

"Commander Boris! How are we going to get to the West Side of Whole Cake Island if we don't have a ship?" Another pirate asked me curiously.


I slowly walked up towards an opening within the forest before turning into my Draconic form.

The two heads that had grown on my two shoulders roared before turning to look at the pirate group. The pirate in question that had asked immediately fell back as he looked at me with a horrified expression.

I slowly lowered my body as I let it rest on the ground.

"Gather all your things and climb on my back. I'll fly you there," I replied as I momentarily closed my eyes for a quick snooze.

I didn't know exactly how far I would need to fly, but the distance between where we were and the west side of Whole Cake island was completely vast. 

The island we were currently on was on the east side of Whole cake island. The exact opposite side of where Ulvehoved lied. Meaning that I was essentially flying towards the other side of the island so that I could attack.

Anyway, it took a bit of time for the Pirates to gather and strap all their things on my back before they all climbed and hung on my back, and when they did; I wasted no time taking to the skies and beginning our journey towards the West side.

In the distance, I could see the Oro Jackson slowly make its way towards the southside of the island. I ignored it and continued soaring high in the sky as I made a beeline towards the west side of the island. 

The goal was to make it before the end of the day. 

It was mid-afternoon when we got halfway through Whole Cake island. I could even see Tottoland in the distance, but I ignored that Archipelgo, for now anyway.

It was twilight by the time we reached an island that wasn't too far west from Tottoland within Wholecake island. The island was abandoned, and there didn't seem to be any presence around the area for the next couple of miles till the next island.

I immediately called Whitebeard and Roger as soon as we settled down, and notified them that we would be attacking in the afternoon of the next day. To which they replied:

"Give us some time to get to an island near Tottoland then! It's not fair that you two get to raid the island without me!" Roger complained.

"Then quit whining and get there already, Roger," Whitebeard snorted while I could hear him guzzle down what I assumed was alcohal.

Anyway, my appeal to attack them during the afternoon was rejected, and they decided that I we were all going to make a simultaneous attack during the evening. However, a lingering problem for my group remained the absence of a Pirate ship. 

We could have used one of the Moby Dicks since there were four of those ships around. However, the number of people who were with Whitebeard's team were more compared to the numbers to my group. Besides, my assignment had no direct significance compared to what Roger and Whitebeard had to do during the battle.

As a result, they ended up having to use all the ships. Leaving me to my own about how I was going to be able to get the crew on Tottoland without having to use my draconic form. Thinking about this, I quickly summoned my wings and took to the sky. I roughly had an entire day to get a ship that would be able to transport my group to Tottoland for the counter-invasion.

So I wasted no time looking around for any empty pirate ships that happened to be around. 

As absurd as it was, in the world of One Piece, there were numerous ships that had a tendency to sail around without any occupants within it. Granted, whatever happened to the occupants would always remain a mystery, but there were always going to be some ships that were simply sailing around empty.

This ship wasn't meant to last long during the battle. However, I really just wanted a pirate ship that I could use to take them to Tottoland. The rest would easily sort itself out in the future, so there was really no reason to worry too much about it.

Unfortunately, my luck proved to be terrible in every aspect. 

Instead of getting a ship, I ended up getting a Seaking that thought of me as a flying snack. As I killed it, I ended up drawing the attention of more Sea Kings that happened to be nearby. I ended up using Conqurer's haki to ward them off. Making me waste my precious time.

In the end, I managed to find an abandoned passanger ship that was nearby. It was small, but big enough to carry the pirates that I had in my group, or so I guessed.

I immediately landed on the deck of the ship, and slowly guided it towards the island where my group had been staying. It was almost evening by the time I managed to safely dock the ship at the shore of the island. 

I quickly called the group to start bringing their stuff over towards the ship. They immediately sensed my urgency, and quickly began hurrying their things over on the ship. Soon, we were on our way to Tottoland.

Again, my transponder snail rang, and I picked it up.

"Brat! Are you on your way?" Whitebeard asked. 

"Pretty much, I think we're about 30 minutes out from the island," I replied.

"Good, Roger said that he was already beginning his journey there. So when you attack let us know," Whitebeard instructed.

"I'll call you again when we reach the shores of Tottoland," I promised.

With that, we kept going towards Tottoland, which was slowly getting bigger and bigger in the distance. I had my Observation haki working overtime as I began sensing for any disturbing presence that was closing in on us.

Sure enough, there was.

It had come directly from Tottoland, almost as if they had sensed us the same way that I had sensed them.

Judging from the speed that the presence was closing in, I had to assume that it was either Kaidou or Shiki that was going to be attacking. Granted, Linlin could fly as well, but I don't think that she would have been comfortable leaving the island while knowing that Whitebeard was somewhere around there.

Soon enough, I was able to accurately deduce who it was that was making their way here. 

Sure enough, it was Kaidou. 

His large draconic form slowly emerged from the heavens as he looked down upon our small ship.

"Boris, it's been a while....Wororororororororororo!!!!"

"Indeed it has, I thought about paying you a visit. I never expected you to show up personally," I replied.

"There's no need for all that courtesy, you already know what I came here to do. So let's not waste any more time!"

I looked at one of the pirates who were petrified at the sight of Kaidou. Slapping him on the back of his head, I immediately began to issue out instructions.

"From now on, you're in charge. Call Whitebeard and let him know that I've already intercepted Kaidou, and you guys can keep sailing towards Tottoland and regroup with the other pirates," I briefly stated before taking off towards the skies. 

I didn't know whether they had a transponder snail or not, but I could only hope that they did as I saw him slowly take out something from their pocket. I quickly followed Kaidou as he made his way to an island that wasn't too far off from where we had met. 

It was easy to guess that he wanted to fight me in peace.

He quickly landed on the ground while he transformed back into his human form.

"Now we can fight in peace!" Kaidou boomed while grabbing his Kanabo.

Sorry for being late.

Let me know what y'all think!!!!

Love y'all!!!!

Leo_DiAngelocreators' thoughts