
The West Side

After being expelled from his previous school due to violence , Justin Hawk has to adapt to his new life which according to him seems bizarre . His parents are well aware that he has anger issues and will go to extreme measures to make sure he gets all the help he needs . When they enroll him into Westville High which is referred to as The West Side , the boy finds his life changing drastically when he meets Elle , a dark skinned girl with beautiful brown curly hair , whom has the darkest secrets in the depths of her heart . Before everything happened , Justin wanted to finish school so he could leave his parent's mansion to start a new life somewhere far away from them , but that was before he found himself in a circle of supernaturals and trapped in many mysteries behind the school's cracked walls . He will find himself questioning his sexuality or rather himself in the process of the unexpected change . Will he survive the mysteries behind the shattered walls of the West side or break the cracks on the walls to discover all that's been hidden for many centuries .

Lovelylebo · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
20 Chs

Chapter 16 : Home

The friends decided to spend their lunch time in the library . It was quieter than the cafeteria which was always busting with loud voices . They wanted a change of scenery for once and the library seemed like the perfect option . When they entered the dusty library , they were hit with the smell of old books and dust . The place was completely empty aside from the old librarian .

Tip led them to a long table that accommodated about 4 people and they all sat down immediately . Elle rushed to grab a seat next to Justin before anyone else could . She smirked at Tip who bared his sharp canines at her . Justin looked between the two before plopping down without saying anything .

He was already used to their competitive behavior . It seemed that they all wanted some dominance over each other . But Justin knew that Elle would always get her way because she was a girl . A beautiful and strong creature to ever grace earth .

Connor looked around warily and sniffed the air before his face contorted into a grimace . His face was so disgusted that Justin had to bite his bottom lip from cackling .

" Damn , they should clean this place up . The dust is clouding my vision , I can't see a damn thing ."  He dramatised his disdain .

" You're a vampire , shouldn't you have like a super vision or something ?" Justin asked the boy sitting opposite of him .

" Only when I'm fed ." The boy shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly .

" What do you mean fed ?"

" He means that he needs human blood in order to replenish his vampiric abilities . The human blood is basically the power source to heighten his senses . Isn't that a shame ? We swore an oath to each other , that we'd never hurt the innocent . So no matter how much his state is deteriorating , he has to stick to animal blood . The animal blood is not as nourishing as the human but it makes a difference .  A vampire's digestive system was built to only consume blood so food is not an option for him . I'm so glad I'm not a bloodsucker  ." Elle took it upon himself to answer the question .

" He clearly was talking to me ... You're not even a vampire , how the fuck do you know all that ? " Connor snapped .

" It's not rocket science . That's just basic knowledge you imbecile . " Elle retorted .

" Have you attacked anyone before ? " Justin interrupted before looking over at Tip , who was staring back at him .

"Yes . I had no self control back then but I've learned to control my thirst . I only feed on a willing subject without killing them . I've been in the human world so long that I've adapted , that's why a person could never tell that I'm an immortal  ."

" That's so cool , so you have a long lifespan ? It it true that vampires are hypnotic ? Can you turn into a bat ? "

" One question at a time , Geez . Yes , vampires are hypnotic , they have the ability to control the human brain which automatically makes it easier to catch prey . I can't remember the time I did that . And no, I can't turn into a bat !"

" And what can you do Elle ? " Justin directed his curiousity at her .

" She talks too much yet she hasn't figured out the full extent of her powers . She doesn't even know who the fuck she is , where she came into being or how she became this way ." Connor said from his seat earning a kick from Tip .

The abused boy groaned in pain as Tip continued to kick him from under the table .

Tip was strangely very quiet throughout the conversation as he listened to them talk animatedly . He was looking at Justin the entire time , making the boy squirm in his chair . He didn't know why Justin was having such an effect on him so suddenly . It was hard thinking straight when Justin was around , not that he minded . Nothing will ever be straight with Justin he thought .

" That's not nice ." Justin frowned at the starving vampire . " I don't think you should be putting it like that Connor , now you're sounding like an asshole ."

" It's true Justin , he's right . I'm clueless about my identity ... I don't know who I am . I might as well just accept the fact that I don't have a purpose here ." Elle said .

" Well that won't be for long ... " Tip spoke softly .


" What do you mean ? " They all spoke simultaneously , giving the beautiful boy a perplexed look .

Tip looked away from Justin to stare at his other two friends . He was contemplating on not telling them what he had learned a few days ago but thought better . Secrets is the destroyer of good things and he didn't want to lose what he had built with them . The only thing standing in his way was what's hidden behind the walls of Westville High . He couldn't risk it .

" Remember the prophecy you once mentioned ?" Tip asked , directing his attention to the only girl in the room . Elle nodded her head unsurely , her brows pinched together . " This has everything to do with the prophecy but I don't want to say anything here . " He said motioning his head to the side . Tip was giving them hand signals , cocking his head to the direction of the door .

Everyone gave him confused looks before a look of understanding graced their faces . Elle looked where her friend had gestured but saw nothing , just faint dust whirling in the air .

" I'm so confused ..." Justin spoke .

" He means that he can't say anything here ." Elle answered .

" And why's that?"

" Well for one , we have Chucky ... The school's ghost ." Connor answered lamely .

" What ?!"

