
The White Garden

Heed the dead, follow up the past, and the souls of the people would again grow great. But, what is courtesy to a man without love? Rules grants a responsibility upon the soul of a man, a purpose to live up to the expectations of his maker. A sinner would one be if one walks the wrong path, a sinner is a dead flower and a dead flower belongs to a black garden, a garden of emptiness and loneliness. Fated enmity was a pain to the protagonist’s ass. His kind had always been at war with the Vampires, creatures of the night that always vied for blood, a liquid tissue that soothed their throats and granted unto them, immortality. That was a trait his kind lacked, they were only considered as strong as their archenemies whenever they had an advantage in numbers. Fate had always proven to be a provider of an oddity. Amongst thousands of Werwolves, he was but the only odd one which might have been due to his origin. Envious was his kind of him for he possessed immortality but they could do nothing to him since he was their sire, an entity that had lived as long as the oldest Vampires. He had never participated in the war between the two races for he was a hater of battles and lover of peace. The peace ended when a mortal appeared in the plot. Loved was she by the resident of the white garden but hunted was she by the resident’s enemies. Her blood was proven to be useful to them but how could the protagonist let his hope be hurt by fate? The mortal was the only redemption he had left, for the sins he had committed. So, he yearned for a white garden, one filled with endless peace.

Michael_Millan · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Fury Of A Serenal

(•Ariel Serena•)

Humiliated was I by Michael Morien, two days ago. That white haired werewolf was one of the most mysterious Supernaturals, if not the most mysterious. I was really angered by his action, how could he have snapped my neck? And so did I ponder as I sipped some wine from a silver goblet whilst sitting my butt on a chair.

`Bother not about the humiliation, little brother.' Mocked was I by my sister, Aretha, as she walked into my gothic bedroom. Alluring was she as she spoke, I did love stealing some lustful glances at her whenever I was brooding. Amongst the four sisters I've got, Aretha was the most charming and the sexiest.

`This is not the time for your sarcastic remarks, I'm not in the mood.' I gave a sharp reply and a smirk found a way to appear on her face. `You went too far, at the High Tower. How could you even think of attacking the White Flower? Even, I, wouldn't dream of battling him. Perhaps, our eldest brother could deal with him but we aren't a match of the handsome flower.' Just as she found a chair to sit on, words escaped her lips.

`Asides that, we need to focus on finding that human lady. After he had left, I regained consciousness and humiliated was I. But, when I did see the picture of the lady, I was aroused. If I manage to capture her, I would have sex with her before delivering her to the Fetchers. That silvery hair of hers coupled with her emerald eyeballs makes her so charming, what a perfect vessel for Navori to occupy.' A frown replaced the smirk as I talked about the human's beauty. That was a thing about her, she hated being outshined by anyone.

`I have a plan, one that could earn you getting back at Michael.' My ears vibrated just as she spoke about something I yearned for. `Michael has three trusted aides, his three Alpha Werewolves. Asides Michael, they are the only Werewolves that managed to obtain the mark of the moon so they are very much strong even if they are not immortal as we are. What about you just sneak into the White Garden to eliminate one of them?'

`That would be a hard task, how could I even sneak into the abode of that cunning wolf without him realizing?' I questioned her, being expectant of another answer. `Then, find a way of luring one of the trio out and eliminate him.' Her alternative method of getting back at Michael really seemed nice and glad was I. Even though, the radiant sun was peering at the whole city, I could still leave at will for she could not hurt me just as she did hurt the random vampires, that was only due to the fact that the seven of us were the Originals, the first Vampires to exist. How we were made was a mystery tale.

Nightfall embraced the beautiful city and so did I find my way out of our abode, the House Of Mystery, whilst being clad in a black tuxedo suit. A blur would I have been to a mortal's eyes, had it been I was seen, just as I headed to the White Garden. Took minutes to arrive at my destination with the aid of my inhumane speed, it would have cost me hours if I had used a car. Ventured into the forest and before my amber eyes stood a magnificent white mansion, an addicted lover of white, he was.

The fence and the white twin gates that separated the interior of his abode from my position were not a problem for I could perform a high jump to gain an easy entry. Just as I was about to do that, the twin gates were pushed open and two white suited figures exited the interior. They were beautiful and I was not needed to be told that the duo were Michael and his trusted subordinate. I wondered where they were heading to but his absence could make my mission not fail.

I really wanted to enter to get rid of one of his beloved subordinates but the urge to tag along with them so as to know what they were brewing, kicked in. I casted away the previous thought of revenge and tagged along with them. It was a known thing that Michael hated making use of his powers, every time, which was why I was able to monitor them. If he had made use of his speed, I would not have even thought of tailing him for he was just as fast as my eldest brother was, he could even be said to be unseen during motion.

After tailing them for minutes, I sighted an amazing scene. A monster was just about to take advantage of a beautiful lady, one which was familiar. Surprised was I just I took into sight the image of the familiar woman, she was but the one that was depicted in the picture granted unto the Fetchers by Navori. I could not move closer to assess the situation for I would have been discovered by Michael. Few seconds passed and a white fog obscured my sight, I could not see the entirety of the next event. I could not see them neither could I hear their words, due to the mysterious fog.

I was curious about why he released the fog and I knew the answer but I refused to believe it. He had discovered my presence which was why he brought forth a fog to hide the entirety of the event, it was a special ability of his, which was to influence the weather conditions, an ability of his I had always envied. Had he always known about the Navori's issue? Was that why he left without checking the human's picture? I knew there was something special about the lady which could have attracted the attention of the inattentive Michael.

I waited no more and returned to the House Of Mystery, with an indiscernible speed. It was but a great information that was earned, one which could produce a satisfactory result, a result yearned by every present Powerhouse. I had a plan on having the woman to myself for some days before delivering her to the Fetchers.