
The Wish Crystal

I am new in this field so sorry if I don't know and I have done something wrong. **CHAPTER UPDATE** *"ONE CHAPTER EVERY TWO DAYS, SOMETIMES IF LUCKY TWO CHAPTERS ONE AFTER ANOTHER."*

Krish_S1 · Kỳ huyễn
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57 Chs

Chapter 54: I Am Going!

Chapter 54: I Am Going!


After taking a brief moment to collect himself and shake off the absurdity of his friends' drama binge, Alex knew it was time to move on. The tests weren't going to pass themselves, and he was determined to prove his worth—both to himself and to Stella.

He approached Stella, who was waiting patiently for him, her expression unreadable. "I'm ready," Alex said, steeling himself for whatever lay ahead.

Stella nodded, her gaze intense. "The next tests will come quickly, Alex. You'll be faced with 17 challenges in rapid succession. Each one will test a different aspect of your character, your willpower, and your resolve."

Alex took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. "I understand. Let's do this."


*Test 1: Fear*

The moment he agreed, the world around him shifted. Alex found himself in complete darkness, an overwhelming sense of dread washing over him. He heard whispers, felt cold fingers trailing along his skin, and saw flashes of terrifying images in his mind—everything he had ever feared, magnified a thousand times.

His breathing quickened as the fear threatened to paralyze him, but Alex forced himself to stay calm. *This isn't real,* he reminded himself. *It's just another test.*

With sheer determination, he pushed through the terror, refusing to let it control him. Slowly, the darkness receded, and he found himself back in the familiar ethereal space.

*Test 2: Dream*

No sooner had he caught his breath than the next test began. Alex was thrust into a vivid dreamscape, one where all his deepest desires were within reach. He saw himself ruling over vast lands, adored by all, with CV by his side and his friends in awe of him.

It was tempting—so incredibly tempting—to stay in that dream, to bask in the glory of it all. But Alex knew it wasn't real. He forced himself to break free, shattering the illusion with a painful clarity that left him aching with loss.

*Test 3: Madness*

The dream dissolved, and Alex found himself spiraling into chaos. His thoughts became disjointed, his sense of self slipping away. The world around him twisted and turned, making no sense. He felt like he was losing his mind, trapped in a loop of insanity with no escape.

But even as the madness threatened to consume him, Alex clung to a single thought: *I am Alex. I am in control.* He fought through the delirium, piece by piece, until he could think clearly again.

*Test 4: Bloodshed*

Suddenly, he was thrust into a battlefield. Blood and violence surrounded him, with screams echoing in his ears. He held a sword in his hand, his body drenched in the blood of enemies he didn't even recognize. The sight and smell were overwhelming, the brutality almost too much to bear.

But Alex knew what this was—it was a test of his resolve, of his ability to face violence without losing himself. He fought with controlled fury, pushing through the carnage until the battlefield faded away.

*Test 5: Good or Bad*

Next, Alex found himself standing in front of two doors—one marked "Good" and the other "Bad." He knew immediately that this was a moral test. Without hesitation, he opened the door marked "Good," but was immediately confronted with the consequences of his past actions—both good and bad.

He had to confront his choices, to accept that not everything he had done was perfect. But he also knew that he had always tried to do the right thing. With that thought, he pushed through, choosing to forgive himself and learn from his mistakes.

*Test 6: Betrayal*

— Alex faced the pain of betrayal, seeing his friends turn against him in a cruel twist of fate. But even as he struggled with the hurt, he reminded himself of the trust and loyalty they shared, breaking through the illusion.

*Test 7: Temptation*

— The next test threw countless temptations at him, from power to forbidden knowledge. But Alex's resolve was stronger; he knew what he stood for and wouldn't be swayed.

*Test 8: Loneliness*

— A vast emptiness surrounded him, threatening to swallow him whole. Alex fought through the crushing solitude, drawing strength from the memories of those he loved.

*Test 9: Sorrow*

— The pain of loss struck him deep, forcing him to relive every sorrowful moment in his life. But Alex knew that pain was part of growth; he pushed through, embracing the sorrow as a necessary part of his journey.

*Test 10: Deception*

— He was faced with lies and illusions, truths twisted beyond recognition. But Alex's keen mind saw through the deception, guiding him back to reality.

*Test 11: Desperation*

— The feeling of helplessness tried to overwhelm him, but Alex's indomitable spirit refused to break. He found hope even in the darkest moments.

*Test 12: Judgment*

— He was judged for all his actions, with accusations flying at him from all sides. But Alex stood firm, knowing that he was the only one who could truly judge his own worth.

*Test 13: Powerlessness*

— Stripped of all his abilities, Alex was forced to rely on his wits alone. It was a humbling experience, but he found strength in his resourcefulness.

*Test 14: Anger*

— Rage threatened to consume him, clouding his mind and judgment. But Alex mastered his anger, channeling it into a force for good.

*Test 15: Doubt*

— Doubt seeped into his mind, making him question everything he had ever done. But Alex had faced doubt before, and he knew how to overcome it.

*Test 16: Sacrifice*

— He was asked to give up everything he held dear for a greater cause. It was a painful choice, but Alex understood the importance of sacrifice for the greater good.

*Test 17: Acceptance*

— The final test was a quiet one. It asked him to accept himself, flaws and all. It was a simple, yet profound challenge—one that Alex met with calm understanding.


By the time the final test ended, Alex was exhausted—physically, mentally, and emotionally. He had been pushed to his limits and beyond, and now all he wanted was to collapse and rest.

But as he stumbled back to where his friends were, the sight that greeted him made him stop in his tracks.

They were still on that sofa, still watching TV, still eating popcorn. Mark and Sarah were debating something about the plot, while CV was deeply engrossed in the show.

Alex's tiredness vanished, replaced by an overwhelming sense of disbelief. *How can they still be watching that stupid drama?!*

He walked over, slumping down on the sofa next to them. "Are you guys serious?" he muttered, too exhausted to even sound angry. "I just went through 17 tests. Seventeen! And you're all still here… watching TV."

CV looked at him, a warm smile on her face. "Oh, Alex, you're back! How did it go?"

"How did it go?" Alex echoed, his voice flat. "I'm practically dead, that's how it went."

Jenny patted his shoulder sympathetically. "Well, at least it's over, right? You can relax now."

Alex sighed deeply. "I guess… but seriously, this has to be the most ridiculous thing ever."

Mark grinned, holding out a bowl of popcorn. "Popcorn?"

Alex stared at the bowl for a moment before taking a handful. "Fine. But I'm not watching that drama."

His friends burst into laughter, and despite himself, Alex couldn't help but smile. It was ridiculous, yes. But it was also a reminder that no matter how tough the challenges were, he wasn't alone. And that made everything a little easier to bear.

To Be Continued....