
Once Again, Sailing Through The Sea

A few weeks had passed since Oden left the Whitebeard Pirates.

There was a bit of a void that was left after Oden departed from us. However, the Whitebeard pirates wasted no time filling it with booze and singing. 

Approximately speaking, Roger was supposed to be executed fifteen years after he completed his voyage, and knocked up Portgas D. Rouge; however, looking at the way things were progressing, I could tell that time period was going to be shortened.

Over the days while we sailed after meeting the Roger Pirates. I had been reading countless news articles depicting the hunt for the Roger Pirates. The World Government were already eager to go on a head hunt for the man, but this was completely different. 

They labeled him a tyrant who wanted to rule the world, and was using piracy to accomplish it. They had also managed to spin the narrative that the Whitebeard Pirates were also helping them, and they did so by using the fact that Oden was once a member of the Whitebeard Pirates; a division commander at that.

Naturally, the fear mongering that the World Government had done a great job of spreading worked like a charm. Most islands that we ended up stopping by were hostile to us from the moment we landed. Granted, they weren't any of our territories so it didn't bother us as much, we would get the things we need and leave soon after. 

There were some islands that we would raid out of spite, but other than that, nothing really changed for us. 

As a result, we ended up on the sea, minding our own business; and doing what we normally do on a regular day. Stussy was currently lying next to me taking a nap while I read the World Economic Newspaper. Ken was performing his daily routine with the rest of the crew while we followed the Four Moby Dicks. 

The sun was high in the sky, I could hear seagulls in the distance; indicating that there was an island nearby. 

Reading the newspaper, I soon came to learn that there had been a lull in piracy soon after the fear mongering. It looked like the narrative that they had spun had encouraged a lot of people to enlist within the Marines, and they took over the blues by storm. There were countless mini-articles depicting of notorious pirates that had been captured thanks to the effort of the Marines. 

The ones that were often highlighted in the front paper were the ones who were captured by three Vice-Admirals: Borusalino, Sakazuki, and Kuzan. 

Funny thing was, I had never really met Kuzan and Sakazuki in person. It was always that annoying monkey that kept shooting lasers at me that appeared whenever I had conflict with the Marines. 

'Oh well, I'm sure I'll be meeting them soon,'

Also, something else had caught my interest while I was reading. There had been a kingdom that underwent a revolution in Paradise. It was a notorious kingdom that was often known for luring pirates in before capturing and pawning them off to the World Government. They had also sold off many of its citizens. Generating a wave of discontent within the populous. 

Reading on, I had also come to find out that it was an affiliate nation to the World Government, but thanks to the efforts of the Kingdom's Army. They had managed to overthrow the king and establish a form of republic within its borders, the World Government immediately dropped the nations affiliations tied with it. 

The paper never detailed how exactly the revolution was planned out and executed, but I could already tell who was pulling the strings: The Revolutionary Army. 

I never really heard about Monkey D. Dragon on the Newspapers. He must have been in hiding while the Marines were looking for him, but it didn't really matter to me. After all, it wasn't like the Revolutionary Army was fond of us pirates. They would probably continue gunning at the World Government, and use the pirates as an excuse to keep pulling off these acts.

I sighed before folding the newspaper up before throwing it away. Ken immediately appeared and picked the paper up before it even fell to the ground. 

"Commander Boris, must you litter on the deck of the ship? It's really troublesome to keep the ship tidy if you keep doing this," Ken asked tiredly.

"I don't 'have' to do anything, besides, you picked it up didn't you?"

"I'm asking you to stop, that's all, or at least call me before discarding it," Ken snapped back.

"What are you, my butler?"

"If you must know, technically, yes;" Ken immediately responded.

My always indifferent gaze looked at him curiously, asking him to elaborate.

"When we were on the island to train, Ms. Stussy made me promise to be your guard. That was the condition in order to train the entire crew the six Rokushiki techniques," Ken explained patiently.

"However, we wanted to learn a bit more about haki. So Ms. Stussy went a little bit further and made me promise to be your butler if she did so. To which I agreed with," Ken finished.

I had sensed that Stussy had woken up, but proceeded to pretend as if she was asleep for some reason. 

"Wanna tell me why one of my crewmates is a butler?" I asked lazily.

"I just wanted to keep an eye on you," Stussy replied, her eyes remained closed while she brought her body close to me. Her boobs practically suffocating my arms as she did so.

"That doesn't explain why," I argued back.

"Well, you're a very aloof person. Especially when it comes to self-care. I slowly came to learn that while we travelled together. I wanted you to start caring for yourself, but all you did was either sleep, smoke and drink, or laze around. Like you're doing now, so why not appoint someone to pick up after you. Meanwhile, I can push you to care for your body," Stussy explained calmly.

"I care for my body," I protested, "I'm not a child, you know."

"No, you don't" Stussy snapped back instantly.

"To be fair, Commander. You really don't care much for yourself, if it wasn't for the fact that you have been in so many blood-shedding battles, I doubt you'd have been showering as often as you slept," Ken added non-necessarily.

"I care for my body," I protested while looking at Ken coldly.

"And I'm telling you, that you don't," Stussy replied back coldly.

"At least, you don't care enough about it as you should," Stussy added to that point.

I subconciously scanned my body to see any indication for lack of maintainance, everything smelled and looked fine to me.

"You just checked yourself, didn't you?" Stussy slyly remarked.

"Shut up," I retorted.

It was only then, that she opened her eyes and climbed right on top of me. Ken instantly turned around and resumed his training with the rest of the crew. Leaving me trapped with this rather erotic situation.

"I'm not sure whether you notice much, but you were a mess after visiting Mariejois. That black substance in your body along with the numerous wounds that you had received highlighted your indifference towards yourself. If it wasn't for the fact that you're still alive, I'd have thought you willingly went ahead and killed yourself,and the crazy thing was that this wasn't the first time you had done something like that;" Stussy explained, her hands on both sides of my head to ensure that I kept looking at her right in the eyes.

"Dying is the last of my concerns, it will take a lot to kill me; literally," I responded back, "Personally, I think you care too much."

"Personally, I think you don't care enough," Stussy rejected, "You don't know how I felt looking at you after that happened, it was almost as if my heart had stopped beating. This was the least I could have done to make sure that you were still okay, so bear with it."

We kept looking at each other in the eyes for a while, the winds had started to pick up, and the Moby Dick seemed to be heading towards a particular island. However, it didn't stop Stussy from continuing to give me an intense staredown. I couldn't help but start doubting myself as this went on. 

"Fine," I sighed relenting, "Do as you please, it's not like you'd stop doing so if I refused."

Stussy smiled before lowering her lips to meet mine. We shared a passionate kiss for a while before she got up to grab some wine for me. She looked more of a wife than a deputy captain at that point.

However, for some reason, I didn't seem to hate it.

I'm not sure where I was going with this chapter.

Let me know whether it's bad or not, I might delete it following the comments.

Love y'all!!!!!!!

Leo_DiAngelocreators' thoughts