At least the next TEN chapters (up to CHAPTER 108, which is two and a half months ahead) are on my pat reon. The link is at the bottom of the page.
Thank you to my new patrons, Hero Mark Parra, Superhero's Alex Aiello and Brian Morales, Legendary Hero's rune and Eric Hernandez, Galactic Hero Melker. Thank you.
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Chapter 98- This Bitch!?
"I-It must be Lockhart! He's the only one not here! He must have known and planned this! I always knew there was something off about him." Harry concluded, on the verge of tears, as there was nothing he could do as all the Professors closed their eyes, going unconscious. "I'm afraid not, Harry. It was actually me that has done all of this." Hearing the voice behind him, Harry spins around in shock to see his best friend standing there with a grin, his eyes red.
"Nice to officially meet you, Harry Potter. The Boy Who Lived." Ron's already wide grin widens even further, beyond human proportions, and Harry can't help the shiver that runs up his spine and the shaking of his arms as he finds himself faced with something beyond his understanding. "R-Ron?" Harry asks, even though he knows that what stands before him is most definitely not the lazy redheaded best friend he has known for the last two years. Ron? just chuckles at him and then moves forward and reaches forward, his hand heading straight for him.
'This is it. I'm dead' Is all Harry can think as the digits move towards him, and he is unable to resist in front of this malevolent entity that has taken his friend's body. Finally, the fingers are nearly touching his skin... and then they move past him, and Harry short circuits, unable to process what is happening. It is only when Ron's hand is moving backwards, and Harry sees what is in his hand that Harry snaps back to reality and finds himself once more. Because a vital and integral part of him was just taken away. In Ron's hand was Harry's wand, his only method of defence, so easily taken away from him.
Harry quickly lunged forward, ignoring his fear as he tried to get back his most precious possession. "Now, now, none of that." As soon as the fake Ron spoke, Harry stopped in place, unable to move or even breathe, stopped mid-lunge as Ron casually stood there. "Now, don't worry, you'll have your wand back soon enough. I just need you to calm down before doing anything drastic; I need you for something, after all. Can't have you dying just yet, but make no mistake, if you do annoy me... I'll kill you." Harry was listening intently to the words spoken, but the lack of air was starting to get to him, and suffocation was about to take its course.
And then suddenly, he could breathe again, and Harry dropped to his hands and knees as he coughed and gasped for breath, trying his best to get as much oxygen back in his body. He looked back up at Ron as soon as he could, though he made no sudden movements, staying in her crawling position. "W-Who are you?" Harry sputtered, remembering what Professor Lockhart taught in his classes, and that was that information was key and gathering information was crucial as you need it to act on it. The not Ron was finding something very amusing, and he casually threw Harry's wand back at him, the wand hitting Harry on the forehead and then clattering to the floor.
"You can have that back; just remember, if you do try and use a Confringo on me, you'll just be blowing up your friend. I am just borrowing the boy's body after all, I will be fine. Also, you would lose the chance to save all these Professors and all of the students. Ultimately, the choice is yours." The boy looks down coldly, an icy smirk on his face. Whoever this is, Harry knows that they hold all the cards, and right now, there is nothing Harry can do but listen to them. And then he focuses on something the not Ron had said.
"All of the students?" At that, not Ron laughs and nods his head in agreement. "Indeed, all of the students. Surely you did not think it was just the professors who were being affected? Everybody in this castle is having the same thing done to them right now; they are being drained of their life and magic, and all of it is being fed into me. The real me." Ron laughs a triumphant laugh, his joy echoing in the room, but nobody else but Harry is able to hear it. Harry wishes it isn't true; it can't be. It can't be only him left to stand up against this monster, can it be?
"E-Everybody?" At that, Ron's chuckles slowly fade away, and a thoughtful look covers his face, one mired with annoyance and irritation. "Well, there might be a few stragglers. After all, this effect was supposed to cover the entirety of Hogwarts, but a very annoying pest kept getting in my way and preventing me from fully laying out and completing the array. With Dumbledore gone, I only had a short period of time to do my work, and so I had to simplify it. I restricted the effects to the staff room and all four house common rooms. It's why I ultimately had to rush this, and by the time Dumbledore returns, he will be no match for me." The picture the evil being paints is not a good one.
"But yes, to answer your question, if anybody was out of those areas, they would have escaped the effect. There shouldn't be any, though, aside from the ones I am leaving out of it. It's the reason I took the girl after all so that everybody would be forced to their houses and this room, and my spell could take effect." Harry grits his teeth in anger, frustration filling him as he listens to the evil thing smugly explain itself.
"That's why you took Ginny. For this?" Harry shouts and finds himself freezing as not Ron glares at him, and he feels a cold sweat as Ron ultimately ignores his shouting. "No, I could have taken any student, really, and the effect would be the same. Though I must admit that I did take the girl due to her throwing me away, I didn't like that. But no, ultimately, I took her for you, Harry Potter." Ron pulls out his wand, and before Harry can react, it is waved at him, and Harry finds himself on his feet, standing tall. His spine is straight, and his back is rigid as he stands at attention, not Ron circling him.
