
the walking dead with infinite dimension treasure box system in

ALEX WILD SUDDENLY FOUND HIMSELF IN THE WALKING DEAD UNIVERSE WITH AN INFINITE DIMENSIONAL TREASURE BOX SYSTEM. WILL HE TAKE OVER IT AND STAY HERE, OR WILL HE BE A TRAVELER OR A CONQUEROR ALONG THE OMNIVERSE? English is not my native language, I translate it with artificial intelligence, this is my first time writing, I need every comment. Disclaimer Everything except my OC belongs to their respective owners. From Marvel to Disney, TWD to AMC, etc. belongs to. Nothing belongs to me. This is just a fanfiction. patreon.com/FanficMerchant

DaoistpLxjFW · Phim ảnh
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[You have won 3x Treasure Boxes. The boxes will be stored in the box area.]

Alex shouted angrily: "Shut up! I'm here because of you! What time period am I in and where am I?"

System: "The host needs to find that out on their own."

Alex: "You said you would take me to glory. You can't even answer such a simple question. I'm starting to doubt you."

System: "The host can access that information by opening the boxes."

Alex: "Then open the boxes."

You have won 1x Atlanta City Map. You have won 1x Used Black Widow Underwear. You have won 1x John Wick Template.

Alex cursed: "Damn it! Change this underwear, what's the use of this?"


Alex sighed: "Damn it. Anyway, at least I got the John Wick template. The guy who massacred everyone in New York for a dog. But this map shows Atlanta. If I'm thinking right, I'm in Atlanta. That's a good thing. I can move with the group. But I can also die like a bait. That community disappeared wherever they went. The participants died one by one. I'll think about it later. System, how do I use the template and will it have any side effects? I don't want to be a dog lover like John."

System: "Just think in your mind that you want to use the template. It will have no side effects. Only your body will evolve towards the John Wick character."

Alex: "What do you mean my body will evolve?"

System: "Since it is a template, you will have John Wick's abilities, intelligence, and body. If you focus on the template, additional information will be displayed in your mind."

Alex closed his eyes and focused on the template.

[John Wick (Night Stalker)

The best assassin in the Continental universe.

These words describe him best:

"John, he wasn't a bogeyman. He was the bogeyman you send to kill the bogeyman."


· He is an extremely skilled assassin.

· He is proficient in firearms, cold weapons, and close combat.

· He is an expert in the Mozambique Drill.

· He is an excellent tactician and strategist.

· He has a high tolerance for pain and endurance.

· He has exceptional observational skills.

Additional information appeared in his mind.

John Wick's fighting style is a mix of Gun-Fu and Jiu-Jitsu. He is extremely proficient with weapons and can always make even the most difficult shots. He is also highly skilled in close combat and can easily defeat his opponents.

John Wick is an intelligent and cunning man. He always manages to stay one step ahead and makes clever plans to outsmart his opponents.

John Wick has a high tolerance for pain and endurance. He can recover from even the most difficult injuries and continue fighting.

John Wick has exceptional observational skills. He is aware of everything around him, which gives him an advantage over his opponents.]

Alex's heart filled with joy when he saw the template's information. He immediately activated it in his mind. When he opened his eyes, his gaze had changed. He was now a hunter.

His previous thoughts had changed, he realized there was no need to contact the group. He couldn't explain the items from the box to them. He had to start acting like an ordinary person without the power to protect himself. First, he had to find where he was.

He opened the door and looked at the corridor. It was littered with objects scattered on the floor. The door of the apartment across the way was open. He cautiously entered and began to search the rooms for anything useful. But he could only find 3 cans of food.

He searched the rooms on every floor until he left the apartment building. In a backpack he found in one of the rooms, he put 15 cans of food, 3 knives, and an antique World War II grenade he found in one of the rooms. If he didn't have the John Wick template, he might have thought the grenade was fake and killed himself playing with it.

