
Chapter 18

Logan and co. are passing by another town while searching for more people, the team found a place and made sure to clear the building they're staying in and securing it, before start going separately

One time Glenn, Amy found two survivors but they were too late to save them as walkers managed to bite both, and pleaded with the duo for a mercy kill which they were forced to give, since they were on their own there.

Logan also found a rather large group made of  47 people camping beside a lake. He spied on them and consequently found them in a situation that showed the stupidity of the ones leading.

They decided to abandon a family for the single reason that their father was considered a dead weight.

That wouldn't be a real problem if they didn't try to rob everything they had. Leaving them with nothing, but the good ones stepped up and prevented them from doing so.

The group was basically divided, the ones who were leaving took their part of the supplies, vehicles, and weapons before they left the camp.

He decided to take the ones that left, and leave the others to fend for themselves.

For a single person who they consider dead weight, they lost a total of 12 adult men, 3 adult women, and two teenagers.

John, a 61 years old father who's lower body was paralyzed, his wife Lilly in late 40s, their sons and daughter, the younger brother was 20 named Loyd, and the older one was 27 named Liam, their little sister who is 15 named Miranda, along with two Cops. Hank, and Andrew. 4 Firefighters in their 30s, two neighbor families consists of Adrian, the husband mid 50s. Gloria, the wife early 40s. twin sons 21 years old Larry and Terry, the other neighbor Phil early 40s, his wife Melissa mid 30s, and their son Chris 17 years old.

That group's stupid decision to abandon a single man caused a domino effect, one of the firefighters's father was the old man's best friend, the other three decided to tag along their friend since they don't know anyone else in the camp, Adrian and Phil were their neighbors and decided to stick with them, as for the two cops? They were Liam's friends and co-workers.

The group basically lost half of their manpower for trying to kick out a single 'dead weight'.

Logan was happy because their group was going to gain a lot of manpower, because of another group's poor decision.

 "So, you sure nobody gonna try to kick out old John?" Phil asked for nth time.

"You have my word, once we reach the place you can judge it, and its residents by yourself." Logan assured. It was good they have RVs or they will be in a lot of trouble since we don't have any living accomodations, 

"We'll wait and see for ourselves, those a*sholes thought they can kick out Mr. Deckerson and his family without any retribution." Michael, one of the firefighters, scoffed in a voice full of disdain.

"Well, my group and I hope we can get along with good people like you, it would give us all better chances at survival after all." Logan said with a friendly smile, Maggie and Amy were with the women speaking with them about the farm.

"Aye, It's dire times like this that we good folks should stand by each other." Donald, the father from the first group they helped, the ones with food trucks. 

Logan hoped the others would transport those mobile living containers that were in one of the warehouses. They have a lot of space, but live in nothing but tents and their vehicles. 


They were on the highway albeit still a bit far from the place where the abandoned cars jamm located. As they drove a long line of vehicles.



The line of vehicles stopped, everyone focused on the sky seeing a helicopter coming from the direction they're heading to in surprise and shock, only Logan frowned.

"Could the military be out searching for survivors?" Derek, a companion of Donald said as they stepped out of their vehicles. The roads and woods a few miles around the farm were mostly clear from walkers.

"Possible, but you shouldn't trust someone just because they're from the military or government." Logan warned, he is sure the military would adapt and survive, creating countermeasures against walkers.

Logan thinks that most of the military is either rounded up in the bigger and most important cities, like New York, and Washington DC. or they abandoned duty and formed an organization of their own. A wild theory but still more likely to happen than military ceasing to exist.

"Let's move on folk! Our people may have cleared these parts, but more are likely to appear with all the noise that Helicopter made. It won't be strange if it attracts a horde this way since it seems to come from Atlanta's direction." Logan instructed everyone to get back in their vehicles to continue their way to the farm.

"You think that Helicopter may attract a horde?" Maggie said from her seat beside him in the Humvee, Logan looked at her taking her hand in his, which she accepted.

