
The Wizard who Came to Marvel World

Carrying the magic and knowledge learned from the world of Harry Potter, he came to this Marvel world that is countless times more dangerous than the world of Harry Potter. Once you only needed to deal with Voldemort, now you have to face a large group of enemies that are much scarier than Voldemort. Fortunately, he can still use magic from the Harry Potter world, but before that, he has to make himself a qualified wand! MTL Novel: https://www.mtlnovel.com/the-wizard-who-came-to-marvel-world/

Jajajaja · Phim ảnh
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"Harry, get away!"

"Idiot, you wasted the opportunity I gave you Reina Lance, you don't deserve to be my successor. Avada Kedavra! (Killing Curse)"

"Reina! No! Voldemort!"

The light in front of him flickered, Abel opened his eyes abruptly, jumped up quickly from the bed, and quickly touched his side with his right hand, but he touched the space and froze for a moment. Suddenly Abel realized that he was no longer in Harry Potter world.

He exhaled, his tight nerves relaxed, and Abel sat down on the bed.

Reina Lance is the name of his previous life. Now he is called Abel Shaw. It has been six years. In other words, he has been in this world for six years. The original owner of this body had a fever when he was ten and eventually got weaker and died abruptly. Then he took over. (He is 16 right now)

Of course, Rainer Lance in the Harry Potter world is not an aboriginal of that world but has travelled from the world where Harry Potter and Marvel are only comics and novels.

Yes, the world where Abel is now is the world of Marvel. At the time when Tony Stark was just a playboy, this is the second world he has travelled through.

I glanced at the electronic clock on the bedside table and found that it was only 4:40 in the morning. Abel got up and walked to the kitchen cautiously to avoid waking up my mother who came back after working overtime at midnight last night. He made himself a glass of lemon. After drinking the honey water, put on sportswear and walked out of the house.

Jogging along the edge of the street as Abel does every morning since he was young. There are almost no cars at this time, the streets are quiet, the air is fresh, and jogging is good.

Of course, it's not that I have never encountered gangsters to find trouble, but in his previous life, to fight Voldemort and Death Eaters, some of the fighting skills learned were not decorations, they were real combat skills without any fancy moves.

In his last life, when Abel truly understood the world of Harry Potter, Abel knew that the battle between wizards was different from what he imagined. It was not at all that two groups of people were holding magic wands and casting spells. A variety of skills, the fighting skills of close hands with wands to cast spells is compulsory for wizards interested in Aurors.

Although his fighting skills cannot make him invincible, there is no problem dealing with two or three punks. If there are more punks, then Abel can only turn his head and run away.

Abel's magic power returned to zero when he crossed over and has grown since the day he crossed over.

Due to the fusion of the remnants of the body of the two worlds, Abel's soul has become extremely powerful. The increase in magic power and the strength of the magic depends on the strength of the soul, which makes the growth rate of Abel's magic power nearly twice that of the corresponding age. The depth of magic power is also greater than that of a wizard of the same age, and now it has reached the level of a small wizard who entered the magic school at the age of eleven or twelve.

It's just that no matter how fast Abel's magic power grows, and no matter how strong the magic power is, after all, he has only grown for six years. It is only equivalent to a child who has just entered the magic school. Therefore, it is impossible to use too powerful magic at all.

Besides, the most important point is that there is no magic wand in this world and Abel can only use the skill of wand-less magic to perform magic.

Although he doesn't have a magic wand and his magic power is not high, his magic is probably stronger than that of a third-rate magician.

If it weren't for his previous life dealing with Voldemort and Death Eaters, he wouldn't have trained his wand-less magic, then he might not be able to use even a single magic now.

After running back home at six o'clock, he saw his mother's hair messed up at a glance. It was obvious that the mother who didn't take a bath last night was making breakfast while yawning.

"Mom, if you are sleepy, I can make breakfast myself."

"Yawn...Baby, you are so sweet, but I can't prepare lunch and dinner for you anymore. If I can't even prepare breakfast for you, I would be too incompetent."

Terea Shaw (his mother) came over with a plate of bacon and eggs and kissed Abel on his forehead before putting the plate on the table, then brought Abel toast and milk, and sat down. On the other side of the table, watching Abel, who had finished washing, had breakfast.

Regarding Terea's intimacy, perhaps because of the blood of the body, or because of the fusion of the soul, he does not reject it and even is very close to Terea. Whether it is on earth at the beginning or in Harry Potter world he was an orphan, so to have a mother for the first time, whether it's a blood relationship or the love she shows, he will cherish it. (Hope that made sense)

Terea is a chef with three Michelin stars. There are few female chefs, especially a beautiful chef who is more than 30 years old, so her job is indeed very busy. Every day she goes to work at 10 o'clock and she will be busy until after 9 or 10 at night. It's rare to come home early.

Abel had also asked who his father was, but she was always evasive about the topic. When he saw Terea being evasive, he didn't ask about it anymore.

"Mom, if you are tired, take a vacation and rest for a while. Other Michelin three-star chefs are not as tired as you."

"Baby, don't worry about that. Wait until mom earns your college money. Okay, it's getting late now, you should go to school."

The tuition and books at American universities are extremely expensive. Most families rely on loans to go to school. Terrea doesn't want her son to be so tired. Moreover, the salary of the three-star Michelin chef already includes the restaurant's shares and the money she makes is very high. If it wasn't for the short time for Treya to become a Michelin three-star chef, and there were a lot of loans to repay before, the money to provide Abel for school is not a big problem.

He finished gargling, wiped his mouth, and Abel chewed gum to bid farewell to Treya.

Riding on his bicycle, Abel headed for the Midtown Science and Technology High School, not far from his home.

He greeted his high school classmates one after another on the road. Abel put his bicycle in the school parking lot and walked into the teaching building with his school bag.

In the corridor of the teaching building, on a large electronic screen, propaganda videos of famous contemporary scientists, scholars and businessmen are shown.

"Tony Stark, a famous contemporary scientist, businessman, and philanthropist. He graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology when he was 17 years old and received a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, and physics..."

He glanced at the big screen and greeted the oncoming friend and the two shook hands and bumped their shoulders, walking side by side to the locker.

Abel put his schoolbag in the locker, took the books and pens needed for the first class, and the classmates who were also in the same class walked to the classroom in twos and threes.

The peaceful campus life began.

Suggestions for improvement are appreciated.

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