"F-For me?" Harry manages to question, ignoring the comment of Ginny throwing this thing away, not able to really comprehend what it means. "Yes, that's right, because you have something that nobody else has, Harry... do you know what that is?" Ron looked at him with amusement, patiently waiting whilst all Harry felt was urgency as everybody else in the castle was being drained of their life and magic.
"I-I'm the boy who lived!?" Harry shouts out, unable to come up with a better response. Ron hums in thought. "I suppose, but no. No, the reason why I need you, Harry, is because of your special gift. I am talking about Parseltongue, of course. You see, I need you to open the passage to the Chamber of Secrets for someone. That's all, and you can live, and I'll let poor little Ginny go." Ron smiles good-naturedly, as if what he was offering was pure generosity of spirit.
"I- I don't even know where the chamber is." Harry tries to say, not wanting to enter such a place. Ron is not having any of it, and evidently he has stopped playing around. "I will no longer waste any more time on this, so stop fooling around. You know where it is, you and the oaf I am inside of found out from the spiders in the Forbidden Forest." Not Ron says, and Harry wracks his mind for the information before coming back with only one location in Hogwarts that Aragog spoke about. "The second-floor girl's bathroom, Moaning Myrtle's bathroom?" Harry says, to which Ron nods.
"Good, now be there and wait for someone to show up. Then open that passage for them, and that'll be all. Well, if you do want to try and save everybody, then you would have to enter the chamber to come after me; otherwise, everybody in this school will just be fed into me. Don't disappoint me, Harry, or 'her skeleton will remain in the chamber forever'." With that, the thing possessing Ron lets up his control, and Harry is able to move again; he quickly reaches down and picks his wand up but doesn't move to use it against his new enemy.
"How long?" Harry finds the courage to ask, to Ron's body's visible confusion. "...How long? Oh, how long have I been using this little pig's body? Around an hour, actually, I just needed to lead you here so you could see the stakes as well as get close enough to make you an exception to my array. If you were asking how long because I knew about the spiders, well... I am in control of this body, so why wouldn't I be able to know all that he knows? I was honestly expecting more from you, Harry Potter." Ron sighs, stepping back and gesturing to the door, making it clear he wanted Harry to get a move on.
"Who are you?" Harry asks again before he makes any move to leave, not having gotten an answer the first time he asked. Ron just sighed, but instead of attacking like Harry feared he would, he decided to just answer. "Riddle. Now go, this boy's life depends on it." And with that, something shoots out from behind Ron's body, and before Harry can make out what it is, it shoots past him and slips out of the room from under the door. Ron's body drops like a puppet with its strings cut, which is actually a very apt description.
Harry rushes over and checks on him, but then realises he is just like everybody else, being drained of his life and magic. With determination setting in, Harry tightens his grip on his wand and begins to make his way to the girl's toilets.
"Let's see how those pages like fucking Fiendfire," I say with some cathartic release, bringing out my wand and moving further into my office to go and burn this bitch. Fuck him and fuck his stupid pages, I am tired of this shit. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." As soon as I hear the words, I spin around, and a Bombarda is on the tip of my tongue, ready to blast whoever it is into oblivion, scattering their body into a million little pieces, not giving a fuck why they were in my room. But my spell is stopped before it can even leave my wand as I see who is standing before me.
"...Gemma?" I ask, my brain not functioning as I witness one of my secret paramours in the one place I had never let her into, my room, which I kept everybody out of. And then my brain registers what she had said, and my head snaps back into focus and my wand is aimed at her once more. "Take out your wand with the tips of your fingers, bv the end, and throw it on the ground, over there in the corner," I say, demanding her to comply. I am not taking any chances, but this is also a girl I have gotten to know intimately, and I would rather not kill her if it turns out she is being possessed or manipulated.
"I'm afraid that will not be possible, Professor. I have been given a mission by my lord, and I will not fail him. So if that means you have to murder me, then do go ahead, because I will not stop" Hearing her say so, and knowing the lord she was referring to is Tom Marvolo Riddle, Lord Voldemort, I grit my teeth and ready to chop her in half at the neck, nice and efficient, with barely a moment for her to feel anything. A dark part of me whispers to keep her head with stationary charms and animate it, but I ignore it, knowing that the vindictiveness was brewed from anger and betrayal at being tricked by the girl, even though I never trusted her in the first place. What a contradiction.
"But before you do kill me, allow me to speak my piece. I am not here to attack you but to merely extend an offer from my lord, who has so graciously decided to allow you a chance at survival." Hearing her words, I pause, considering what she is saying. I could kill her now, or I could wait and listen to what she has to say and then kill her, or maybe even let her live. I have to practice what I preach, and I always tell my students that information is the first part of any battle, and I could do with some information right now. "Go ahead, say your piece. Quickly, before my finger twitches and I chop off your head." I say gruffly, pissed and not wanting to waste any more time on the bitch.
