
Basis Of Trust

We walked to the closest restaurant that we could find. Before we did, though, I paid the cashier a quick visit.

We found a quiet one and immediately found somewhere to sit down. The waitress wasted no time picking up our orders. Though Nico Robin was a bit nervous about taking orders at first, a little push had her ordering quite a bit of food. 

In contrast, I ordered their strongest drink and a plate full of beef. That would be more than enough to tide me over for the rest of the trip. Once Robin had sated her immediate hunger, she finally calmed down and started eating a bit more slowly.

"Mister.... why'd you decide to take me? I don't think I've ever met you before," Nico Robin had asked anxiously. She had seemed to have had that question in mind for quite some time, I could tell, but she just was too scared to ask.

"Your mother and I met each other for the first time a little after you had been born. You were probably no longer older than a newborn at the time," I explained, "we had made a bit of a deal with each other. She'd disclose historical discoveries to us in return, should something bad happen to her. I'd have to take care of you."

"Then...my mom knew she'd die?" Nico Robin asked.

I took a bit of a swig from my cup before landing my eyes on her.

"Archeologists in this world must always have the assumption of death in mind when they start looking into those Poneglyphs," I commented, "she had long prepared for death; it was how she would be dying that she wasn't prepared for. If you understand what I mean."

She still didn't seem to fully understand what I was talking about; maybe it was because she was still a kid. 

'I should have worded that a bit better'

"You'll figure it out when you grow up a bit more," I responded before tearing off a piece of meat and swallowing it whole.

"Okay.." Robin went back to eating and drinking her food. 

It was quiet as we continued enjoying our food. I had been keeping an eye out for the Marines the entire time that I had been in the restaurant. It was more than obvious that they weren't going to pick a fight with me. 


"Just call me Boris," I interrupted.

"You don't hate me, do you?" Nico Robin asked.

It was kind of a stupid question to ask, but when I remembered Nico Robin's past. The abuse she went through with her aunt and all the other shenanigans that she experienced. It was rather obvious that she wasn't used to living with people who actually liked her around.

"I have no reason to hate you or get rid of you," I remarked calmly, "Children should be allowed to bloom in a loving environment. Unless you want to leave on your own volition, I have no intention of getting rid of you."

Nico Robin looked at me with tear-brimmed eyes. It seemed like it was her first time hearing something like that from someone who wasn't her mother. 

We kept eating for some time before we left the restaurant; unlike the clothing store, I made sure to pay the woman. 

Nico Robin's temperament was far from what it was in the future. However, one thing I noticed about her was her ability to trust others. Even as we walked out of the town. She had been smiling a little bit as we walked side by side. The next stop we'd be taking was to an inn.

I wanted her to get some rest before we left the island and went to the Grandline. We found a decent one before paying for a room and settling in. 

The room had two beds, so Robin settled for one. While I went, I rested my head on the other one. I could hear the soft sounds of Nico Robin's snores as she kept on sleeping.

The next day, Robin woke up startled as she started looking around desperately for something. Her anxious eyes finally landed on me before she let out a relieved sigh. 

"You're still here."

"Of course I am; where would I go?"

"I thought you would leave me while I slept," Nico Robin said.

"Not really. Now, let's get some food and be on our way," I replied as I got up from my bed.

I hadn't really slept much during the night. I think it stemmed from the fact that I had spent the majority of my time sleeping on a moving ship. So, sleeping on land didn't appeal much to me in comparison.

We soon settled down on the same restaurant that we had eaten the day before. We ordered the same things that we had eaten as well, and soon enough, we were scarfing down a hearty meal.

It was then that I began to detect quite a bit of Marine ships gathering on the island. Leading them was Zephyr, who a healing Kuzan and some other Rear Admirals had accompanied. The Marine ships that landed on the island soon began to surround the entire island as the Marines made their way towards the inn.

"Robin...are you done eating?" I asked curiously.

"No, almost," Robin said as she drank some milk.

"Just keep eating; I'm going to step outside for a bit; don't set a foot outside, got it?" 

Nico Robin looked uncertain about what I had in mind. I could only lean forward and pat her head.

"They're Marines outside our doorstep. I gotta take care of them before they get too rowdy," I explained.

I got out of my seat before I stepped out of the restaurant. It was there that I met quite the force of Marine soldiers. Zephyr stood out like a sore thumb, along with Kuzan, his glare almost trying to pierce through my skull.

"What is it?" I asked casually. "You mad that Sakazuki died?" 

Zephyr didn't say anything. Instead, the Marine Soldiers accompanying him simply raised their weapons and pointed all of them at me.

It was then that the group of Marines slowly split themselves right in two as a couple of individuals wearing bubble helmets. They were all pretty ugly, but one individual did have a rather handsome appearance compared to the rest.

"So this is the Storm Dragon who had wreaked havoc in Mariejois? He doesn't look like much," one of the World Nobles remarked.

"Finally, Mariejois has been on lockdown since these pieces of trash decided to attack. I can finally have some form of revenge against him. We may not be able to attack that bastard Whitebeard, but we can surely attack him. Right?" Another World Noble remarked as he rubbed his hands grubbily.

"Let's just get this done quickly; I don't want to be here any longer than I should be," A woman remarked as she smacked the head of a slave that she had been riding on.

"Now that we're all here let's just watch the show. I heard the Admiral had fought this guy before and lost. hopefully, he's stronger than he was then," Another one remarked while looking at Zephyr.

"This'll be interesting," Another one remarked.

Let me know what y'all think!!!

Love y'all!!!

Leo_DiAngelocreators' thoughts