
The White Room - Dominion Games

In a desperate fight for survival, four teenagers – Astor, Kaito, Luna, and Rose - find themselves trapped in a sterile white chamber. Their captor, a disembodied entity known only as The Architect, subjects them to a cruel game. Each round brings a barrage of questions, ranging from history and mythology to anime and obscure comics. Can they decipher the hidden clues within the questions and use their combined knowledge of fictional worlds to break free? Or will they remain forever prisoners of The Architect's twisted simulation?

Brad_Indigo · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 2: Cracks in the Facade

The Veracity Vault continued its unforgiving torture. Days bled into one another, measured by the tormenting questions and agonizing punishments.

Rose, haunted by her past, grew increasingly withdrawn. Her answers came in barely audible whispers, each confession leaving her more emotionally battered. Kaito, once full of bravado, began to question his own integrity, the weight of past betrayals gnawing at him. His usual competitive spirit had dimmed, replaced by a quiet desperation.

Luna, however, remained surprisingly composed. Her scientific mind dissected the game's mechanics, searching for patterns. She discovered that Dr. Vargas sometimes rewarded partial truths, hinting at a potential strategy. She started weaving stories, carefully blending truth with deception, aiming to appease the system without revealing her darkest secrets.

Meanwhile, Evelyn's facade of charm crumbled under pressure. The electric shocks had taken their toll, leaving her raw and vulnerable. She lashed out at the others, accusing them of lying and jealously guarding her own secrets. The camaraderie that once flickered between them was replaced by a thick veil of suspicion.

Astor remained an enigma. He answered each question with chilling neutrality, offering no insights into his past. One question, however, seemed to cause a shift in his demeanor.

"Have you ever manipulated someone for personal gain?" the booming voice echoed.

A flicker of a smile played on Astor's lips. "Constantly," he admitted.

The chamber remained unnervingly silent. This answer, unlike his previous ones, seemed to spark a flicker of amusement in Dr. Vargas. Whether this amusement bode well for Astor or signaled a hidden threat remained unclear.

As the pressure of the game intensified, cracks began to show in their alliances. Rose, in a moment of despair, confessed her fear of relying on others, revealing a deep-seated distrust that mirrored Astor's manipulative nature.

Evelyn, sensing an opportunity, approached Rose with a cunning proposal. They would combine their skills: Rose's ability to blend truth and fiction and Evelyn's charisma to form a temporary alliance. They could lie their way to the top, sacrificing the others to secure their own survival.

Rose, desperate for a lifeline, considered the offer. The idea of trusting someone after experiencing such soul-crushing betrayal was terrifying, but the prospect of facing the next question alone was even more horrifying.

Rose's mind churned, caught in a maelstrom of fear and desperation. Evelyn's proposition hung heavy in the air, an offer of survival laced with deceit. A flashback flooded her senses – a memory of her lost loved one, a gentle smile and a voice whispering, "Always choose kindness, Rose."

The memory offered strength, a flicker of defiance amidst the crushing darkness. Evelyn's offer, tempting as it seemed, went against every value she held dear. She wouldn't stoop to their level, not even for survival.

"No," Rose said, her voice surprisingly resolute.

Evelyn's eyes narrowed, a snarl contorting her face. "Foolish girl. You'll die here clinging to your naive ideals."

Rose ignored her, her gaze fixed on the white wall, waiting for the next question.

Across the White Room, a different tension unfolded. Luna, her analytical mind working overtime, noticed a subtle pattern in the question sequence. Certain answers triggered a brief static discharge, a seemingly inconsequential punishment compared to the electric shocks.

A hypothesis formed in her mind. Could these static discharges be a form of communication from Dr. Vargas, hinting at desired answers? It was a long shot, but it was a lead nonetheless. She decided to test her theory.

The next question arrived: "Have you ever broken the law?"

Luna's mind raced. Stealing research data from a rival lab flashed before her eyes. However, she knew this was the type of answer Dr. Vargas likely expected. Instead, she opted for a seemingly irrelevant truth: "As a child, I once snuck out past my bedtime to stargaze."

A low static buzz filled the chamber, confirming her suspicion. Dr. Vargas was guiding them, subtly nudging them toward specific revelations. But what was his end game?

Suddenly, an idea sparked within her. What if she could exploit this communication system, manipulate Dr. Vargas' expectations to her advantage? A glimmer of hope flickered in her eyes. Perhaps there was a way out of this twisted game after all.

Meanwhile, Kaito, his spirit broken by the relentless torment, contemplated giving up. He was the weakest link, a liability to himself and any potential ally. A distorted voice, seemingly his own, echoed in his head, whispering self-doubt and defeat.

Just as despair threatened to consume him, Eliana, silent observer throughout the ordeal, spoke up for the first time. Through the chamber wall, her voice was a beacon of calmness and reason. She reminded him of his past acts of selflessness, the times he put others before himself.

Kaito's heart jolted. The distorted voice faded, replaced by the echo of Eliana's words. A flicker of his fighting spirit rekindled. He was not a quitter. He would find a way to survive, not just for himself, but for those he felt responsible for.

As the Veracity Vault continued its relentless onslaught, the characters began to grapple with their options. Rose, clinging to her values, stood alone. Luna, armed with a newfound strategy, plotted her escape. Kaito, rekindled with hope, sought a way to fight back.

Meanwhile, Dr. Vargas, oblivious to their internal struggles, reveled in their torment. But as the game progressed, unexpected alliances might form, and the power dynamics within the White Room could shift dramatically. The question remained: Would their fragmented bonds hold, or would they succumb to the cruelty of the Veracity Vault and the manipulations of their unseen overlord?