
The White Garden

Heed the dead, follow up the past, and the souls of the people would again grow great. But, what is courtesy to a man without love? Rules grants a responsibility upon the soul of a man, a purpose to live up to the expectations of his maker. A sinner would one be if one walks the wrong path, a sinner is a dead flower and a dead flower belongs to a black garden, a garden of emptiness and loneliness. Fated enmity was a pain to the protagonist’s ass. His kind had always been at war with the Vampires, creatures of the night that always vied for blood, a liquid tissue that soothed their throats and granted unto them, immortality. That was a trait his kind lacked, they were only considered as strong as their archenemies whenever they had an advantage in numbers. Fate had always proven to be a provider of an oddity. Amongst thousands of Werwolves, he was but the only odd one which might have been due to his origin. Envious was his kind of him for he possessed immortality but they could do nothing to him since he was their sire, an entity that had lived as long as the oldest Vampires. He had never participated in the war between the two races for he was a hater of battles and lover of peace. The peace ended when a mortal appeared in the plot. Loved was she by the resident of the white garden but hunted was she by the resident’s enemies. Her blood was proven to be useful to them but how could the protagonist let his hope be hurt by fate? The mortal was the only redemption he had left, for the sins he had committed. So, he yearned for a white garden, one filled with endless peace.

Michael_Millan · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs


(•Michael Morien•)

Angered was my wolf by the actions of the rogue werewolf and it really wanted me to get rip him into pieces but I fought off the urge because I disdained to kill weaker opponents, a reason I had Gabriel get rid of him. Right after we left the White Garden, I picked up the aura of a powerful Supernatural, a familiar one. I could have snapped his neck just like I did, two days ago, but I wasn't in the mood to do so. To not let him know about the details of what happened few minutes before I gained entry into the abode of Silvia, I influenced the weather conditions to birth a fog which obscured all of his senses so he couldn't have knowledge about the event.

Comfortable was I as I sat my butt upon a chair which was within her sitting room. I placed my right hand on my chin just as I gazed at her and she did avoid my gaze by staring at the ceiling. `I'm a Werewolf, I suppose you must have some knowledge about my kind, the knowledge given to you by myth, movies, journals of some mad scientists, and more. Just as there are Werewolves, there also exists Vampires, creatures of the night that mostly survives by the intake of blood. Right now, I'll explain the general situation of the supernatural world to you. Vampires are immortal creatures and can only die if you put a stake through their heart, the sun could also burn them for it's their bane, vervain would deal a lot of damage to a Vampire but would not kill them, cutting off their heads would also do the trick. Those methods can only kill a normal Vampire, not a real Immortal Vampire.' My words cancelled off her attention towards the ceiling.

`So, you mean to say they could live as long as they wish if they are not killed? If normal Vampires could die by those methods, what could then kill a real Immortal Vampire? Her questions were hurled at me just as she gazed at me, warily. `Real Immortal Vampires cannot be killed, they do not die. They are the Originals, there are Seven Vampires that cannot be killed and they do belong to the Serenal Family, they have lived for over a millennium and they possess unimaginable strength and speed, just like the one you witnessed not quite long.' My reply was nothing but sharp and worried was she. `Talk about your kind, would you?'

`Werewolves have existed right even before the Vampires were created, they might have been stronger than the creatures of the night but they could not live as long as they did, except an oddity, which was the first Werewolf to ever exist, and that's me.' My reply made her to adjust her position for she was getting wary of me. `So, you mean to say you're older than the Originals and you've lived far longer than a millennium?'

`I'm a being that has lived for a millennium and five centuries, I might be an old creature but I'm not the oldest. The oldest supernaturals are the Three Travelers, creatures that can possess the bodies of others. They have lived for five millenniums, trust me when I say they are scary. There are thousands of Vampires in the world and the number increases, every week. Do you know why?' I questioned her after my reply to her question.

`If there are thousands of Vampires in this world, they'd have no choice but to serve the Originals. So, the Seven Vampires are literally their sires and for the increase of their minions, there must be a system. The stress would be a problem to them so there must exist a division of labour. To achieve that, they must have created a lot of Clans and inserted a limited number of Vampires within each Clan which would be headed by some important figures. A system obeys a rule, the important figures must have been tasked to produce a limited number of Vampires within a week or a month, it could even be a year. Am I right?' My mate was sure a brilliant human for she obtained a quick answer without stressing her brain.

`I'm surprised by your intellect, you're very much correct. The Clan Heads are all tasked to turn a dozen humans into Vampires at the end of every month. If fifty humans were to be captured and turned to Vampires, some might survive the transition and some might die, or all might even die. The transition costs lives of innocent humans but the Supernaturals are not bothered about that.' A deep frown appeared on her beautiful face after the last word escaped my mouth.

`You all are vile creatures, why put waste to so many humans? What will you all gain by destroying the normal and peaceful lives of innocent creatures? So, aren't there the good guys to stop these vile atrocities? Are you one of the good guys?' Asked was I but speechless was I for she might have absconded if she knew about the vile things I had done, in the past. `Why aren't you talking?' Questioned was I, again.

`There are good guys but they are few, they are they Fetchers, they are mortal magic wielders. They tried stopping the vile atrocities of the other Supernaturals, they tried stopping Vampires from feeding on the blood of humans and also did they try stop the Travelers from feeding on the souls of humans and supernaturals, alike. I don't know if I'm a bad or a good guy, an event took place, two decades back. One of my trusted subordinates went feral during the night of a full moon and accidentally killed a human. One of the Five Fetchers confronted him and battled him, injured was my subordinate but angered was I and dead was the Fetcher, Vincent Malcolm. Tell me, am I good guy?'

She arose and aimed her finger at me whilst her face maintained an angry expression. `You are a bad guy, you do not value the lives of humans and that makes you bad. I can't believe I'm even sitting and talking with a murderer.' Pained was I as my mate spoke to me, harshly. `The Fetchers could have stopped the brutality of the other Supernaturals but they are greatly outnumbered and their leaders are immortals, unlike them.' I ignored her rebuttal.

`Ignoring that statement was a smart move but that changes nothing. Let's talk about the Werewolves, are they like the rest?' I sighed just as she questioned me. `There are many Werewolves, it's more like the system of the Vampires. Every Pack leader serving under me has no choice but to produce a dozen Werewolves at the end of every month. The transition also costs the lives of many mortals, the reason is just because we need more cards to outshine the Vampires. They are our archenemy and if they outnumber us, we lose authority. That asides, every Werewolf has a mate, a soulmate, and you are mine. My wolf chose you, yesterday, and I still do wonder why it chose a human. There are very few Werewolves without mates and I'm one of them but I intend to exit that category.' I focused more on the reason I was sitting within her home.

`Which was why you saved me, you wouldn't have if I wasn't your soulmate. I'm a policewoman and we both know what my profession is. I arrest criminals that disobeys the law so do you think I would want to have a criminal as my soulmate? Impossible, I reject your proposal and I'll be leaving this city, tomorrow. Please, exit my house.' Her words hurt me and I knew not to retort for it was but the truth. I arose and exited her house with my inhumane speed, I knew I couldn't force her to be my mate.