
The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

After saving one world from a demon god and earning the trust and admiration of a perverted goddess who wants to be his plaything, Sol's terrible luck causes him to get summoned again to another world with her almost as soon as he returns to his own. However, this time around he refuses to take on the role of a hero. Instead, he decides to challenge a pantheon of gods as a side quest while living as a simple and misunderstood man under the protection of his goddess who took his place as hero. Unfortunately, even without trying Sol can't avoid attracting trouble and is constantly getting dragged into epic battles against the gods without even trying because of his cocky personality and bad habits. But that's fine too, if the gods want to fight then he'll gladly take them on and plunder them into ruin!

Rowan_Eternal · Kỳ huyễn
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317 Chs

Reaper's Calling.

South of the explosion the survivors of Argom's moon-meteor strike watched a massive dome of golden fire expand into the sky like a pillar, and from there it continued expanding outwards approaching at a speed they knew nobody could escape even if they tried.

Standing on the balcony of her castle with a multitude of survivors behind her the Queen closed her eyes, fell to her knees and began praying, and at her example the others behind her also began praying as well.

"Ikaris, get me above that, I've recovered a little." Sol looked at her while the two of them were flying backwards and watching the destruction spread with Dina keeping up.

"Master Vestic!" Arla called to them, from further ahead, in her grasp was Usami who didn't have the ability to fly, and holding on to Usami's leg was Han who couldn't fly either.