
Lava & Ice

Kuzan wasted no time appearing behind me and firing off an ice spear.

The spear was coated with Armament Haki, so it would've landed a bit of damage. That was only if that attack had landed.

I immediately grabbed the blade of the spear before using it to swing Kuzan towards Sakazuki. Sakazuki immediately caught Kuzan before getting up and throwing him right back at me. Kuzan immediately used that push back to make an ice sword of some sorts and swiped for my throat. 

Now it was important to note that every attack that followed after this was haki related. Meaning that they immediately coated their attacks with Armament haki to achieve maximum damage. 

I used my right hand to block Kuzan's attack, and used my left hand to punch his jaw and send him toppling towards the right, but right as Kuzan was out of my line of sight, Sakazuki immediately entered it. He drew his sword and started delivering countless attacks towards me, I calmly dodged and weaved each attack he delivered.

It was then that Sakazuki decided to throw a feint before swiping his sword from the left. The feint didn't faze me, but the oncoming swipe seemed to do so. He had covered it with both haki and lava, the haki was so that the sword wouldn't melt. 

I immediately performed a back flip before sending several Whirlwind kicks their way. 

Sakazuki immediately turned into lava and fazed through all the attacks that were coming his way. It was then that Kuzan immediately appeared in front of me before delivering a devastating punch right in my gut.

I had momentarily forgot who this bastard's mentor was, so there was quite a bit packing within that punch. I immediately cocked back my arm before slamming my right fist right on his face. That puch sent him flying back for a bit, and now it was Sakazuki's turn for another ass beating. 

Sakazuki used that brief moment that I was fighting Kuzan to send multiple Lava meteors towards the sky. As soon as I punched Kuzan away, he immediately attacked me while the lava meteor reigned down.

The Lava meteors immediately began to burn through the ice, the ice under us began to turn brittle as a result. However, none of this seemed to faze Sakazuki. We had been fighting for half a day now, and it didn't seem like they wanted to stop. However, I was beginning to reach the end of my patience. I immediately coated my arm with Advance Armament haki before using Ryuo to punch Sakazuki's face in.

I initially wanted to beat the fear into them so that they would learn to leave me alone, but I shouldn't have expected that from someone who was stubborn as he was, and it didn't help that Kuzan was supporting it either.

I immediately took to the skies after summoning my wings, lightning began to sparkle from my eyes. 

"I think its time to wrap this fiasco up once and for all," I muttered.

The sky darkened as I summoned a dark storm, and soon, thunder and lightning prevailed across the skies. 

I slowly began to transform into my draconic form. My three heads emerged from my two shoulders, my three tails sprouting from my rear. It was finally time to embrace the feeling of causing mass destruction. 

Sakazuki and Kuzan wasted no time solidifying the waters around them. After all, the moment that they sunk under the ocean's waters, it would have been over for them. the turbulance of the sea began to increase as the waters began to take on an even more chaotic sea.

"Boris! You bastard! You don't even have the guts to continue our duel as a human, I shouldn't have expected much from you Scum Pirates!" Sakazuki roared as his nose and mouth leaked of blood. 

I ignored all his comments and promptly began to charge up an energy blast. All three heads immediately looked up and charged their own blasts. 

Using Observation Haki, I sensed Sakazuki making his way towards me, but Kuzan was doing the exact opposite. I found it hilarious that while one was actually using their common sense, the other seemed to be completely unbothered by it. Not that it mattered to me of course, but Sakazuki was meters close to me when I had finally let off the energy blast.

Sakazuki took the attack at practically point blank range as he was pushed back into the sea. I had intentionally aimed it at where the Marine Submarines were lying in wait. Ending up destroying their entire fleet as well. The blast was so devastating that the sea practically divided wherever the blast would touch. 

I heard numerous explosions and screams as a result, the only thing that completely covered up their suffering was the ever so turbulent sea; and the fact that thunder continued to roar as I kept letting out that energy blast. 

By the time I was finished, I saw nothing but minor remnants of the fleet floating on the waters of the stormy sea. Even those were soon going to be swallowed by the sea, so it didn't mean very much anyway. 

I tried sensing for Kuzan, but he didn't seem to be anywhere within the range of my senses.

'Did he drown with the others as well?'

It didn't seem to matter much, I stayed their for a few more moments to see if there were any survivors. It didn't seem like there were any, so I promptly flew away towards the direction that I had sent the ship flying to.

I didn't know how far I had sent them, so I ended up having to use my Observation haki so that I could sense exactly where they were. The ship wasn't in a great condition, meaning that it would've been hard for them to patch up the ship's damages and safely continue sailing to Water 7.

Matter of fact, I wouldn't have been surprised if I found out that the ship had sunk as soon as it landed. It wasn't an overstatement, but it was just an objective statement addressing the state of our precious ship. 

I kept flying for quite a bit, slowly basking in the stormy winds and rain that followed me as I continued my search for the crew. It was one of the small moment's that I actually enjoyed being in this form, but that brief moment of piece was rudely interrupted when I sensed something out of the ordinary.

I could feel the presences of Stussy and Ken, and this was a good thing. However, the bad thing was the fact that they were currently being attacked by numerous presences. They were on an abandoned island that was nearby some wreckage that I assumed was our ship. However, near the shores of the island, there were about two pirate ships that were docked. 

The duo seemed to be fighting them off with relative difficulty. Which I couldn't blame them for because the rest of the crew was brutally incapacitated. I think some of the crew members were even dead, but I would only be able to find out after.

I let out a baleful roar before landing on the island. The pirates looked at me with shock and fear as I landed, but Stussy and Ken seemed to be elated.

Let me know what y'all think!!!!

Love y'all!!!!!!!

Leo_DiAngelocreators' thoughts