
Chapter 117

At least the next TEN chapters (up to CHAPTER 102, which is two and a half months ahead) are on my pat reon. The link is at the bottom of the page.

Thank you to my new patrons, Hero Alex Aiello, Galactic Hero Dragon Taylor and, Mystic Hero's Luci alarri and Clocker. Thank you.

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 92- Frozen Water.


"Right, well. I do hope you think about my offer once you graduate, Penelope. I can't wait to have someone as talented as you working under me." I tell Penelope Clearwater as I walk her through my classroom and towards the exit so she can leave and go catch her next class. Thankfully, I did catch her at lunch, so we did have some time, but unfortunately, not enough to give her the full experience though. I did do everything there was to do, just not as much as I would have liked to. Still, a good time was had by all and I made sure to help tidy herself up and do a few spells to make her feel better.

I open the door and gently help her through and out into the corridor. "And, should the mood ever strike, feel free to come and seek me out. I would be happy to entertain you once again." Penelope turns around with a wince, still having some difficulty adjusting to walking after what we did, and goes to reply to me with red cheeks. "Entertaining? And how were you doing that, Professor? Regaling her with tales of your heroic adventures?" A dry voice cuts through the air that is distinctly not the Ravenclaw's voice, and I look to the side to see the source of the sound.

There, leaning against the wall beside the door to my classroom, is Gemma Farley, her face calm and nonplussed, looking at the both of us with a smile on her face like nothing is wrong, though her words do lend to the fact that that might be wrong. "P-Professor Lockhart was merely entertaining my company; I was asking him for his insights on a particular matter." Penelope stutters, trying to cover up what we were actually doing, but I get the feeling that Gemma isn't fooled in the slightest. In fact, I would hedge my bets that she is, in fact, fully aware of what has occurred, as she knows my striking personality.

"Really? Because I was wanting to ask Professor Lockhart for his insight as well. In fact, I was so desperate for his insight that I have been waiting here since lunch began, and now lunch is nearly finished and the next class is about to begin. Whatever you needed the Professor's insight for, it must have been very hard to take this long." Gemma says, her words flat and said with no other nuance, though they make Penelope blush to the extremes, and I get the feeling that the girl is about to explode, so I intervene on her behalf.

"Right, well, I am sure you both need to get to class as they are starting soon, so you better get going," I say, trying to bring it to a close to this and move on from it because it was starting to become painful. "Actually, Professor, the insight I need from you shouldn't take much time, so I'll entertain you for now if that's okay?" Gemma says, smiling at me. I repress the sigh that is building up and just give her a nod. She nods back happily before turning to look at Penelope, who just looks confused back at her.

That is until Gemma raises an eyebrow, and Penelope gets the message and hurries to scurry away. "W-Well then, I better be on my way. See you later, Professor Lockhart." Penelope says back as she walks away as fast as she can, which isn't that fast, and she is walking quite awkwardly. If Gemma didn't know before, she defintely does know on account of the awkward walking of Penelope as she rounds the corner and goes out of sight. And with that, I turn back to Gemma, who looks at me patiently, but I know she doesn't actually need help with anything, so I don't say anything. I refuse to speak first.

"I don't care if you fuck other girls, Professor. You will find that I am very accommodating, as you have no doubt already discovered. In fact, I could even bring some other girls from Slytherin over to help me serve you if that is what you want. I have a lot of blackmail and favours to cash in, and they can only obey. "Gemma speaks with devotion, that obsessed glint in her eyes as she places her hand on my chest and trails up and down, caressing me. "All that I ask is that you don't forget about me. No matter how many bitches you dump your cum in, don't forget about me." She pushes me backwards and through the door to my classroom, closing it and locking it behind her.

Damn, she really wants to marry me, doesn't she? She wants my wealth and my fame, and she is ready to give me anything to get it. And I bet she got addicted to the sex as well, which can't be helped as I am pretty good at it with all of the people I've been getting with since I woke up in this world. "Don't worry, Gemma, I won't forget to dump my cum in you." I can't help but say that since she set me up perfectly for it, plus I didn't expect any retribution from her since she always goes along with what I say.

Case in point, she just smiles and begins to kneel down before me. There is no rest for the wicked, and I am most definitely wicked.


It was finally Saturday, which meant it was time for the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, and everyone was in attendance. Well, nearly everyone. I am currently in the teacher stands, and I used to be sat next to Professor Minerva McGonagall. It was today that I had decided to rest and relax and just watch some Quidditch, however the game was taking quite a while to get started, and so I decided to have some fun. I was pestering Minerva and trying to get her to give me a secret handjob in the stand surrounded by all our colleagues, obviously with magic helping to hide it.