" Yes , believe it . Only we can see him , others are not aware that we have a ghost here . He's not to be taken lightly , I heard he could casts spell even though he's dead . Sometimes he's there but you won't know it . There are rumors that he's working with Andrew but no one knows for sure if that's true . He's literally everywhere , listening to every conversation of every student . He might be watching us right now ..." Elle confessed .

" How did a ghost end up here ?"

" Many say that he was killed here and that his soul is trapped on the school premise . But I don't believe all that , I think whoever summoned him had other motives . It could be true that he's working with Andrew , maybe the bastard is planning something destructive to have his way on things . He's bloodthirsty , anything is possible with him . " Tip said , his focus on Justin's reaction .

" That's a lot to swallow ... " Justin said . " Who would stop Andrew if he tries something ?"

" Only time will tell ." Tip answered .

Justin nodded his head slowly , it was a lot to take in . He was starting to realise how his life was in danger , that he was not safe from everything that was happening around them . First he had managed to make an enemy that was a bloodthirsty vampire with no self control . And now he was breathing the same air as a ghost .


When Justin got home that afternoon , the house was lively with chattering and giggles . He could hear faint music in the background too . He was too confused as to who was inside his home that he forgot to take his shoes off . He went straight to the living room where all the sounds were coming from .

His mother clearly had company and he wanted to see who the person was . His mother's angelic laughter filled the atmosphere , lighting up the whole house . He loved hearing his mother laugh because it was the best sound in the world . She must be having good company then .

When he arrived at the warm space he froze in his tracks . A frown making it's way to his face at the scene . There in the middle of the room stood the same man who was a frequent visitor . The same man who hardly spoke to him but had the guts to gawk at him . Justin was beginning to believe that James was living with them now .

He was always there when Justin woke up . Justin always came home to find him in the kitchen or something . On weekends as well !

James was standing tall while holding his mother tightly as they both swayed their hips to the music . The scene was romantic that he almost gagged when his mother giggled . He watched them getting intimate , standing by the threshold stiffly .  I hope he chokes on a steak .

It didn't take long for the James guy to notice him like all the other times he had . James gave him a curt nod before whispering something in his mother's ear . The flustered woman looked at her son with wide eyes before untangling herself from the tall man .

" Hey honey , you're back from school already ? " She asked .

" Hey mom , what's he doing here again , is he living with us now ? " Justin didn't miss a beat as he gestured to the man watching him intently . " How can you welcome someone who doesn't even like me ?"

His mother gave him a bewildered look before making her way to where he was standing . She stood in front of him , staring at him with her oceanic ones . He could clearly see panic behind her wavering orbs .

" What do you mean he doesn't like you Justin ." She said , her breath uneven as she gazed at her son's emotionless face .

" Well he pretends I don't exist , he has never spoken to me but he wants to live under your roof . I'm your son , shouldn't he respect me too ? I want to know what his intentions are . You said you didn't want me getting tattoos but brought someone covered in them into our home ."

" Oh Justin , no one is pretending , he's a shy man . He doesn't usually speak ."

"But he can speak to you ! And why do you let him touch you like that mom , what about dad ? Have you completely forgotten about him ?"

That made her shut her mouth in an instant . She didn't know how to approach the situation as she stared at her son's tearful eyes . Before she could say anything , James spoke .

" I'll leave ... I'm sorry for making you feel that way ." James said to Justin who glared at him .

Justin watched as the man grabbed his phone from the table before making his way to where they stood . As ridiculously tall man was about to leave , his mother grabbed his veiny wrist pulling the man back towards her . Justin looked at his mother as if she'd grown a second head . Why was she not letting the giant go ?

" Please , don't go ..." She said pleadingly .


" Okay , you need to tell me what's going on now . Why are you still begging him to stay ? If he wants to leave , let him go. " Justin mused dramatically .

" Your father and I are no longer together . " His mother confessed .

Justin jaw dropped to the floor . He didn't know how to feel about that . He was admittedly shocked to hear that his parents had broken up . Never in his pathetic life had he imagined that something like that would happen . He thought they were always happy together , even though they hardly spoke . They did everything together , at least that's what it seemed like .

" Why ? " he whispered , tears falling from his eyes .

" Your father didn't want to be part of your life anymore . He -- he said you were old enough to know the truth . Your father and I had a strained relationship Justin . It was harder being with him when all he ever loved was his job . Everything I ever did was to please him and now , now I don't have to do that anymore ."

" What do you mean truth ?"

" Amber can I talk to you for a minute please , it won't take long ." James interrupted and looked at Justin apologetically .

" We're still talking , can it not wait until bedtime ?" Justin squinted his green eyes at the man .

" I'm afraid it cannot ..."

" Fine , I'll just go to my room ! "

Justin yelled before stomping to his room . He was angry , rightfully so . He thought that his mother had changed but he was mistaken yet again . He should've known that she was hiding something from him . When was she even planning on telling him about the separation ? He had the right to know . The fact that his mother always kept him in the dark irked him . He was tired of it .

When he got to his room he immediately texted the only boy on his mind . He needed to see him or else he would lose his sanity . He just wanted to feel safe again , and only Tip had the power to make him feel that type of way .

Can I come tonight ? he had texted and almost immediately , the boy answered with a big Yes .

Justin smiled before grabbing his jacket and leaving his room .