
Chapter 24

Clearly, this is different from the heritage kind of situation where a wand is being passed down, like Neville, who will be forced to use his father's wand by his grandmother. This situation is instead due to their financial situation. The Weasleys are much too poor to provide for all seven of their children adequately, but they make do by passing down all the items and clothing, though Ginny obviously gets new things as the only girl.

As I look down at the wand, I am reminded that this stupid thing would break in Harry Potter's second year when the Chamber of Secrets incident would happen, and a Basilisk would be set loose upon the school. This dumb little wand would be what originally gave Gilderoy brain damage and wiped his memories when it backfired on him. This wand malfunctioning essentially destroyed him.

I know that such a thing isn't liable to happen since things will be different with me at the wheel, but I have seen many stories where events try to fit into a planned structure and follow a linear path, even if you try to diverge from it. So what if this world is meant to go that way, and Gilderoy died too early, which is why I was brought here, so I could be there to be mindwiped at the correct time?

I can not take that chance. I know it sounds pretty farfetched and absurd, but I have been transmigrated into the body of Gilderoy Lockhart, and I am living in a world of magic. Ridiculous things happen all the time. So the first thing to do is divert from that set path, and I will try to do this first by changing something simple, such as this wand.

It could do nothing, or perhaps it was because the wand was old and wasn't loyal to Ron that it actually broke. Either way, I want to make a change, but just a small one to see if it will work or if there is some sort of mystical will of the world that will reset things to how they are meant to be.

"A passed down wand, and even more so, made with ash wood and a unicorn hair. A wand chooses the wizard. Hardly ever does a passed-down wand properly fit the new wizard and not only that. Ashwood cleaves to its one true owner and ought not to be passed on or gifted from the original owner, as it would lose power, as well as the Unicorn Hair core, as they are the most faithful of all wands and usually remain firmly attached to their first owner." I speak before Molly can, probably wanting to explain the situation and tell them the cold facts. I read up on wands in my spare time.

"With both the ash wood and the unicorn hair being paired together, and with young Ronald not being the original owner, while this wand is in Ron's possession, he will most likely not be able to demonstrate his magical skills to his total capacity. I do not mean to impede on you, but I am merely stating the facts. It is our duty as the current generation to make sure the future generations grow up strong, something young Ronald will not be able to do with this here wand." I say, and Molly turns red in the face, as does her son Ron, but while Molly's is more out of embarrassment and shame, Ron's is out of jealousy and rage.

"WHAT!? IF CHARLIE'S WAND IS NOT GOING TO WORK FOR ME, THEN WHY AM I GOING TO USE IT!!! IT- it isn't fair... why do I have to have everybody's old stuff... why can't I have something new of my own?" Ron starts shouting, but he whispers out the last few things meaning only us on the stage can hear it, embarrassed and ashamed of his family's situation. Molly looks sad as well as angry and is about to scold him, but that is when I cut in since this situation is perfect for me.

"Now, now, young Ronald. I am sure your mother didn't know about those issues. We can't all have an in-depth knowledge of wands, after all. Actually, hmm. This gives me an idea. Hey, has Ollivander begun to sell his wands to the first years as well?" I calmed Ronald down and stopped his mother from having an outburst before directing a question toward the same employee who interrupted earlier.

"Ah, uh, Ollivander? Well, it is a tradition for everybody to do all of their school shopping at once, so even though Ollivanders is open and ready to sell, the new 1st years will not buy a wand until they can do all of their shopping at once and get their robes fitted. This goes the same for Muggle-borns as well since a member of Hogwarts staff will go to meet with them to introduce them to the wizarding world. And only after everything is ready to be bought so they can offer to take the Muggleborns to do the shopping or simply give them the address of the Leaky Cauldron. So it is unlikely that a first-year has bought their wand yet." The staff member finishes their ramble, prompting a raised eyebrow from me.

"Uh, I wanted to work in The Department of Magical Education." The employee answers the unasked question, awkwardly scratching the back of their head.

"Right, well, that answers that. Now, you lot! Stop packing your equipment away and follow me. I have a new headline for you! You as well, young Ronald, come along." I addressed the entire room, speaking directly to the reporters that were packing away, whose heads perked up as soon as I mentioned more news. Then, acting quickly, I put an arm around Ron's shoulders and shuffled him off the stage and towards the exit. His mother only realises what is happening when we are halfway there and hurries after us with her daughter but is blocked off by the gaggle of reporters trailing after us.

"Hey, get off. Where are you taking me?" Only once we are out of the building and walking off down Diagon Alley does Ron come to his senses and try to shake me off of him. of course, his puny child strength is no match for my fully grown adult strength, and so I continue to shuffle him down the street, However, what with me being the famous Gilderoy Lockhart and the gaggle of reporters straggling along behind me we do attract a lot of eyes from the passersby, and Ron struggling would not look good for me, so I lean down to whisper to him.

"Listen well, young Ronald, we are on the way to procure a brand new wand for you. A wand, this is completely and utterly yours. With this, you will have a wand that is perfectly matched to you, and you will perform magic the way you were meant to, so just follow me." I whisper to him, after which he noticeably stops struggling, though he doesn't seem particularly seem to be happy being pulled along with me, so I let him go, and he walks alongside me.