If Madam Hooch was up here, she would have started getting me off straight away, even without any magic to hide it, being the adventurous spirit she is. Unfortunately, she was to referee the match, so she was out, and Aurora was more likely to grab my balls and rip them off, which left me with Minerva. Honestly, I didn't even really want a handy that much; it was more Minerva's resistance and behaviour that was providing me with pleasure. She was insulting me and discreetly slapping my hand away, but she was definitely blushing. In the end, she fled, claiming that she had to go and check on the school, but I knew it was because she was close to giving in.

So now I am sitting here, my back against the seat and my neck tilted back so I can calmly watch the sky, cloud gazing just like a Nara. This actually gave me a bit of time to contemplate Minerva and her recent drastic changes. You see, me and I had been regularly hitting each other up for fun, both of us needing some stress relief, but clearly, it was proving to be much more stress-relieving for her. Why do I say that? Well, because she would usually have to use potions to return her youth so we could do the hanky panky, but with me getting rid of her stress, her magic helped her out.

That's right. Minerva actually naturally looks young and beautiful now. She's a cougar in her forties, and she's really hot. Super hot, with slight wrinkles and crow's feet, which just add to her sexiness and a few strands of elegant grey, but everything else is in grade-A condition. Now, she was actually using spells and potions to age her up and make her look older, not wanting anybody to realise she was looking young and hot now. She mostly uses glamour charms, and no one suspects her of using them to make her look older. So, no one knows, which means it's just our little secret. She is definitely a lot more fun now, that is for sure.

Hmm, oh, look, the games are actually starting. The teams walked out onto the field to tumultuous applause. Oliver Wood took off for a warm-up flight around the goalposts whilst Madam Hooch released the balls. The Hufflepuffs, who played in canary yellow, were standing in a huddle, having a last-minute discussion of tactics. All of the players came out and were now taking to the sky, warming themselves up. Harry Potter was the last one out and was just mounting his broom when I saw Professor McGonagall appear coming out a few moments after Harry.

Look at that; she couldn't resist and ended up coming back to the game, but why is she down there and not up here with the rest of the teachers? That is when I see her come half marching, half running across the pitch, carrying an enormous purple megaphone in her hands. I could literally feel the atmosphere dip, and everybody's heart drop like a stone. No doubt everybody understood that today's match would not be proceeding so smoothly. Or maybe not at all.

"This match has been cancelled," Professor McGonagall called through the megaphone, addressing the packed stadium. There were boos and shouts from every single direction. Oliver Wood, looking devastated, landed and ran toward Professor McGonagall without getting off his broomstick. It was quite funny looking, his broom scraping along on the ground behind him. Sensing that something urgent has obviously come up, I know I have to get down there.

Looking ahead of me, I spot a Gryffindor Quidditch player just hovering before the teacher's stand, close enough for me to grab onto her. Shuffling my way forward, I reach the front and see that it is actually Alicia Spinnet, a Gryffindor Chaser who is just hovering there, not knowing what to do. Well, I know what to do. "Miss Spinnet, do you mind giving me a lift down there? Thank you." I say quickly and without waiting for a reply I leap off of the stands and land on the broom behind Alicia who only has time to let out a startled cry before my arms are wrapping around her body and taking hold of the broom, resting control away from her.

I don't actually know how a broom would work with two people on it, both trying to control it, but however it works, it has given me full control of it. Controlling the broom, I make it shoot directly for where Professor McGonagall is on the ground, and surprisingly, aside from the first startled exclamation, Alicia Spinnet hasn't said anything and just let me take over. Oh, wait, there it is. She has put her hands on top of mine, and she is pressing herself back into me, slyly grinding on me.

Alicia Spinnet is a naughty one, but unfortunately for her, she is just a fifth-year student, and I'm pretty sure she is too young, which means I ignore everything she does. Also, unfortunately for her, we have now arrived on the ground, and I promptly hop off the broom and walk away from her, not even acknowledging her ministrations. I walk up to the crowd of players surrounding Minerva just in time to catch the tail end of Wood's fierce argument. "But, Professor!" he shouted. "We've got to play - the cup, Gryffindor -" Yes, sound argument indeed.

Professor McGonagall just ignored him as he wasn't listening to reason and continued to shout through her megaphone. "All students are to make their way back to the House common rooms, where their Heads of Houses will give them further information. As quickly as you can, please!" Then she lowered the megaphone, and I took the opportunity to enquire about what was going on. "Minerva?" I said, and that's all I have to say for her to understand me. She looks at me and shakes her head no.

"Not here... and it is better if I just show you." She then beckoned Harry over to her, and seeing the boy come over whilst giving me a look of distrust, I knew something had gone wrong today. If Harry is involved, then it is definitely Voldemort, and I can only wonder what the hell he has done now. And why would it involve Harry? I was sure he was ignoring the boy and focusing on his task. "Potter, I think you'd better come with me." She says, Harry just nods and starts to follow her as she walks away.