He went out into the street and looked around. He saw 8 walkers coming towards him. He quickly took a knife and walked towards them. One of the walkers jumped at him and Alex slashed the walker's throat with the knife. Blood splattered on his hands and a spark of joy appeared in his eyes. He didn't realize he loved this life. His being chosen was not just a matter of luck, he had a hidden power.

He killed the other walkers and started looking for a street sign. He had to find where he was. He couldn't wander around like a headless fly.

The materials from the boxes he found while looking for a street sign could give him a chance to survive. He was armed with 20 throwing knives, 3 water bottles, 1 Remington 870 shotgun, and 3 Glock magazines.

When he opened the map of Atlanta, he was surprised. This was no ordinary map. There was a green dot on the map showing his location. As he moved the map, the green dot also moved. This way he could see where he was at all times. Banks, police stations, gun stores and grocery stores were also marked on the map. Thanks to this map, he knew the city like someone who had lived in Atlanta for 10 years.

He immediately started walking towards the nearest gun store. Suddenly, red dots started appearing on the map. He slowed down and hid behind a car. When he looked in the direction of the red dots, he saw hundreds of walkers pouring out of the street. He immediately turned around and started running in the other direction.

As he ran, he thought. This was an opportunity for him. He had to trap and kill these 100 walkers somewhere. But where?

He started to examine the map. A fire station caught his eye. The fire station could be the perfect place to kill the walkers. He immediately headed for the fire station.

Arrgghh! Rghhh! Ah ah ah...

Alex: "System... System, didn't you say my body would evolve? Why am I so tired just from running?!"

System: "Host, yes your body is evolving, but it is a slow process. You need to be patient."

Alex reaches the fire station. The doors are locked. He uses his gun to break the lock and enters. As soon as he enters, he takes out his throwing knives in the system area and turns around to kill the zombies. He hears ding ding ding sounds. He turns off system notifications.

"I killed 20 zombies with 20 throwing knives, but my right arm is in excruciating pain. I can barely lift it. Sweat is running down my face."

Alex: "Damn it! I thought I was Superman because of a template. Damn it! I shouldn't have been so arrogant."

Alex pulls out his gun and continues to kill zombies. 20, 30, 40, 50... But the number doesn't decrease. A Glock 17 magazine has 17+1 bullets. He has emptied 3 magazines. He has taken out his Remington 870 shotgun. It is also running out of bullets.

Alex:"Why didn't they end? The number should have decreased by now. Damn it! I forgot they come to the sound. I was going to die because of my greed."

Alex turns around and looks around for a way out. When he can't find a way out on the first floor, he heads to the 2nd floor. When he reaches the floor, he runs to the window on the right. He breaks the window and rolls to slow his fall. When he tries to stand up, he feels pain in his right foot. He has sprained his ankle.

Alex: "Damn it! Damn it!"**

Alex staggers out of the back exit of the fire station and enters one of the surrounding buildings.

"System, how many boxes did I win?" he asks.

The system responds:

"You have won 89 treasure boxes and 1 iron treasure box."

Alex asks curiously: "What does the iron treasure box do? How does it drop, what's the logic?"**

The system explains:

"Host, there is a 10-tier treasure box ranking system consisting of iron, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, emerald, diamond, epic, legendary, and supreme treasure chests. The boxes in these rankings contain items above your power level, and it increases exponentially at each level. The drop principle is 100 for iron, and you need to kill 10 times more creatures for each upper stage."

Alex orders firmly:

"Open the ordinary treasure boxes."

The system opens the boxes and notifies Alex of his winnings: "1 Glock 17, 1... 1..."

Alex asks curiously:

"Show me the useful items."

The system lists:

"4 Glock 17s, 7 magazines, 2 AR15 assault rifles, 3 magazines, 1 Winchester 1894, 1 first aid kit, 3 grenades, 3 flashbangs, and 1 Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle."

Alex takes a deep breath excitedly and his eyes sparkle. He knows that the Barrett M82A1 has a close range of 1800 meters. All he needs is to find bullets. He doesn't need to put himself in danger anymore. "Ha ha!" he laughs.

Finally, Alex opens the iron treasure box and the system notifies him of his winnings:

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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