I can hear Molly trying to break through the crowd behind me, but she just can't get through the scoop-hungry reporters, and I ignore her calls for me to stop as I have a single goal in mind. And finally, we come to a stop outside of Ollivanders, makers of fine wands since 382 B.C., and I turn around to face the crowd of reporters that are already flashing away and taking photos, and I meet them with my hand on Ron's shoulder, who looks very out of place.

"Everyone! To celebrate the release of my new book, I have decided that I will pay for every wand purchased for every new Hogwarts student. And here today, right next to me, is the first recipient, Ronald Weasley. So he will be getting his wand today, and I will be footing the bill for it, just like I will be for the rest of the new students this year." So I say to the applause of the surrounding crowd, people having joined it when they noticed the reporters stopping here and watching me.

Instinctively I pose and show my better side towards the camera while shuffling Ron around next to me, so that he is positioned correctly. Then, finally, the cameras start to flash us, getting at least one good photo before Ron groans and shields his eyes. Molly quickly comes up to us, dragging Ginny along with her, but before she can say anything, I quickly push Ron forward into the shop, and Molly follows behind us.

"Mr Lockhart, I appreciate the spirit of what you are trying to do, but I really do not think it is appropriate for you to be buying my son a wand." Molly immediately speaks as soon as the door closes behind her, trying her best to remain polite while not showing her anger. Ginny stays silently by the door while Ron rushes to the counter excitedly, waiting for Ollivander to show, excitedly jumping up and down in anticipation of his new wand.

"Please pay attention, Molly. This is not something that is being done specifically for young Ronald. I will be performing this same action for all new first-year students this year. Now, ah, Mr Ollivander, it is good to see you." I really have no idea why I keep saying young before saying Ron's name. It just seems to fit, I guess. Anyway, I spot Ollivander finally emerging from between the shelves of wands, looking very confused. I was kind of expecting him to pop up behind me.

"Ah, nine inches, made of cherry, has a dragon heartstring core, slightly bendy. Wands constructed from cherry are usually misinterpreted by Western purchasers for frivolous or merely ornamental reasons, but they make a wand of truly destructive power, regardless of the core. However, a cherry wand with a dragon heartstring core should never be teamed with a wizard without exceptional self-control and strength of mind." Garrick Olivander begins monologuing as he slowly walks over to the counter, completely commanding the room with his mysterious presence.

"I must admit, I was sceptical when you first entered this store and went away with the wand, unsure if this wand was truly meant for you, but alas, the wand chooses the wizard. However, your written adventures do tell the story of a wizard with exceptional self-control and strength of mind, but even then, I found it hard to associate such fantastical tales with the boy that walked into this shop. But here you are, and I dare say that you are perfectly in sync with your wand, a true match. So, Gilderoy Lockhart, I suppose you are the reason for all the hubbub in front of my shop this fine day." He finally reaches the desk and looks toward me, his wide, pale eyes shining like moons through the gloom of the shop.

Well, I already knew that stuff about my wand. It was the reason I started my research on wands, after all. I was actually surprised that this was Gilderoy's wand, I don't know about self-control, but I suppose at the age of eleven, Gilderoy did have exceptional strength of mind so assured by his own genius and specialness that perhaps this wand did match with him, at least until he went to Hogwarts and found out he wasn't as unique as he thought. Though looking through his memories, I feel a greater attachment and bond to this wand than Gilderoy ever did.

"Well, Mr Ollivander, I have just made the decision to pay for every new Hogwarts student's wand. And Ronald Weasley here is the first to get a new wand, so let's do this thing." So I speak, ready to get this show on the road.

"Each wand costs seven Galleons, and I am afraid that several customers will not like you paying for their wands. Therefore, I cannot accept this arrangement. you will have to find somewhere else." Of course, Ollivander rejects my offer, but I can't stop now, and I know Ollivander is human, just like the rest of us.

"I will pay ten Galleons for each wand bought for a first year." I know that there are 40 students in Harry's year, which means that I will be paying four hundred Galleons in total, but that is petty cash for me with the number of books I sell and all the other income I have coming in. So even if there are over a hundred students this year, it will be fine. My Gringotts vault is quite hefty at the moment.

"Deal. Ten Galleons for every wand sold to a first year." Ollivander agrees since profit is the number one motivator, after all.

"Good, just give all the wands away and send me an invoice for the amount sold when Hogwarts finally starts. I will then give you the amount." I reach out my hand towards him to shake on the deal.

"How can I trust you will keep up your side and just not pay me after all the children have gone off to Hogwarts?" He also reaches his hand forward but hesitates to connect it with mine, stopping a few inches away.

"I just told all those reporters out there about this. plus, if I don't fulfil my end, you can go inform The Daily Prophet and ruin my reputation, so do we have a deal?" Ollivanders hand finally clasps mine, and he gives me a firm nod, after which I turn around to Ron.

"Come here, young Ronald. It is time for you to get a new wand."