
the war goddess

this book is about the reincarnation of the war goddess "discover yourself ,the world won't see you till you show them who you are" the voice ,the words kept hovering round her head ,feeling dizzy she closed her eyes preparing herself for the worst " Ava " ruby ran towards her ,her smiley face radiated ,her hair was packed in a tight bun ,her white robe with red lining danced as the wind blew calmly am I dead ??? where am I ?? is the war over?? aleksis thought trying to remember what led her here she remembered saving bella and Sam was killed by the best guard demons m..mohana!! she screamed and sat up straight Ruby paused and narrowed her eyes on the shocked girl . " take me home ,I ..want to save my friend" aleksis shouted at Ruby .... ....... the six goddess waited for centuries for the prophesied seventh great warrior to be born the wait was finally over ,Ava was born on the day of blood full moon ,her silver hair and eyes made her outstanding in all the spirit realm she was more powerful than all the realms put forth together during this period the four clans on earth became reckless with their powers ,they subjected the humans to slavery wanting to test the abilities of the new warrior ,Ava was sent to earth to curb the excessive powers of the clans the clans foreseen the intentions of the moon,they came together in order to kill the war goddess fate decided to play its tunes in a twisted way, will Ava be able to defeat the clans ?? will fate play in the favour of the goddess??

sayykim · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

the prophesy is true

aleksis felt stronger ,she looked at her glowing hands ,her body felt light .no ,this is strange

even her normally green eyes became fierce as her long silver hair danced behind her as the weird creatures attacked she defended and killed them

her hand sparkled as she threw a fist of punches at her opponent.the wind and her synced together she defeated the lesser creature

left with the ugly bitchy leader she smiled and rile him up "surrender now fool"she shouted at him

he was so angry that he attacked her wildly

he threw his numerous dagger at her 'damn where did he get those 'she thought as she jumped her right hand landed on his chest while her left hand which was armed with a silver knife effortlessly slashed at him ,he tried defending her attacks but she was too fast ,way too fast for a human

he tried flinging toward her another dagger ,she twirled around him like the wind and settled at his back before cutting off his throat .he spat out blood from his mouth as his knee gave way under him forcing himself to speak he fell

aleksis looked around her and saw a heap of dead ugly things

sigh 'tsk troublesome idiots'she grumbled as she hurried away from the alley

"hello,ohh sis I am on my way !no no no I promise I didn't do anything bad this time ,OK ,bye love you "

aleksis felt like running and she sped away like lightening

on the other side of the street two men with all black could be seen staring hard

"hmm master underestimated her ,I think"

the less serious one said looking happy and smiling for reasons known best to him

"shut up Vigo ,remember she will be the end of us all"the stoic faced man spoke

'he is always shouting at me'

"let's go clear those bodies zerg "

"hmm"zerg responded

down in the alley

"well well well I sure do enjoy that intense fighting zerg ,I feel like re watching it over and over again"Vigo blabbered on seemingly not minding that the said Zerg was near the assumed leader body looking down at the desighted corpse

"enough of the stupid talk Vigo let's leave here"

taking a step away from the body zerg felt something holding his leg and he stilled he looked down and saw the leader of the ugly gang struggling to talk after what seems like a while he opened his mouth more blood oozing out from his body as he said"the p-p-prophesy I.I.I.is ttttrue "his body turned to ashes .

Zerg looked expressionlessly at the ash disappearing into the night ,after a while he faced upward looking to the heavens as he chuckled

'ha ,what is so funny ??why is this man laughing ??

has he gone nut at last?? I better tell master ' Vigo thought as he watched zerg walk away