shows confusion Ritso replied to her.

"Why do we have to agree with this we can just not participate?"

[Not participate? Why are you saying that? If you can choose, then why did you participate in the Mini Event?]

"Thats....something that...was thrust upon us!"

[Oh I see then this should work.]

With a flick of her finger the TB appeared with a new task.

[Task Bar]

Task: Choose whether or not you and Ritso should participate with the Host's proposal.

Time Limit: 10 minutes

Reward: Knowledge of the other previously given Mini Event.

Failure: Loss of 500 Points

When the TB appeared two screen appeared.

[Task Bar]

Yes or No

[Now then what will you chooooose? You two are free to discussed.]

I looked to the one besides me, Ritso and started the conversation. She was tightly gripping her fist and she even bit her lips quite a bit.

"Why do you look so—"

"No I'm fine I just didn't like the fact that were forced into this."

"Oh I see...May I ask you?"

Ritso's head moved and started staring at Naiba. After a few seconds she replied.

"Yeah sure, so what's the question?"

"Have you ever question this place?"

Ritso blinked twice as if she's confuse.

"No but now that I think about it I just accepted everything that's happening."

"When did you accept it?"

"The moment someone talked to me about this place and the new rules of that must be followed."

"Why did you ask that in the first place?"

"Nothing much really just curious."

"I see...Anyway we only have a couple of minutes remaining, what do you think is the right choice?"

Naiba had his mouth shut not opening it for exactly 1 minute. He tried to think of a way to say it though it took 1 minute. Ritso was just patiently waiting for response.

"Its safe to think that info might be worth the risk but since I don't have enough Points I'll only choose the No one."

"Were you thinking of what to say? It took a minute you know."

Naiba didn't answer the question and he just softly sign.

"Then I'll take that as a sign to pick no."

They both staring at the TB slowly so slowly click the No option. The reason for that is simple, they both felt that if they pick the No option the Host will be furious. None the less they still picked it.

[Task has been completed.]

[No reward is given.]

The Host staring at the both of us seemingly irritated started talking.

[You really pick no, no wonder you have those ability!]

[Are you testing my patience? Of couse not right?]

The Host said so with a grin that slowly forming in her face. Both me and Ritso had shut our mouth, after all the Host is radiating an aura of irritation. The aura is filling the area in a slow paste of time.

[You have lost your chance, I have to take my leave so if you will excuse me.]

Slow thats how I at this moment describe her moment. The aura radiating from her slowly dissipated, just when I was about to take a step to leave the Host looked back and said this words [Oh right! You haven't gotten a Mini Event yet right? Even though theres the only two of you in your Group I'll make an exception.]. After saying that the TB slowly oh so slowly appeared.

At this moment my heart was pounding the hardest it ever have, even though there is really no sign of anything bad that might happen. I still by instinct felt the fear covering my body. Normaly Im calm and composed but why is it that within this few moments that my body acted like this? The answer is simple the overwelming danger that I have been put into thats why.


Become a ■■■■■

My body was trembling to point of collapsing but thankfully Ritso helped me stand.

[You must be wondering why its called a Mission not a Task Bar. You must also be wandering why theres no reward. Wait! Im probably the only one who cares! Setting that aside you have to suffer thats what I want for the most part.]

All the aura in the area disipated and Naiba was able to move his body normaly once more. The Host also dissapeared with the aura. Naiba started breathing heavily as if he ran out of air to breath.

"Are you fine?"

Ritso said it with a shaky voice. When Naiba looked at her direction he saw her trembling with her face dyed with fear but from the looks of it she still didn't give up. Naiba slowly got back up and thank Ritso.

"No need to thank me."

Both Ritso and Naiba slowly regained their composure and went back to the state of calmness.

"So can I ask what the Task, no the Mini Event, no the Mission that you got is?"

Naiba exhaled out and answered.

"On one condition."

"What condition?"


Naiba, Ritso and Finzen is now in the same room. The room was one of the apartment house that Naiba was able to get after realising that you can get as many for free.

Finzen started the conversation with a question.

"Who is she? Is she the neighbor that you were talking about?"

"Her name is Ritso and she's not the neighbor that we talked about earlier."

"I see, so do you want to recruit her?"

"That's currently impossible she's still in a Group."

"So why is she here?"

"An alliance, that is what I propose."

"I thought you don't want that."

"What made you think that?"

"I thought since you didn't propose the idea to me before you might have your reasons for not wanting that, and I thought people dislike you."

"Dislike me? That is certainly true but why did you come to such a conclusion?"

"Because of this."

Finzen showed the Main Event the timer went down by a day and a couple of hours since the last time Naiba saw it.

"Was it because of the time limit?"

It seems like he realised that I'm the trigger for the Main Event. He might have saw me walked to the Central Park and saw the people avoid me. That should help with that reasoning of his.

"Correct but I'm not completely sure if my reasoning is right."

"It is but that aside for now let's get back to the topic."

"Yes the alliance, why would you want that did you find any good reason for it?"

Naiba was silent for about 3 seconds and he answered.

"Were currently in bad position. After what had happen yesterday a lot of the citizens have already started to despise me. So I thought if I somehow obtain a bit mote allies that should make completing a plan more efficient."

The room was quite for a while until Finzen replied.

"I see the logic behind it but thats only because it made some sort of sense. That thought is logical but geting an ally may be harder than it looks. After all your reputation is pretty bad."

"Um... This is the part where I should be of use. I'll be helping you to negotiate with my Leader."

"Oh I see that makes sense now."

"Are you fine by this Finzen?"

"Yes its fine, it will be a lot very helpful."

"Well then to meet the Leader you two have to follow me!"

Naiba thought "Did she get excited because she can go back to their place?".