
The War Goddess and Her Evil Husband

Excerpt: I felt laughter bubble and erupt from my throat as I hissed. "Loki you son of a bitch, what is the meaning of all of this?" The man who laid under me erupted into just as maniacal laughter as his face brightened. His voice purred as he said laboriously. "Oh my dear! I can't believe that you seem to recognize me so quickly! I thought that I would hide myself so that there would be some suspense in our reunion. You are of no fun my dear. In this case, why don't we skip the pleasantries and just skip to the part of you taking your hands off my throat?" I laughed once more. I could kill him. I could kill him! I could finally kill this son of a bitch! Loki then slowly raised himself despite my vice-like grip on his throat and whispered in my ear. "As you know my dear, I do love to be choked but only in bed." ..................................................... Hjordos(Hiordos) was an esteemed war goddess who fought to represent the people when the Norse gods turned on them. The god of trickery, Loki then makes a deal with her. If she offers herself as a sacrifice, the Norse gods will stop the war and ensure peace for humans for all of eternity. Hjordos agrees and as Loki's sword enters her she realizes that she has been tricked. As Hjordos dies with Loki's laughter she vows that if she is reborn she would surely kill him. To her surprise Hjordos is reborn! But not as a war goddess, instead she is reborn as a weak empress who was poisoned to death by the emperor's concubines! As Hjordos adjusts to her new life she sees the people of the empire suffer from famine as the emperor indulges in women and wine. She takes it upon herself to rebel in order to save the very people that she sacrificed herself for in the past. This is a story with a badass female lead and a love triangle! Credit to artist for cover photo

SelaraChan · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 7: The Whimsical Voice

I could hear Loki's protests as I waltzed through the corridor. The two women who sat next to him earlier walking after him. I chuckled. This must be quite the view to the servants. I looked like the main character of a children's fable which involves a Pied Piper.

I stopped dead in my tracks as Loki's honey-like voice continued to enter not just one, but both of my ears. After which I turned and pushed his body to the wall. Arvis covered Edgard's eyes as I took out a dagger from my pocket and dug it into the wall, a hair away from Loki's face. I watched his face redden as I leaned in and whispered.

"Leave me alone, son of Odin. Or should I even call you that?"

I backed up and flinched as I looked at Loki's expression of full contempt. I quickly pulled the dagger away from the wall and stepped back all while my heart beat continued to quicken. I waved nervously and ran towards the front door of the large building. Only after I closed the large mahogany doors behind me did I feel calm.

I heaved and struggled to breath as I collapsed on the grassy floor. I forgot how much of a mistake it is to mention the relationship between Loki and Odin. It is one that he wants to forget. After all, what well-behaved son would do such a thing such as his actions in Ragnarok against the very father who took you in out of goodwill and adopted you?

I shivered as I remembered the look he had. If I were any mortal or other person, my head would have been rolling in seconds. I sighed. It is good to note that this joke was one that was taken too far indeed.

I opened my eyes and recoiled from the bright shining sun above. I reached my hand up and spread my fingers as I watched the rays of sunshine escape through the openings. I inhaled the crisp air, as the blue sky stretched endlessly above.

The flowery smell of the large courtyard/garden filled my nose as I listened to the reverberating sound of life in Midgard(earth). The soft chirping of birds nearby further enhanced my experience as I wistfully began to whistle a short Norse tune.

Asgard or the land of the Gods resembled such a place. I chuckled. That bastard Loki is still pained from his banishment from such a place after all. Its just like him to go ahead and get what he wants no matter the cost.

Lucky bastard. Which Norse God gave him the permission to be reincarnated in such luxury?

I shook my fist. A pang of pain filled my chest as a familiar face smiling entered my mind. The first smile that I couldn't protect. The true smile of an angel in the disparity of gods. My body heaved as I continued to recollect about my past. The many regrets and happy moments which mar my memory.

Based on the memories of the human whose body I have inhabited, this empire is quite well known in Midgard. The empire was built out of the colonization of uncharted land by individuals from the empire in the Southern badlands of such an area. Due to the onslaught of monsters and dark fae (Monsters in the bad part of the fairy world), many had feared to come to such a place and lost their lives in response. That was until a hero, described as a man with "powers surpassing those of the keenest of humans", came and exterminated most of the monsters. As a result his supporters revered him and built the empire.

In modern times, it is revered for its large bounty of jewels and gold as they are the prizes earned from neighboring territories of the monsters who were killed. This empire holds the strongest of the men who are usually sent out on missions all over the empire and Midgard to destroy and eliminate the dark fae. I smiled.

Odin truly is on my side as he always has been. My revenge is not only based on my hatred for Loki. It is a revenge which is one imposed by all of the Norse gods after the death of Baldr. The only god who had accepted me as the demi god that I was. A childhood friend who until his last day, had tried to change the Gods opinions of me. I owe my whole reputation and ambition to him. But of course that damn bastard Loki just had to take him away-

"Oh my, why is her majesty lying on the floor in such exquisite clothing? I can bring you a chair so that you may view the garden more comfortably."

I looked up see the owner of such a light and soft, almost whimsical voice. I felt my breath get caught in my throat as I jumped up and embraced the individual.



Thank you so much for reading my luvs! Stay safe and stay tuned!