
The White Room - Dominion Games

In a desperate fight for survival, four teenagers – Astor, Kaito, Luna, and Rose - find themselves trapped in a sterile white chamber. Their captor, a disembodied entity known only as The Architect, subjects them to a cruel game. Each round brings a barrage of questions, ranging from history and mythology to anime and obscure comics. Can they decipher the hidden clues within the questions and use their combined knowledge of fictional worlds to break free? Or will they remain forever prisoners of The Architect's twisted simulation?

Brad_Indigo · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: A Daring Plan and a Deadly Revelation

The Veracity Vault continued its merciless interrogation. Yet, within the sterile confines, a sense of defiance started to simmer. Rose, hardened by her isolation, held fast to her principles. Luna, with a newfound confidence, began to experiment with her theory of manipulating Dr. Vargas' prompts. Even Kaito, his spirit reignited, started planning a way to escape the chambers and disrupt the game.

One by one, they received a question that seemed almost harmless.

"What is your greatest fear?" boomed the voice.

Rose, picturing the mangled wreckage of the car accident, whispered, "Being alone."

Luna, masking her true fear of failure, answered, "Unforeseen consequences."

Kaito, haunted by memories of past betrayals, choked out, "The darkness within myself."

A series of subtle static bursts followed each answer, confirming Luna's suspicions. This was a communication channel, a way to gauge their vulnerabilities. But instead of revealing their deepest fears, they had subtly planted seeds of defiance.

Rose's "aloneness" could be interpreted as a desire for connection, a potential weakness Dr. Vargas might exploit by forcing alliances. But it could also be a warning – she wouldn't be easily manipulated.

Luna's "unforeseen consequences" hinted at her analytical mind, a potential threat to Dr. Vargas' game.

Kaito's "darkness" could be seen as a vulnerability, but also as a wellspring of hidden strength.

As the day wore on, a bolder question materialized on the walls: "Would you sacrifice one life to save the others?"

This was a turning point. The game had always pitted them against each other, fostering distrust and suspicion. However, this question seemed to dangle a lifeline – a possibility of cooperation.

A tense silence followed. Through the thin walls of the chambers, they could almost feel the weight of each other's contemplation.

Suddenly, Luna's voice crackled through the intercom system, a daring plan unfurling.

"Yes," she said, her voice surprisingly resolute. But there's a catch. We only cooperate if we work together to escape. No more lies, no more manipulation. We expose Dr. Vargas and find a way out of this white prison."

A wave of uncertainty rippled through the chambers. Was this a genuine offer of cooperation, or another cunning ploy?

Rose, her trust battered, hesitated. However, the prospect of a united front, a fighting chance against their unseen tormentor, was too tempting to ignore.

"I'm in," she announced, her voice echoing through the sterile room.

Kaito, still grappling with his inner demons, added, "Me too."

A collective sigh of relief echoed through the chambers. A fragile bond, forged in the crucible of the Veracity Vault, had begun to form. Luna's bold gambit had sparked a flicker of hope, but the question remained:

Would Dr. Vargas accept their defiance? Or would their newfound unity trigger a far more sinister response?

Suddenly, a chilling announcement crackled through the intercom system, shattering the fragile sense of security.

"Excellent. Collaboration is commended. However, only one of you can be freed. The Veracity Vault now enters its final phase: Elimination."

Well raising the stakes to a deadly level. The promise of cooperation has been turned on its head, forcing them to fight not only for their own survival but also against their newfound allies. The Veracity Vault has transformed from a test of truth to a brutal competition, where only one can emerge victorious.

The revelation echoed through the chambers, shattering the fragile trust they had begun to build. From cooperation to competition, the Veracity Vault had shifted gears once again. The air crackled with suspicion, the camaraderie replaced by a gnawing fear.

Astor, silent throughout the negotiation, spoke up for the first time. "So, the games begin," he said, a cold glint in his eyes.

Evelyn, her manipulative instincts rekindled, chimed in, "Excellent. Let's see who can play the game best."

Rose, her hope crushed, felt a surge of despair. They were back to square one, forced to compete against the very people she had started to trust. Her gaze darted towards Luna, searching for reassurance.

Luna, however, remained stoic. She activated the chamber intercom, her voice surprisingly calm. "Dr. Vargas, your rules are flawed. How can we compete if we can't communicate?"

A sly chuckle emanated from the speakers. "Communication can be a double-edged sword, wouldn't you agree, Luna? Nevertheless, I propose a solution. Each chamber is equipped with a hidden compartment. Find it, and you will gain access to a single, untraceable message you can send to another player."

A glimmer of hope flickered in Luna's eyes. This message could be a double-edged sword itself, a tool for manipulation or a spark of genuine collaboration.

The white walls flickered as the hidden compartments activated. A frantic search began, fueled by desperation and a flicker of rebellion.

Meanwhile, within his chamber, Kaito grappled with his inner demons. He wasn't built for deception or manipulation. But his survival instincts screamed at him to act. He spotted a barely perceptible seam along the floor panel, a potential hiding place.

With trembling hands, he pried the panel loose, revealing a small, blinking device. Relief washed over him. Now, the question remained: who to contact?

His gaze drifted towards Rose's chamber. Despite her initial distrust, he sensed a flicker of genuine empathy in her. He activated the device, composing a simple message: "We need a plan. Can you trust me?"

The message sent, Kaito waited with bated breath. This was a gamble, a leap of faith in a situation where trust was a luxury they couldn't afford.

Across the room, Rose received the notification. Her heart hammered against her ribs. A message, from Kaito? Could it be a trap? Or a genuine plea for cooperation?

A flashback flooded her mind - a childhood memory of a friendship built on trust, a reminder of the strength that comes from unity.

With a deep breath, she activated the reply function, typing a single-word response: "Maybe."

Meanwhile, in their respective chambers, Astor and Evelyn plotted their own strategies. Astor discovered the hidden compartment, a smirk playing on his lips. He had no intention of sending a message; deception was his game.

Evelyn, ever the opportunist, saw this as a chance to exploit Astor's manipulative nature. She feigned ignorance about the compartment, leaving Astor to believe she was still vulnerable.

The Veracity Vault had become a chessboard, each player maneuvering for an advantage, using their strengths and weaknesses as weapons. The lines between truth and deceit blurred further, and alliances threatened to fracture at the slightest provocation.

A tense silence hangs in the air. The players await the next move, their minds racing with calculations and suspicions. The final phase of the Veracity Vault had begun, and the stakes couldn't be higher. Will Kaito and Rose find a way to trust each other? Will Astor and Evelyn's deceit backfire? And most importantly, who will emerge victorious from this brutal game of survival?