
the war goddess

this book is about the reincarnation of the war goddess "discover yourself ,the world won't see you till you show them who you are" the voice ,the words kept hovering round her head ,feeling dizzy she closed her eyes preparing herself for the worst " Ava " ruby ran towards her ,her smiley face radiated ,her hair was packed in a tight bun ,her white robe with red lining danced as the wind blew calmly am I dead ??? where am I ?? is the war over?? aleksis thought trying to remember what led her here she remembered saving bella and Sam was killed by the best guard demons m..mohana!! she screamed and sat up straight Ruby paused and narrowed her eyes on the shocked girl . " take me home ,I ..want to save my friend" aleksis shouted at Ruby .... ....... the six goddess waited for centuries for the prophesied seventh great warrior to be born the wait was finally over ,Ava was born on the day of blood full moon ,her silver hair and eyes made her outstanding in all the spirit realm she was more powerful than all the realms put forth together during this period the four clans on earth became reckless with their powers ,they subjected the humans to slavery wanting to test the abilities of the new warrior ,Ava was sent to earth to curb the excessive powers of the clans the clans foreseen the intentions of the moon,they came together in order to kill the war goddess fate decided to play its tunes in a twisted way, will Ava be able to defeat the clans ?? will fate play in the favour of the goddess??

sayykim · Fantasy
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33 Chs

best friend forever

a young lady who seemed worried stood at the door step looking around like she was waiting for some one .

"bella,what are you doing outside ??"aleksis asked the young lady looked at her angrily ,

"where have you been ,huh?? " Bella fired back staring at aleksis intensively 'she keeps getting worried for nothing' .

"stop looking at me like that yunno,its creepy "

aleksis answered giving her the puppy eye

'still not working huh' "stop stressing out ,yunno I will always come back home ,see you are shivering already from the cold " she exclaimed Bella looked down and find out that she was only putting on a pink tank top with a baggy joggers ,her blond hair was tied in a messey bun and her pink pluffy slippers "shit " she cursed 😂 even with her casual appearance her beauty was not in the least altered

aleksis watched her best friend stormed angrily inside the house and she remembered when they met

"hey,let that girl go "Bella growled .

'what did she do ?? why was she tied to a tree ??poor girl 'she thought as she stared pitifully at the young beautiful girl who was tied to a tree

"ha "menina laughed like a maniac

"wanna join the party ??huh ,blond head"Bella glared hard at her and she involuntarily stepped back ward before she said "it seems you want to save your pretty little friend ,I assure you ohh we will serve you well "she shouted

"well manina I never knew you could be so heartless ,tying a helpless girl to a tree ??tsk tsk low blow bitch" Bella said riling the bad girls

"arghhh ,girls destroy her cute stupid face"she spat out face reddened

the three girls charged at Bella all at once with manina smiling evilly

'thank goodness I listened to papa when he asked me to train kick boxing and takwando ' Bella sighed as the first girl ran towards her she landed her fist👊 in her chest sending the girl flying back

"take that bitch " another mindless girl came at her with a rod aiming at her neck but she dodged the attack easily by twisting her body around the girl before dragging her hair and she landed a hot slap at her round cheek causing the girl to stumble landing her butt on the floor .the bigger girl among them seemed hesitant to attack her ,she was weighing her options either she fights or run for her dear life holding her shoes and painful body ,lol, a look from manina crushed her thought of running away and she attacked Bella whose punch threw her off balance ." stupid si..."she could not finish her words when something struck her at her back she turned and saw manina with a big stick looking at her like a prey "geez,you want to kill me ??are you crazy ??" she shouted

"yes I will kill you blond head ,how dare you interfere ??I will destroy your damned face ass..."

'whoosh ' Bella kneed her really hard

manina could not react because she have been pinned to the floor with Bella straddling her without saying a word a punch flew to her nose and numerous punches followed "let me go you bastard"she screamed ,crying and swirming no longer able to bear the punch being served to her face

"when next you look at your face in the mirror ,remember me"Bella told her half smirking

before looking at the helpless girl tied to the tree she moved her feet to the girl who was looking at her with wide green eyes ' she is indeed beautiful 'she studied the girl's feature .green eyes with long thick lashes ,small structured face matched with a plum red lips her cheek was red like she was slapped several times ,her white skin like snow shined in the sun and her silver long hair completed this damsel's look she felt like hiding away her face because this girl was beyond beautiful .sigh 'I could already guess why she was bullied 'she said inwardly as she looked at the young girl

"what is your name ??" Bella asked the beauty

"m -my name i.i.is aleksis Xander " she stuttered tears streaming down her face

"OK OK stop crying aleksis,hold on tight " Bella said as she helped aleksis down

after making sure she is ok and safe ,Bella started walking away "stop ,can I know your name ?? y.you saved me and it won't be fair if I don't thank you yunno" aleksis said hesitatantly looking down afraid to look the bold girl who helped her sorry ass ,heaven knows what those devils whould have done to her if not this young girl putting on black ripped jeans with a slightly big shirt which had the inscription 'Bad bitch 'on it. her blond hair was let down resting on her shoulders giving her the damn bad look 'she looks beautiful' aleksis thought

the girls looked over her shoulder and answered with a pleasant voice"Bella,call me Bella "

aleksis made a mental note to remember this bella of a girl .

"can I be your friend"aleksis asked,wait,oh no, what is wrong with me ??will she accept me ??why did I even bother asking 'she face palmed mentally

her pleasant voice sounded again" what?,so that I can save your sorry ass next time huh?"

"no ! i was just asking "aleksis looked down saddly

"I just don't have any friends ,the other girls hate me and nobody has ever stand up for me so I thought we could be friend but never mind "obviously sad she took her bag and started walking away she heard Bella chuckled softly

"OK"Bella answered the poor looking girl

"really !!!!"aleksis screamed

she hugged Bella not minding how Bella looked at her she smiled,jumped ,twirled and chatter mindlessly 'big baby' Bella silently grumbled and smiled on seeing the girl happy

"aleksis,what are you still doing outside?" Bella stood hands akimbo as she watched aleksis smile into outer space still in her dream land

"huh " aleksis answered

"you have been smiling like an idiot for the past twenty minutes " Bella demonstrated with her hands to the confused girl

"ha ha " aleksis laughed nervously as she hugged Bella "you are the best best best friend in the whole wide world and I love my best friend soooo freaking much"aleksis said emotionally still hugging her friend

'ah this girl won't ever grow up 'Bella smiled as she inwardly thought

"and I love you so much more aleksis "

aleksis drew back and looked at Bella before saying "best friends forever"happily

"best friends for ever "Bella said

they hugged for a while