
The West Side

After being expelled from his previous school due to violence , Justin Hawk has to adapt to his new life which according to him seems bizarre . His parents are well aware that he has anger issues and will go to extreme measures to make sure he gets all the help he needs . When they enroll him into Westville High which is referred to as The West Side , the boy finds his life changing drastically when he meets Elle , a dark skinned girl with beautiful brown curly hair , whom has the darkest secrets in the depths of her heart . Before everything happened , Justin wanted to finish school so he could leave his parent's mansion to start a new life somewhere far away from them , but that was before he found himself in a circle of supernaturals and trapped in many mysteries behind the school's cracked walls . He will find himself questioning his sexuality or rather himself in the process of the unexpected change . Will he survive the mysteries behind the shattered walls of the West side or break the cracks on the walls to discover all that's been hidden for many centuries .

Lovelylebo · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 17 : Heart

As the two boys comfortably laid on the small bed , a sudden click sound was heard from downstairs . Justin who was engrossed in his phone did not hear anything while Tip had an idea of who might have entered the house . He was just waiting for someone to barge inside his room any minute now . His mood suddenly dropped at the intrusion .

He had so much planned for tonight . He'd hope to spend the entire night cuddled up with no disturbances . But now it seemed that luck wasn't on his side .

Tip was laying on his back with his pale arm behind his head as he studied Justin's expressive face . The brown haired boy was laying flat on his stomach while he texted Connor about some vampire movie they recently watched . Justin was the one who picked the movie , claiming that he needed to educate himself about the 'deadly creatures' . But he lied .

He knew the basics about vampires . That they avoided the sun at all cost due to being night creatures , they had no reflection and could smell blood without tasting it . So he was not completely clueless . 

He was trying to get on Connor's nerves . From the soft chuckles escaping from his lips it seemed that his plan was succeeding .

Connor was ignoring him though , leaving his messages on read . Justin released a breath from his nose when Connor left him on seen for the 7th time . It amused him how easily riled up the starving vampire was that he almost made it his daily mission to annoy him . He smiled when an evil thought came to life in his mind . Maybe I should pack some garlic for lunch .

" You have beautiful eyes ..." Tip said distractedly .

Justin looked sideways from where he laid , his eyes wide . Tip was studying his face with so much intensity that he thought the boy might propose to him . The thought made him tint a red color . That'll never happen .

But the other boy was looking at him like he was something rare , like a diamond to be cherished . Something that had to be treated with delicacy . Justin's heart immediately picked up speed at his own thoughts .

" Stop staring , it's creepy . You've been doing it the entire time !" Justin whined dramatically , rolling onto his back . He lifted his legs in the air before placing them on top of Tip's clothed ones . Tip briefly looked at their touching legs before shrugging his broad shoulders .

" what can I say ? You're pleasing to look at . It cannot be controlled . "

Tip shifted so he was laying sideways . He pulled Justin closer to him before grabbing the boy's exposed leg again and placing it on his hips . Justin was wearing nothing but a very long white shirt that belonged to Tip's brother .

The shirt was laying on the floor the moment he came in and Justin had picked it up , immediately putting it on . He didn't know who it belonged to and he didn't care . It looked good on him so he might as well claim it .

He smiled when Tip kissed his face from his nose to his forehead . He was experiencing feelings he had never experienced before . His whole body felt hot , his legs weak . He was feeling a sensation in the pits of his stomach or perhaps it butterflies . The feeling was just foreign to him in a good way .

" I'd rather you touch me ." Justin whispered before he could stop himself .

He shyly peered at the other boy but Tip was frozen . His whole body stiff as he looked at Justin's green eyes . If they were in different circumstances , Justin would've laughed at the boy's face . It was evident that Tip was caught off guard by the statement . Justin wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing .

It felt like time had stopped as they stared into each other's eyes . Justin brushed Tips black hair out of his eyes , pecking him on the chin . That made the other boy smile broadly , flashing his straight teeth .

Justin couldn't stop himself from staring at Tip . The boy was so beautiful that he had to stop himself from saying something stupid . Even the smile was captivating just as his rare beauty .  So unfair , how can someone be this beautiful ? he mused .

" That's not what you want , trust me ."

" But it is ."

" I don't want to take advantage of you Justin ." Tip said honestly . " I like you , a lot . But I don't want you to make irrational decisions just because you think you want something . You need to be certain that it's really what you want . "

" You would never take advantage of me . You like me don't you ? Well I like you too Tip . I -- please don't reject me ."

" I'm not rejecting you ."

" What are you doing then ? "

" I don't want to hurt you , is all . " Tip answered softly .

Justin scoffed before getting up from his position to straddle the other boy . Tip looked up at him confusedly before his eyes widened in shock . He watched as Justin grabbed the hem of the white shirt before pulling it over his head . The boy was now stark naked on top of him and Tip had close his salivating mouth .

" Stay still ." Justin said , slapping his hand that was about to grab the boy's hip . Tip cursed loudly and just as he was about to open his mouth again , his bedroom door swung open .

Justin's first reaction was to jump away from the other boy . He didn't care if he was still naked and hastily yanked the white shirt from the floor . He was ashamed to even look up at the person who interrupted them as he quietly wore the shirt . He could've sworn he heard someone laughing but shook the thought out of his mind .

" Didn't your girlfriend teach you how to fucking knock ?! " Tip yelled . He was still laying on the bed as he glared at the man .

" Watch your mouth dickhead , I came here to fetch my shit . I didn't know you had company or I wouldn't have . Your new boyfriend ?" The person said with a very deep voice .

That's when Justin looked at the new person . The man whose name he didn't know was standing by the doorway with his muscular arms crossed over his hefty chest . He had long dyed blonde hair , with black roots showing . His face was just as beautiful compared to Tip's soft one . But this man was much more manlier than Tip . He was taller than the boy as well . He was obviously Tip's older brother he concluded .

" That's none of your damn business . " Tip shot back .

" I think you're forgetting that I fucking live here too so it is my business . "

" I'm not answering to you ."

" That's fine with me ... I'll just ask him myself ! "

" Don't you fucking dare !"

Justin looked between the two arguing brothers , contemplating if he should leave or stay . He decided that he would leave because he could not stay any longer . He slowly made his way to where he had placed his bag and took out a pair of jeans and his black hoodie . As he was about to turn around , he stopped in his tracks when something wet touched his leg . He slowly looked down and saw a big dog licking his exposed leg . What the fuck ?!

" Just fucking great , someone wants to die tonight ! " Justin heard Tip yelling but his focus was on the big dog in front of him . The huge dog was wagging its tail happily as it licked the red flesh . " Remy get away from him before I cut your tongue out . You're testing me aren't you ?!!"

" Tip what's going on ?!" Justin yelled . He was extremely scared for his life . How did a dog appear in front of him so suddenly . Where did it come from ? Why was it licking him like he was a goddamn bone ?

Tip didn't say anything as he got up from the bed . He took big strides to where Justin was standing to grab the big dog furiously . His face was red as he shook the animal vigorously , as if telling it to snap out of it .

" Go near him again and I'll kill you . " Tip threatened lowly before kicking the dog hard , earning a yelp and a whimper .

" Why did you kick the poor thing like that ?! You could've killed it !" Justin said as he watched the other boy shutting the door with incredible force .

" He's not a dog , that's Remy . My fucking brother !" Tip yelled back .


" He's a shapeshifter as well ."

What on earth ?!

" Fucking stay away from him Justin , he's not a good person . "

" Okay ." Justin said meekly .

I don't think I'll make it out alive .