I guess at this point, he is used to the teachers pulling him away, and just looking at the expression on his face, I can tell he is feeling fed up and wondering how everyone could possibly suspect him this time. I followed behind, the pace very quick with McGonagall's marching. We were nearing the exit of the grounds when I saw Ron detach himself from the complaining crowd and come running up to us as we set off toward the castle. "Yes, perhaps you'd better come, too, Weasley…" Minerva added, and we were on our way again, with no one speaking.

I guess whenever Harry is involved, Ron and Hermione have to be, too. I really want to ask questions, but Minerva isn't saying anything, so I am not going to either. A solid front by the teachers; it's just how things go as a teacher. I was more curious how the speedy little shit managed to get down here from the stands so quickly. He must have rushed since he left Hermione behind as he chased after Harry. Bros before hoes, I can respect that, Ron. I don't live by it however, I have no bros... that sounds quite sad actually, so I'm not going to think about it.

Some of the students continued swarming around us, grumbling about the match being cancelled, while others looked worried and concerned for the boys. No one follows, however, knowing better than to follow a serious Professor McGonagall around. We all go back into the school silently, walking with purpose and up the marble staircase. But as we continued to walk, I noticed the direction we were going, and I got a very bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that grew worse as we neared our destination before finally, we stopped before the dreaded doors.

"This will be a bit of a shock," said Professor McGonagall in a surprisingly gentle voice as we approached the infirmary. "There has been another attack… two students this time." No, this shouldn't be happening. I changed things. Harry never found Tom Riddle's diary, which means the golden trio never found out about what happened fifty years ago and why they couldn't have gotten enough clues for Hermione to go to the research and look for the answer. So how the hell has this still happened? Is this fucking fate?

When Professor McGonagall pushed the door open for us to enter, Hermione was not the first person I saw. Instead, I saw Madam Pomfrey, who was bending over a fifth-year girl with curly blonde hair. "Hermione!" Ron groaned as both he and Harry rushed over to the other bed beside the fifth-year girl, on top of which was Hermione, who lay utterly still, her eyes open and glassy. However, my focus was entirely on Penelope Clearwater, who is also petrified. It just doesn't make sense; Hermione had no reason to be at the library, and neither did Penelope, and Riddle didn't need to petrify anyone anymore.

I look down at Penelope, a strange, painful feeling making itself known in my chest. I had only gotten intimate and familiar with the girl for less than a week, but in that week, she had wormed her way in. I had actually ignored all my other paramours for her since she was just so sweet and innocent, and I was having a lot of fun with her. She even asked me what kind of hair I liked, and I said curly and low and behold, here she was with curly hair. Is it actually destiny for this to occur? I don't understand how things still work out like this, even with everything I've done.

"They were found near the library," said Professor McGonagall. "I don't suppose any of you know what they were up to or anything else that might be helpful?" Professor McGonagall asks, and while Ron immediately shakes his head no, Harry freezes up for a second before also nodding no and going back to looking at Hermione with guilt on his face. Seeing it, I instantly lock on and use my Occlumency to figure out what was going on. Searching his memories, I understand what has occurred.

Harry had sensed the same feeling that he was feeling on everybody else, on Gemma and me, and on Penelope. That was because I was in close quarters with the girl, and the stench of that soul magic was rubbing off on her, a stench which Harry is very perceptive of. Unlike Gemma and me, who he can't just follow or talk to, Penelope is different because he knows Hermione and helps her with questions at the library. Harry enlisted Hermione to check on Penelope, and the girl asked the Ravenclaw for help at the library, which is how they were petrified together.

I can't exactly blame Harry for what he did, though he seems to be mighty suspicious of me, especially with the sly glares he is sending my way. This isn't fate. It is just a coincidence that it happened in a similar way to the original story. What I still don't understand is why they were petrified. Riddle had completely changed his modus operandi and was instead focused on taking possessed students to every corner of Hogwarts, so why did he suddenly attack two students?

"I don't suppose either of you can explain this? It was on the floor next to them…" I hear Minerva say, and I look up briefly to see the object and then look back down at the petrified form of Penelope. Then my head springs back up, and my pupils shrink as I see what is in Minerva's hand.

A small black leather-bound diary.


Sorry for missing last week, I had another assignment to hand in, and unfrunatley I have another to hand in in about two weeks. So, yeah. I'm trying to get this out, but uni does tiake priority.

Upcoming Chapters:

Hero: Chapter 93- Threats, Taunts and Spiders.

Super: Chapter 95- Salvation Incoming!

Legendary: Chapter 97- It Was Me, ***!

Galactic: Chapter 101- Gilderoy Lockhart and the Chamber of Secrets.

Mythic: Chapter 102- Aftermath.

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That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!

Stay safe, and have fun!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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