
The Villain Fights Against The Regressed Hero?

The hero is on a meteoric rise to the top using his past life's knowledge to gain an advantage and get all the cheat abilities! Beating the main villain in the first year he has nobody to stop him, but he changed the future allowing the birth of an even greater villain.

TiramisuLover · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Power Scale

Magic: This is a transformed version of Mana drawn in from the environment; mages use rings on their hearts to handle pulling in varying amounts of Mana; the higher the number of circles, the more Mana the mage can handle. Requires gifted individuals with higher sensitivity to mana than normal to manipulate the structure of mana to their will.

Aura/Qi: A refined stored version of Mana, held throughout the body of martial practitioners, typically swordsmen, but can also be used in various other methods, is also known as Qi in the East. Higher-level practitioners need to create vacuums (stars) in their bodies to store more mana to reach a higher level by using high-level techniques to concentrate the aura once they've reached the peak a human can contain in their body.

Mage Levels Of Power

1st Circle: Mage

2nd Circle: Mage

3rd Circle: Mage

4th Circle: High Mage

5th Circle: Elder Mage

6th Circle: Grand Mage

7th Circle: Archmage

8th Circle: Sage

Aura User Power Scale 

Beginner: Gathering Mana

Intermediate: Gathering Mana

Expert: Peak Human abilities, has yet to create vacuums, elite soldiers

1 Star: Entry level Knights

2 Star: Knights

3 Star: Knights

4 Star: Royal Guards

5 Star: A level qualified to become a Lord

6 Star: Masters of their disciplines

7 Star: Considered Grand Master 

8 Star: Sword Saints and Top Powerhouses

9 Star: War God Stage

Monster ranks