"Don't worry, even if that happens, we can lure them away. Worst cast? I take them out like I did back then, eh?" Logan said, trying to lighten her mood. Maggie smiled and both leaned for a kiss.

"I hate that I am right. Why couldn't I be wrong?" Logan said frustrated, Maggie beside him snorted

"What's the thing you told me before? Murphy Law?" Maggie teased him using his own words against him.

"I seriously hate that guy, why did he invent such a law?" Logan facepalmed remembering telling her about Murphy law.

Things were going well for them, they found a good amount of people to join them, the others safely transported most of the things from the warehouses, which have some construction vehicles and surprisingly precast concrete panels for walls, all of this Rick told him about it in radio.

Now? There is a horde of more than a thousand walkers up ahead, the walkers were still far away so they didn't notice them. Logan hoped Miguel ran from the highway otherwise he might be stuck there for a while. At least the walkers are not heading to the woods which may lead them to the farm.

"Oh no, they're making a turn toward the farm's direction." Maggie freaked while looking from a telescope.

"Hey! Relax, we won't let them go that way." Logan took the telescope from her and assured her while looking into each other eyes.

"What do you say? Me and you, we go there and drive them away. Probably to that town since it's mostly empty?" Logan said to which she nodded.

Logan got out and went to the Van which Glenn and Amy were riding.

"Glenn, Amy, I need you guys to take the rest back to the farm, while me and Maggie will bait the walkers away." Logan said, making the two who were shocked and holding each other's hand look at him.

"You two gonna be alright?" Glenn said in concern.

"Yeah buddy, you know I've dealt with similar situations multiple times. This one won't be different." Logan assured them, the two were kind of little brother and sister to him.

"Just be carefull." Amy said from beside Glenn.

"We will be okay. but I'm gonna tell Andrea about this" Logan assured, then teased them pointing at their hands which are interlocked making them embarassed to which he laughed. Logan turned to the others who came from their vehicles.

"Stay calm folks! You just have to follow the van my friend is driving to reach the farm, while I deal with the problem ahead." Logan told everyone.


Three walkers came from the woods close to Logan; the others freaked out, wanting to get their weapons out but Logan simply tripped the first and crushed the head with a stomp, then kicked one of the other two toward the other making both fall, he walked to them and simply crushed their heads, effectively taking the walkers without any effort.

He then picked a stone in hand, turned to the woods, and launched the thing in one quick move, it went through the head of a walker that just stepped from behind a tree. Logan saw it early when the other three came out.

Seeing how the man effectively took four walkers without any weapon, made everyone's respect for the man increase. To see such a strong man acting too friendly but then showing his capabilities after, making them realize that the other party could've abused his power, yet he is saving and protecting people from something that doesn't seem to hold any threat to him.

Everyone did as he told them after the little show he gave them, by further taking several more walkers with stones or just barehanded/under his feets. 

"You made that little show for a reason right?" Maggie figured that her boyfriend wasn't a show off from previous experience.

"To earn some respect? They're good people, but that won't stop them from trying to influence our decisions."

"How can they influence our decisions when you are the leader?" Maggie asked with curiosity.

" I want to form a council that can help make decisions on different subjects, and each party will have representatives. Their respect and trust will earn us their approval in whatever decision we make, "Logan said.

"You sound smart." Maggie said in a teasing tone.

"Saying Logan is smart. Is like saying the sky is blue, and Maggie is beautiful." Logan said with a smile. 

"Beautiful?" Maggie said in a mock surprised tone.


"The most beautiful" Logan corrected before they leaned in for a last kiss for now until they dealt with the walking problem that was approaching them.

"We could've used this time for something fun, but I guess we can do that later." Maggie said in a suggestive tone.

"Maybe I should massacre all of these bastards right now." Logan never hated walkers as he did at this moment. 

[Word Count : 1720]

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