Instead of intimidating her, my words just served to excite her as she smiled in pleasure at my words, her hands trailing up her body and moaning at my harsh words. "Ah, I do truly appreciate my lord for giving me this job, as it allowed me to experience such pleasure at your hands, Professor. Do not doubt that I did not enjoy every second I spent under your control, just know that I was ultimately with you to complete my lord's mission." She says, all the while moving around, but I ignore it. "And what was your mission?" My wand is still pointed at her, but she doesn't seem to care.
"My mission was to retrieve the pages that my lord had taken from him. The pages that you pilfered, but I could not do so using force; otherwise, my lord would have already retrieved them himself. No, subterfuge and cunning were needed, and so I was sent. I had to find those pages, and so I took the avenue that was open to me, and that was opening the avenue to through my legs to you. Getting close was no problem, but trust was not so forthcoming. Not like I was cumming." Gemma Farley begins, getting lost in her monologue, something I myself have found myself doing from time to time. I let her talk, not interrupting and gathering more information.
"I tried my utmost to get into your office and room, but you wouldn't let me, no matter what. I thought if I allowed you to use me for your most debased desires, then I would find my way in, but no, you didn't. As long as you were unable to read my mind, you would not trust me, and I could not let you read it and find out about my lord. So I just continued doing what I was doing, and I knew eventually I would wear you down... but then that little Clearwater bitch got in my way." Gemma snarls, and I find myself caught short. "Penelope?" I utter, things beginning to come together in my mind and make sense.
"That's right. I knew about everybody you were fucking, but the old whores in this castle were not threats to me. They weren't willing to go as far as I was, and their pussy wasn't as tight as mine. But the little blonde bitch was different, she was a virgin, and she did everything you asked with an innocent little smile. You were also able to read her mind, and she got closer to you than I had, and you didn't even talk to me for a week. She had to go, and so I wanted to kill her, but my lord decided to have her petrified instead. Little Granger getting petrified as well was a stroke of luck. I didn't miss how you would always have an eye on her and her two friends." My gaze hardens, and I feel like shutting her up now, but I still haven't heard the offer. Also, I was keeping an eye on Hermione, Harry and Ron because they were the main characters.
"What's the offer," I say, cutting through all the bullshit, I had heard enough of that. "Ah yes, even with you leaving the door open for me right now, I can't identify where the pages are, and I know them intimately. My lod assumed this would be the case, so he has a proposition for you." Shit, in my haste, I did leave the door open, and she must have slipped in. I am just glad I made sure to have enough spells up to hide my stuff. "My lord wants you to come to the chamber of secrets and bring all of his pages, and in turn, he will let you live and will even let you take the Ginny girl with you." Hm, so he's taken Ginny, has he? I don't know why, but I also know that it doesn't really affect me.
"I hardly know the girl, so why should I be bothered. Right now, I think it would be better for me to just destroy these pages and weaken your lord before going and killing him myself. I should just kill you right now as well." I say, testing the waters because surely they didn't think that such a threat would actually work on me. "Don't think so highly of yourself. You might have a good penis, but that is all. My lord would crush you in a second. My master is on the precipice of infinite power, the power that would make even Dumbledore look like a child." Gemma suddenly becomes much colder and stops her touching, snarling at me.
"What do you mean?" I question, not liking how confident she was that Riddle would soon be that powerful. "Hm, since I wouldn't want to deprive myself of that dick, I suppose I could give you some advice. Submit yourself to my master, return the pages and serve him, and you will be spared. Right now, my master is draining nearly every person in this castle of the life force and magic, and once that is done, he will be all-powerful, and he will come and take the pages from you and give you a painful ending." A shiver goes down my spine, but I refuse to show it, not letting on how terrifying that is. "Is that so?" IU say, trying to maintain my cool.
"Make the right choice, Professor. Go to the second floor's girls' bathroom; the entrance is there." Gemma says, and with that, she turns and leaves. I raise my wand and go to incapacitate her, but I stop myself. "I agree. I will come to the chamber." She doesn't stop and walks off. She'll tell Riddle that I am on my way and maybe have him delay his draining for a bit. I don't know what Riddle is doing right now, and if he is draining everyone, then I need to stop that. I have no illusion that he will kill me for my hindrance this year, no matter what I do now.
Right now, my only leverage is these pages, but with how things are going, he might not even need them in the end if he's taking everyone's magic and life. I need to get down there and stop that. But the question now is how am I going to get down there. I suppose I can always just blast it and make a hole for myself to go through.
With a sigh, I go and get the cage, making sure to leave the Diadem in the soul tent. With the pages secure, I make my way to the girl's bathroom.
I am very much overwhelmed by my ADHD, though I've never been diagnosed. I just can't find the time to write my other stories and always get distracted. Why couldn't I have the good ADHD? In other news, I finished God Of War Ragnarok, 100% completion. Now, I am doing the DLC Valhalla, which is fun.
Upcoming Chapters:
Hero: Chapter 99- The Suicide Squad!
Super: Chapter 101- Gilderoy Lockhart and the Chamber of Secrets.
Legendary: Chapter 103- Freedom At Last!
Galactic: Chapter 107- Brushing Shoulders With The Upper Class.
Mythic: Chapter 108- Unhappy Wife, My Happy Life. [R-18]
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That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!
Stay safe, and have fun!
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
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