
The Villain Fights Against The Regressed Hero?

The hero is on a meteoric rise to the top using his past life's knowledge to gain an advantage and get all the cheat abilities! Beating the main villain in the first year he has nobody to stop him, but he changed the future allowing the birth of an even greater villain.

TiramisuLover · Fantasy
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2 Chs


"Where am I?"

"Is this heaven?"

"I thought I died?"

This light was so blinding that I tried to cover my eyes but had no hands or arms. Glancing down, I saw I had nobody; there was no me.

"What is this?"

I tried glancing around, but there was nothing but darkness besides the light. The darkness felt like it was reaching for me, but the light fended it off.

Something was in the darkness, alive and moving, watching me. The light melted the darkness back like wax to a flame. The light's golden appearance was almost comforting, yet I knew to avoid it. I had no hands to touch it, but had I had, I would have reached out to it. 

It was alluring, hypnotically so, beautiful in an indescribable way

Stuck in a place after death surrounded by darkness with a single light, it must be penance for everything I've done.

"Child, you have done well resisting to the end."

I couldn't move; the voice was soft and breathy. It was hard to pin down the voice's gender. It sounded androgynous and evershifting, beautiful in its own right; the only thing I knew for sure was that it had definitely come from the light.

"Who are you?"

There was a pause as the light seemed to glow more intensely; its radiated warmth began to turn to heat.

"To you, I would be God" 

"Mother Demera?"

The light pulsated at the mention of the name: "Hmmm, yes, that is one of the names my children gave me."

"Given?" I was confused as to what that meant; then, who is this light?

"Yes, it is not my true name...as I have no true name, I am beyond names, beyond language, beyond borders, beyond your plane of existence."

"So, who are you then?"

"Your creator child" 

The voice was replying in its breathy voice; its words sounded melodic; if there was such a thing as perfection in speaking, this was it. I tried to calm myself as I moved closer to the light, withstanding the growing heat from the light. My eyes burned from looking at the light, but I could not shy away.

"Then why am I meeting you?"

The light was silent for a moment, but I imagined it had cracked a smile as it replied, "Because I will give you a second chance"

"Second chance?" I could only imagine what they meant but something about the way they said it made me feel an emotion I could hardly describe.

"Right your wrongs, protect those you couldn't, a chance to do it all over again as is so eloquently put in your sayings."

I couldn't believe it; I wanted to cry, all the pain, all the struggles. I could just do it all over again. I could restart and save everybody, her?

But something lurked in the back of my mind; I had certainly made my name on the world, becoming one of the strongest, killing thousands of demons and ending wars, but in the end, it wasn't enough to beat him. I lost ultimately, so that left the question 

"Why me? Why do I get a second chance...there are so many people who would better"

The light seemed to reach out to him, its heat subsiding slightly as the voice spoke in its beautiful voice. "Because Cyrus, you were chosen."

Because of that? What does that even mean? I was chosen out of the millions who lived on the continent. 

Do I deserve it, after everyone who died, over those who sacrificed themselves for me? I wanted to cry. It hurt to try so hard and still fail even after everything.

The light reached out to me, a beautiful thin arm with its fingers outstretched to me. It caressed my cheek, saying, "Do not worry, child; you will do just fine...your a hero after all"


I woke up in my bed; the mattress was soft, exceptionally so, and the ceiling was decorated with a painting I hadn't seen in years. The picture of stars on the ceiling of the room was something that I had asked for in his youth from my parents.

Sitting up, I scanned the room; it was my room from before the family collapsed before it all went to hell.

The room was lavishly decorated with expensive furniture. I slid across the massive bed, sitting on the side, and a knock came from the door to my room.

"Sir Cyrus, I hope you are awake, I am here with today's outfit"

It was the voice of someone I once called a friend, my personal servant who had followed me up until his death, "Richard?"

"Yes sir?"

"What is the date?"

"The third day of the second month of the year 3089 young master" 

T-that means, he's younger, less powerful, I can kill him before he becomes who he was before. 

"Richard, arrange a meeting with the guild leader of the Waning Moon I have someone I wish to find and kill."

"Young master those aren't the type of people your father would approve of you getting involve-"

I snapped, this was my chance, and as much as I liked Richard, I couldn't miss possibly the only chance I had to make a difference. "Richard! I am not asking for your opinion! And I am not asking for fathers! I have someone I need to kill before it's too late. Now arrange a meeting with the guild leader. Tell him I'm willing to pay any price. I just want him found and dead, along with everyone he's ever known or loved, understand?! Tell him that!"